Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2018


The New Moon (the dark moon) is the night of 16 January/morning of 17 January.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Meadowlark
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Sounds like a sensible move, Heather - Hope you don't get blown away!

    AQ  -  As usual, you're suffering the opposite extreme at this time of year.  If only it would all level out!!

    I'm doing a little housework and laundry, then off out to lunch with Friend. My OH has gone to golf, although how they can say its a pleasure in this wind and rain is beyond me!

  • ForestBoar said:

    Looking forward to a drive to Cheltenham hospital directly into a low sun - NOT!!!!

    How horrible - I hate it when the low winter sun gets in my eyes.  Safe journey.

  • Thinking of you FORESTBOAR - safe journey.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Safe journey from me as well, FORESTBOAR. I didn't know that it was possible to control all those things with WiFi!! I learn something every day. Hold on - the last time that a man came to look at my boiler, he showed me an app on his phone which enabled him to switch his own heating on and off remotely. Usually off, he said, because his wife had a habit of going out and leaving the house roasting hot!

    AQ - I'm sending you some cooler weather. A book and aircon sounds just about right.

    My hairdresser's baby is due in 13 days time. She looks great and feels good. Considering that she is in her forties I think that she is a star! I had my fifth ( and last) when I was thirty five and stopped work at least six weeks before.

    I'm glad that I gat a taxi to town this morning. The council made a token effort to sand  the pavements around here but it wasn't very effective. The taxi driver told me that some areas were worse than mine. Anyway, in the town itself, everything was good. Shops very quiet, which was a bonus.

    LINDY - enjoy your lunch! As I said before, your OH is a typical farmer. Mine couldn't stand being inside, either.

    Hope that everyone is OK and that ANNETTE hasn't overdone the gardening.

  • Well we arrived at the hospital 2 minutes before the appointment courtesy of a slow vehicle that pulled out in front of us in the Forest. Younger SD was waiting and took OH in while I closed up the car. I found a seat and waited for about 2 mins before OH was called in. 5 mins later she was ready to go. The tumour is now a quarter of the last size. Next appointment is six months time and likely six months regular monitoring probably for life. NO chemo!!!!! Our fingers crossed seems to have worked. A huge load of stress has been lifted from us.

  • Wonderful news, F-B!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just fantastic news and what a great relief for you, FORESTBOAR!

  • ForestBoar said:

    Well we arrived at the hospital 2 minutes before the appointment courtesy of a slow vehicle that pulled out in front of us in the Forest. Younger SD was waiting and took OH in while I closed up the car. I found a seat and waited for about 2 mins before OH was called in. 5 mins later she was ready to go. The tumour is now a quarter of the last size. Next appointment is six months time and likely six months regular monitoring probably for life. NO chemo!!!!! Our fingers crossed seems to have worked. A huge load of stress has been lifted from us.

    So utterly pleased for you all!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • What a great bit of news, ForestBoar!! - so glad for you all.

  • Went to Bents Garden Centre with my Friend - the trip there was somewhat daunting, as the roads were flooded in some of the countryside places we went through. We dashed inside through a heavy shower, and went for lunch straightaway. We both had the thick spicy lentil soup - it comes with crusty bread and croutons. I said "This looks thick enough to stand my spoon up in!" So we both had a go, and we could!!!

    After lunch, we explored the huge shop. There was the remains of the Sale still on, so I bought a pretty apron for my granddaughter, and Friend bought two lovely table runners. Later, she found some reduced Christmas cards, and I spied some furry cuddly reindeer, so one of those went into the basket too.

    We both bought bargain packs of meat in the super butchers there, then had a sit down and another cuppa before driving home through even bigger puddles and pouring rain.