Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Thanks for the doggy prayer, Dibnlib!  Funny! Have passed it on to a doggy friend.

    My Friend dropped in, and we made plans to go to the Cinema later in the week. It's been raining and hailing here again, but my OH wasn't put off from going to play 16 holes of golf before they gave up during a deluge and retired to the clubhouse. I've been so cold I've had an 'outdoor' sweater on, and we've had to put on a Dyson fan heater in the conservatory to make it warm enough to sit in, even though we have a c. heating radiator in there.

    Hope the trials go well, OG.  We're much the same over pancakes:  I make the mixture, and my OH tosses the pancakes. He likes them with just sugar, and I like lemon on them, too. He just went out to buy some eggs as I have all the other ingredients in the cupboard.

  • I got very excited when I saw pancakes on the menu after our bowls match this afternoon.  I was then disappointed that they were obviously frozen and warmed either in the oven or the microwave.  They didn't actually taste of anything, and were very dry and stodgy - even the sugar and lemon didn't really help.  Shame.

  • Me again!  Snow was heavy for just half hour this morning and thawed by lunchtime, except in dark corners, and a mainly sunny afternoon continuing quite late.

    Heather – I think it would be good if Callum did clean your drive – he uses it often enough!  What we thought was preferred scooter proved no good for me, but another in the range felt like it was made to measure!   Perfect for my short legs and arms and handles beautifully, so that is ordered and could be delivered next Wednesday.  Pleased you and the two girls enjoyed your sleepover at the weekend!

    Dibnlib – wondering if your friend got there this morning – heard the A9 was closed at Daviot – never can remember if that is north or south of Tomatin.

    Haircuts tomorrow – thankfully here at home.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • North OG... destined for Inverness tomorrow so pleased it wasn’t today :/)

  • Great that you got the scooter ordered, OG!   And it sounds as if it'll be delivered very promptly. 

    We just got around to making and eating our pancakes, I'm not telling how many I had, but it was more than four........

    Sorry yours were disappointing, Pat.

    Heather -- Sounds as if both you and the girls enjoyed your sleepover, what fun.

  • Footnote:  Sis in Law and I were saying that one of the most annoying things about Awful Cousin was that she makes us all have the most unChristian thoughts! We get cross because we waste so much emotional energy on the subject. Boo!

  • What?  Four?  We had two each yesterday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Maybe yours were little ones - but ours weren't the size of the plate as they sometimes are!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!