Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2018


The New Moon (the dark moon) is the night of 16 January/morning of 17 January.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Meadowlark
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Diane --  Thanks for thinking of us.  There have been a lot of news stories about various strains of flu, here, including the Aussie flu mentioned by OG. Some outbreaks have made elderly people extremely ill, and in one sad case, a young girl died. But we can't do much about it except avoid crowded places, and have our jabs - my OH and I have both had this.

    When Friend and I went to the cinema the other day, we discussed it but when we got there, there were only 20 people in there, and we had a whole row of seats to ourselves! 

    My OH looked sorry for himself, but has still gone off to a golf game, in the showery rain!

  • Probably all three!

    They only have a narrow driveway and my vacuum cleaner has more attachments!
    Unknown said:

    Evening all:

    Diane: Thank you for the cheery Meadowlark - and such a chirpy collection of calls.

    AQ: Sorry about missing outing with friend.  No pastries for either of you by the sounds of it.

    PatO: I'm sure I've missed you, but hope you have a WONDERFUL time. (If it's any consolation, I'm  not at my happiest when flying!).  As to movies, there will be so many to choose from on the 'planes' "video system, you'll probably spend the whole fllight just looking at the options.   As for movies, my OH and I went to see The Darkest Hour yesterday - it was excellently acted (not sure how much was invented to speed things along though).   Not a big scifi fan myself. although I did like Close Encounters when it came out. Not sure I'd watch it again now.  I liked The Lives of Others, about the Stasi's surveillance of a writer and his partner in East Germany.  Also liked Death at a Funeral - hysterically funny!  And lots of others - if only I could remember them.  

    OG: Glad you had such a nice visit with Miriam - they do wear you out, but in the nicest possible way.

    Lindybird: Love the Tatton Park photos.  When I was in the UK, saw many deer as we drove through Woburn Abbey - couldn't get  over the size of some of those anntlers.

    Heather: I love it that Callum comes to your house to clean his car - do you have a very long hose or a large driveway or do you provide treats!  :-)

    I'm a bit worried about our frog.  We haven't heard a single croak since the storm......

  • Hope that OG enjoys her day out and gets her seed potatoes.

    LINDY - one or two of the double glazed panes here are also going funny. I'm ignoring them until they annoy me more than they are at the moment!

    AQ - hope that you and your friend get your day out soon but also pleased that you did the tour of the churches.

    I have been thinking about the glass recycling (again!) There were lots of jars of things that I used to make myself. Apple sauce, mint sauce, pickled onions, jam etc. Used to do all that as well as looking after the family and several days a week at the hospital. Now I have the time but not the inclination. I'd rather read a book. What happened?

    Turn your eyes away now, OG - last week I was exploring the further reaches of the Harry Potter cupboard (under the stairs). It is L shaped and I was quite confident that everything at that end was organised. I found a box, inside were a few jars of home made Spiced plum chutney labelled 2002.....

    Just had a phone call from my brother. He is fed up with the weather, they are having a particularly wet and windy winter over there. Here, it has been raining and we may get some snow tomorrow.

    Haven't seen DIBNLIB here for a while. Hope that they are OK.

  • DIANE- I had the same concerns when LINDY described her OHs symptoms. It is good to know that your professional knowledge is available to us here. Thank you.

  • By the way, my OH returned home late morning, and said that they managed to play 15 holes! It was very wet all morning but they battled on. He was not too wet, as they wear extensive special waterproofs over their clothes, but they ended up drinking coffees in the clubhouse.  He had a quick lunch and then went off to his sisters to cut up an old sofa bed and take its remains to the Tip for her.  Never sits still for long!

    He seems OK to me now, although he does have "the snuffles" so I guess he will be alright!

  • Lindybird said:

    By the way, my OH returned home late morning, and said that they managed to play 15 holes! It was very wet all morning but they battled on. He was not too wet, as they wear extensive special waterproofs over their clothes, but they ended up drinking coffees in the clubhouse.  He had a quick lunch and then went off to his sisters to cut up an old sofa bed and take its remains to the Tip for her.  Never sits still for long!

    He seems OK to me now, although he does have "the snuffles" so I guess he will be alright!

    That's good to know.  As long as it doesn't go beyond sniffling!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDY- It takes a lot to put an old farmer out to grass xxx My old boy chose not to take on the family farm but he had all the countryman drive and energy and work ethic right up to 85 :-)

  • They're a rare breed, Heather!

    Yesterday, on his Sunday day of Rest, he washed both cars before we went out to lunch.  

  • Had a good day, and only got caught in one shower (as we left M&S, leading to J quipping "not just any shower, it was an M&S shower").  Yes, HEATHER, we did get the seed potatoes, as well as having a good lunch (sandwiches with very fresh salad), finding everything on our lists for M&S and Asda, and then coffee and cake at the OTB.  I enjoyed the freedom of my scooter in Asda.  I also walked about a bit, used my wheelchair in M&S where the aisles are narrower and got in and out of the car too many times - now very tired.  Sun shone frequently, and Starlings were collecting and beginning their murmurations as we drove home; sunset is noticeably getting later!

    Looks like we shall have no problem staying at home for cleaning day tomorrow - under four weather warnings right now: snow, ice, next snow, wind!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good to hear that you had a good day, OG. It's been horrible here, too, weather wise, with only a couple of breaks between showers. But see that you managed some sunshine! 

    Saw the predicted snow and windy conditions, hope you can ride out the storms!!