Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2018


The New Moon (the dark moon) is the night of 16 January/morning of 17 January.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Meadowlark
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • OH was called for jury service. She pointed out that her wheels don't go up steps. Removed from list! Now we are both too old for being called up.

  • It's certainly a bit of a lottery: some friends have been called, but spent the whole of their allocated time in a waiting room, in case they were needed. Others have sat through interminable boring fraud cases, whilst their workplaces have struggled through without them. Thankfully, although I always thought it might be interesting, neither I nor my OH have never been called upon.

    I've had reason to be exasperated by various relatives, today, including my stupid brother who doesn't get any wiser with age.......Grr!

  • An upper age limit for jury duty? What - do they think older people are too befuddled to make an informed decision? Sounds more than a little ageist.  I was picking up bird food today and there was another customer - a lady - who owns a riding stable was wailing about the problems she has finding conscientious workers among the many millennials applying for the job of stable hand: They've ridden horses since they were toddlers, but when it comes to mucking out a stall....?  Um. They need the job but don't want to work the hours specified - and oh wait - there's a text/call from a friend they can stop work to answer because where else is their smart phone but glued to their ears.

    bjane: Definitely plan to be around!  :-)  We have to call in or log onto the website each evening after 5:30 to find out if we have to go in the next day.  If we're called in, we have to stay the whole day, but then we're released after one day of no further need. ( Fortunately, the courthouse is spectacular with gorgeous gardens and some nice restaurants/coffee shops nearby.) I think the fire and mudslide in Montecito and the closure of the main highway into town must've put a real crimp in the system what with so many judges/lawyers who live in that area, not to mention common and garden witnesses who can't get into town to testify.  The trains are sold out and jammed solid with standing room only, and the two whale watching boats are still providing ferry service.  Daughter was planning to drive here from Prescott Valley this Sunday, but we've dumped that idea and she's flying instead. They're hoping to have the freeway open Monday evening.

  • Annette --  I'm behind you in the queue to enter Denmark.  It's always sounded very sensible a place, to me. We have made friends with a lovely couple from there, who we meet every Spring when in the Canaries. They are delightful, and seem to have a great life there.

  • Lindybird: Sorry about difficult relatives. They seem to be everywhere!  :-)

  • Unknown said:

    There's been a lot of talk on this thread about "bad" weather be it too hot or too cold. It's not all doom and gloom though. You should take a look at Bob Telford's thread  "A walk in the snow". He lives in NE England and it's absolutely beautiful.

    That is indeed beautiful - but it's the kind of beautiful I like to look at from inside, with a nice hot fire burning in a traditional fireplace.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG, Annette- I guess here in the US they wouldn't dare put an age limit on most anything. We are much too belligerent when it comes to possible discrimination.....I got called in and they put a movie on for us to watch and just when it got interesting they came in and told us there was a plea agreement and we were not needed. That ended our stint for another two years. They pay us $30 a day even if we were only there for an hour. Annette-yes I plan on being around for quite awhile. I have too many things to do......

    Our courthouse is very dark and dingy, though it did go through a terrible flood in 2008. It's on an island in the middle of our river.

  • Annette: I for one am glad that we have an upper age limit. I may not be befuddled yet but have no wish to do it now with other related problems!

    We have finally been to see younger SD's cottage. We may be the nearest of the family but our problems are different. It is indeed quirky which is what she wanted but I have to say that in her circumstances I think I would have been tempted. At the price she is one lucky lady!

    ps have other people noticed that the twirly wheel makes haphazard appearances. Its frustrating waiting to see if things are being posted. Just to be awkward it is now working again. Modern technology!!!

  • ForestBoar said:
    I for one am glad that we have an upper age limit. I may not be befuddled yet but have no wish to do it now with other related problems!

    I'd be happy to do it if I was mentally and physically able.  My mother would have fitted both descriptions well past her 70th birthday.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare: Wow! If it follows in the family you have a long life ahead!