Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Don't think you should be shovelling any of any depth, bjane! We are lucky and rarely have to, usually we can brush it away. It has to be exceptionally bad for us to get a shovel out. When I was a child and lived in the South of England, I can remember being almost snowed in, and not being able to go to school, a couple of times.

    Awful Cousin has been ringing round to see who will give her a room in September.......   Sis in Law has tried to cry off.....we now wait to see what's going to happen. I told my OH that if she asked to stay here, I didn't mind if he said that I was in too delicate a state, as I'd had a nervous breakdown....

  • Enjoyed your pics, Clare. You do manage some great sightings!

  • Lindybird said:
    Awful Cousin has been ringing round to see who will give her a room in September

    Tell her that Spitzbergen is nice at that time of year.  Alternatively, encourage her to explore the Marianas Trench.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning.  I'm running out of power on this tablet!  -back later!

  • Today's pic:

    "No, it's not Prosecco, but it tastes just as good to me!"

  • Good morning – strange day here!  Seen three weather forecasts, all BBC (national, regional and online) and all say different!  Very dark here right now.  J gone to work (training day) and OH gone to M&S Food and Asda on edge of Carlisle.  I haven’t gone out as I am conserving strength for Scooter trial this afternoon – hoping man brings the right two models for comparison.

    We had our pancakes yesterday because J was here to do them, and he is our best pancake maker – well, he cooks them after we make the batter for him!  We just had plain pancakes, J and I with lemon and sugar and OH with marmalade!   They were excellent and all consistent in texture, colour and shape.  We made our annual statement – “we should do pancakes more often”!

    Dibnlib – pleased you had such a good time with friends – I’m sure they will have enjoyed their stay in Moray.

    BJane – as everyone says, do take care with all that snow – and I hope it warms up for you soon.

    Linda – bad enough that Awful Cousin insists on coming over – but worse to have over six months to “look forward” to it!

    Clare – had no time yet to look at photos, but the samples are good!  Especially admiring the Hawfinch.

    Annette – car is metallic “Business Grey” – suits the executive styling.   It’s rather a posh car for us, but OH will enjoy driving it.

    Now I shall get on with the “me” things I have planned for this morning – had a good night, so plenty of energy!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Now know which forecast was right - so far!  Gentle rain/sleet shower has turned to snow - settling on road despite being wet from earlier rain.  Need more traffic to clear it (we don't often get gritted despite being on the route for the town circular bus).  Sky going even darker - yukk!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Snow on outskirts of town/higher ground but only a skiff here.

    PatO - Thank you for sharing your experiences. To my shame I know only the basic stuff about Cambodia and Pol Pot etc. You have made me curious to find out more.

    ANNETTE - Good that you've only got the rose pruning to do. I see more 'weeds' daily, suspect that they are connected with the moss on driveway. I think that Callum is spreading stuff around when he uses the pressure washer. I will have to have words. I'm hoping to get a really strong moss killing solution this year and do what I suspect OH used to do - use a wire/stiff broom to get rid of the dead and dying moss. One lives and learns! perhaps I should get Callum to do the hard work!

    OG - Fingers crossed the correct scooters arrive. Like the sound of an executive car!

    DIBNLIB - How lovely to meet up with friends that you haven't seen for ages and a new person for you to meet, if I read correctly!

    BJane - I'm also relieved that you don't have to clear 12 inches of the white stuff. Stay safe.

    LINDY - Oh dear oh dear oh dear..... You may not have to feign a nervous breakdown, it may arrive if the dreaded visitor arrives. I wonder if she realises what a pain in the neck she is? Probably not.

    I enjoyed having the granddaughters at the weekend. They spent a lot of the time sitting in front of the fire in the sitting room, watching unlimited TV (not permitted at home!). When daughter arrived on Sunday she started asking Mia what they had been snacking on. Mia said that her understanding was that she had a 'free pass' for food when at my house! To be fair, daughter had told them previously that they were at Nana's house so they could have more snacks :-) Mia is as skinny as a rake with an enormous appetite.

    CLARE - I haven't yet looked at your pics, will do so this afternoon. Thank you for sending them!

    Trying to decide between plaice and chips or smoked salmon with a dill and mustard dressing, to have for my meal. My taste buds have to be whetted before I can decide what to eat as I have a pathetically poor appetite.  Mia (see above) certainly hasn't inherited her enthusiasm for food from me.

  • LINDY   I guess the breakdown is in anticipation of visit.   

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  • HEATHER   My Oh didn't even work with the guy we met on Sun and Mon. They were doing different air traffic jobs at RAF Shawbury and overlapped at the base very briefly. Neither of us knew his wife. It was so good that we got on really well from the word go.  Not surprising really as  we had the RAF in common and as ATC is a very small branch in the RAF we all knew lots of the same people.    Hoping a friend my pop in soon, after her physio appt but not sure as she lives at Tomatin and  it is much higher than us, she may not want to risk the snowy driving conditions.