Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Masked Boobies with Chick
Tern Island at Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • OG- like the sound of your menu, also! I had lamb from the freezer but was very disappointed with it. Mint sauce helped!

  • Heather - will sort out next week.

  • aquilareen said:
    Our heatwave will continue for another week. Bleah.. Max temp a mere 39 C yesterday but the house is now so hot & does not cool overnight. Sleeping difficult. A/c is working hard all day. As OG said it is easier to get warm than get cool. I can’t take off any more clothes and remain decent! Fingers crossed that no power outages.

    You've made me wonder how Pat is getting on in Cambodia!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Another unpleasant broken-sleep night. Lightning flashing in distance during evening, woken 12.30 am by tremendous flashes & crashes, these overhead. Hardly any rain. Slight relief today, a “warm” 30 C with high humidity. Please chatter more about snow & ice.

  • Clare – Good morning! Pat would be having low 30s with high humidity. The weather that I find most draining. Some people love it.

  • I love the sunshine, but do wilt when it's above, say,  28 deg.  My OH seems to be able to stand anything, as long as he's got a hat on to stop his brains boiling! We have had two "hot" holidays, one in Minorca when I had to sleep out on the balcony with a damp towel on my head, and one in Gran Canaria when I ended up seeing a doctor with an infection, as I dehydrated. Neither of these were above 35 deg. but seemed hot at the time, as we didn't have air conditioned bedrooms......

    Been cooking another large batch of chicken dinners: this time in mushroom sauce. (Out of a jar, as I'm too lazy to lark about with thousands of mushrooms).  Then, after it cooled, we didn't fancy any and had a mug of soup, so I've frozen four dinners for future use. Rang up our errant Eldest, who seems to have forgotten our existence, and spoke to Amber who is excited about taking up gymnastic lessons.

    Was pleased to hear this week about the new progress in the detection of cancer- what a wonderful thing it will be. We do seem to be hearing about new medical breakthroughs quite regularly these days, something we've all been hoping for in modern times, but which are only possible with a lot of investment and dedication.

  • Good morning, all!  Limpy and I went to Minsmere yesterday - I'm now going through my photos but I thought this bird deserved a thread of its own:

    Click on him to see a few more.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry here, and it's supposed to be warming up after the recent long cold spell.

    Off to look at your pics in a minute, Clare.  Hope that Annette is enjoying time with her daughter this week.

  • Today's pic:

    "What did you say?"

  • Clare - I think that swans are a bit like Jumbo Jets, you're convinced they're not going to be able to get off the ground! Nice pics.