Diane: I suspect your poor fingers are frozen solid, so started the new thread.  :-)  Do hope your friendly neighborhood critters show up when the temperatures rise.

Check back for lovely pic of Kingfisher (and more) from Clare; Lindybird's Second Christmas and updates on cruises; OG's plans to attend a masked ball - and more!

I drove all over the local neighborhood today: Library; hardware store; charity shop; Bed, Bath and Beyond (looking for towels); Habitat for Humanity's ReStore warehouse; University's hazardous waste center; County electronic recycling center; pet shop, beauty supply shop; and two supermarkets!  Phew!

  • Hello! -- testing, testing....

  • Receiving you loud and clear !!

  • Could not write on here at all, this morning.  Very frustrating. After 3 hours of trying to post, I gave up as I had to go out.

    Dry here, but chilly. I've been off out to do half a dozen things I didn't get round to yesterday. Got my new glasses adjusted, as when I bought them before Christmas, they felt so light on my face that I didn't realise they were too loose. Bought a woolly waistcoat to wear over things in this cold weather, so I've got even more layers to wear in the winter!

    Now, what was I trying to write this morning.....

    Diane, that's such great news about your R.T. Hawk - and possibly, his mate, too, I hope. I love the way he talks to you, you're really in touch with nature!!

    All of us in the UK are devastated and bitterly disappointed that your President won't be coming a' visiting. Never mind, perhaps we will cope without him.

  • Heather B said:

    Receiving you loud and clear !!

    LOL, Heather!  --  I began to think that I would not get onto the threads today!

    Seriously, though, I'm glad you've been able to get your mindset back on track again. Sometimes things can upset us, out of the blue, and it's hard to be rational. You are doing so well, getting on with your life, but you mustn't beat yourself up over maybe an hour or two of introspection. {{HUGS}}


    I did enjoy seeing my Friend, but have been worried about her as she looks more frail now, after years of being quite a robust person. We have both lost other friends, both to moving away and to their distancing themselves from us. Years ago we had quite a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, but for one reason and another, we lost track of many of them.

  • LINDY- your friend is lucky to have you. It is a fact that as years go by, some friendships are lost, for who knows what reason. Maybe it makes enduring friendships all the more precious.

  • Morning all:

    Diane: Great that you and RTH have connected - always so nice to see the continuity in nature.  Will be watching the launch again today - hope they make it this time!

    Clare: Must agree your pix really have got so much sharper and creative over the last year.  18 very respectable!! Congrats to you and Limpy with his perfect 20. (Which pix earned those high points?)  

    Lindybird/Clare:  I suspect Mr. T realized there would be big demonstrations during his visit; besides, he'd much rather spend his time holed up in his room with snacks and two TVs.  What I'm wondering is how Harry is going to avoid inviting him to the wedding, especially when it seems likely Obama will be invited.

    Heather:  Huh.  So even though daughter's sick days were below the "threshold" she was still called in?  Supervisor probably told the offenders that she was talking to everyone about the problem (in order to avoid being unpopular with that particular group).  Ah, the muddled ways of management....   I expect those down times you experience are normal and unavoidable to some extent but will likely diminish over time.  Don't hesitate to call family/e-mail friends, etc., if it happens again.  Meanwhile, re the sorting out, hope you've got a good shredder in the house!  And Spring is just around the corner!

    Off to Tai Chi class.....

  • Have just mopped the kitchen floor, which made me feel much better! I had all kinds of plans to get tidying around here, but keep being interrupted by having to keep up with the usual chores ......  soo boring!

    My OH went off to see his sister, and heard about a childhood friend who is now seriously ill. Sad. Sis in Law is busily chucking out whole suites of furniture, ready for her move, she is still excited. I sent some large cardboard boxes and bubble wrap for her to get started on her precious bits, before the removal men come in a week or two to help with the main packing. The house she is buying has some furniture in it, being left by the owner, so she will not need all of her stuff and can sell some of it. 

    It's only just gone dark here, so it's later now already, Yay!!!

  • Heather B said:

    LINDY- your friend is lucky to have you. It is a fact that as years go by, some friendships are lost, for who knows what reason. Maybe it makes enduring friendships all the more precious.

    That's true, those friendships which last for years are precious indeed. My Friend and I have supported each other through many things, including her cheering me up through tough times, and me supporting her through many bouts of illness. We know more about each other than anyone does, including our spouses!!

  • Hi, all. These just made me laugh out loud, so I thought I'd put them here. I thought Clare would like the first one. It's a real corvid. 

    34-second Video 1 HERE

    39-second Video 2 HERE

    Annette: I keep forgetting to tell you that I loved that video you posted of the dog who liked to go sledding. 

  • Clare: I also thought your little bird that you posted was so pretty. Your cockatiel.