Diane: I suspect your poor fingers are frozen solid, so started the new thread.  :-)  Do hope your friendly neighborhood critters show up when the temperatures rise.

Check back for lovely pic of Kingfisher (and more) from Clare; Lindybird's Second Christmas and updates on cruises; OG's plans to attend a masked ball - and more!

I drove all over the local neighborhood today: Library; hardware store; charity shop; Bed, Bath and Beyond (looking for towels); Habitat for Humanity's ReStore warehouse; University's hazardous waste center; County electronic recycling center; pet shop, beauty supply shop; and two supermarkets!  Phew!

  • A few years ago, I seem to remember, wearing odd earrings was supposed to be very trendy ... just mentioning it!

    Hope everyone is keeping warm.  Down south we have a biting wind - you know, that lazy wind that doesn't bother to go round you, just cuts straight through you!  And I'm trying to pack for temperatures in the low 30s ... my brain can't compute.

  • I did think about the odd earrings trend, Pat! - although I try to be reasonably fashionable, maybe my family would think I'd really gone too far! I know what it's like to try and pack for warm temps whilst it's freezing, as we often take hols when it's wintry. Once I went to the airport in a big warm coat which I didn't need when I got there, of course!

    I'm pleased to see you're thinking about changing the light fittings, Heather: and I know what you mean about spending, as we are a real Jack Sprat & his wife here, my OH watches every penny! 

    Off now to look at Clares pics now that I finally have time.

  • Good evening everyone. I an trying to get ready for our cruise, which leaves on Wednesday.  Several things to be sorted out here, before we go.

    Packing is difficult, as we gradually get into warmer waters. We also need the formal wear. I managed to get some sales bargains, I am glad to say.

    So far, seven pairs of shoes, including the ones I will be wearing. I never thought I would need that many, but different occasions require them. I think I have rivalled Lindy!

    Thank you for the info about Neptune's Ball, Diane. We do actually cross the equator. I hadn't thought of that.

    Sorry you have not been well, Lindy. Glad you are feeling better now.

    Heather, if something breaks, it is probably time to replace it. Nothing lasts for ever. Hope you can enjoy choosing something new.

    Annette, what caused your spring cleaning urge? Or did you just feel like sorting things? Sorting out your OH's Mom's boxes must be challenging .It would be good to find some treasure in there.

    Happy holidays, Pat.

    Also off to see Clare's pics.

  • Clare, I only just got around to looking at your latest pics. Loved the back view of the pretty Brambling, with such clever markings. What a super day out you had.

    Rosy -- Have  a wonderful cruise, I'm sure you will enjoy yourself and then return with some memories to cherish. (You can't take too many shoes, LOL!!)

    Harelady - Glad you enjoyed your long walk.

  • Rosy: Do have a lovely time on the cruise.  Where are you going?   I've been exasperated by boxes of stuff and more stuff for ages and decided this is it! I've set a folding table up in my room and am separating his Mom's stuff into less formidable piles. Treasures would be nice!  :-))

    Heather: How's Amy doing?

    OG: We've got a new wing on our local hospital - it's more like a luxury resort with "pavilions" and "suites." My friend was in there just before Christmas and her daughter and I were wondering just how much it cost and where the money might have been better used.....

    Lindybird: Hope you're feeling better too.  Did you earring get caught up in the sweater when you took it off maybe?

    Harelady: Sounds like a nice walk.  How are the grandbabies (Luna and....???) doing?

  • Good Morning, All.  Dark and very cold here.

    Well done on getting on with the clearing out, Annette.  I must say that I feel like turning out every cupboard and having a good sort out, myself. I knew I'd lost the earring when I saw the back of it on the bathroom floor - my theory was immediately that it had come off when I yanked the sweater over my head, in the bedroom, and possibly the back of the earring fell down into my vest, but then appeared on the floor later! All very Sherlock Holmes, but still no earring sadly...there is of course the possibility that it's gone down the loo!

    I still have some paperwork which was my parents - it's hard to jettison some of it but don't know what good it is to anyone. Feeling much better now thank you, after my stomach upset, must have eaten something.

  • Today's pic:

    "What?  - are we missing something?"

  • Annette - Luna will be 9 months tomorrow and James (Jimby!) will be 8 months on the 23rd. Luna's big Sister - Seraphina -  is now 6 and is losing teeth at an alarming rate lets hope the adult ones appear just as quickly. They have all been such a comfort and joy over the last year to us all.

    Not so cold here today - I seem to have lots of friends and family going down with what I assume is the Aussie flu - one has developed pneumonia on top.

    All stay well folks!

  • Good morning, all.  I was on duty at Minsmere yesterday - click on this adorable coal tit to see a few more photos:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Another lovely set of pics, Clare.

    It's darned cold here, I'm wearing a sweater which I keep for going outdoors in the frost!