Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 November 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

American Bison
Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Here's today's pic:

    Cuter than cute......

  • Good morning - hastily reading but then moving on to an online order before computer gets covered up for painting the window frame.  Cool and misty here this morning - a damp feel that gets into the old bones!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Half way through our week in Cornwall with younger sd. The property beats our Cairngorm one. Trip down here went well. I have finally achieved a lifelong(ish) wish to see the Eden Project and the Lost Gardens of Heligan, both visits well worthwhile. No pics this time as this was a trial for further trips if this one worked. Weather has generally been on our side. We are located 15 minutes from Truro and all the things we want to see/go to are within half an hour.

    On another subject, older sd commenced chemo yesterday so we wait and hope.

  • Painting delayed again - due to (1) another health issue for me, with telephone consultation with GP and (2) another energy supplier argument for him (still unresolved).

    FBOAR - glad the Cornwall experiment is so successful!  Enjoy the remainder of your week.  Hope older sd treatment goes well - when does your OH start hers?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG: she has an anaesthetist appoint on 30 Nov then the operation. Because of the type of cancer it is possible she may not need any but be on tablets for the rest of her life. At the moment it is one step at a time.

    Visited Truro today. Excellent Park and Ride thank goodness as we discovered that no way was I driving in the city! Cathedral is beautiful and we discovered it is only Victorian.

  • Good to hear from you, ForestBoar, and that the holiday is going so well.  I'm green with envy as they are both places on my wishlist!! Hope that things go smoothly for your s.daughter.

    OG --  Don't like to hear that you have another health issue.  Hope the GP can sort you out. And its frustrating to get decorating delayed, it just seems to take so much longer when that happens. At least you'll be all done, plus new carpeting, by Ch******as :-)

    Got my hair cut this morning, and everyone in the hairdressers, including the staff, were sneezing and coughing.  As I'm still trying to shake my cold off, I was not thrilled and don't want to catch another! This afternoon, we went out to our favourite garden centre, treated ourselves to an almond slice (yum!) and a cup of tea, and looked at dog collars as Bonnie has nearly worn hers out.  Have had a frustrating time in the last few weeks, looking for a particular colour which matched her fur and seems to be discontinued now. Settled on a smart black collar instead, plus a plastic bowl for water to keep in the new car in case she is ever travelling in it. Also found some novelty glasses to put into Tomasz's stocking - I do a small stocking with small gifts every year for each child.

  • FB  -  You came on whilst I was writing. I have been told that Truro has a beautiful cathedral, but I've never been to see it. I will be thinking of you all over these latest health matters.

  • More of our trip around Lisbon:

    We followed a street, and found we were looking at the famous archway: The Rua  Augusta  Arch, which was built to celebrate the new city after rebuilding following the earthquake.  There are various historical figures on it. 

    Pretty impressive!!

    Its even better from the other side, where its flanked by the two buildings.  But we were by then pushed for time, so could not walk all the way down to see:  we were worried about missing our coach which would be waiting.

    Went back through the streets, where a lot of people were enjoying a leisurely lunch.

    Back beside the Square, where we were to be picked up again.

  • Well, used some afternoon time to start on December Newsletter, although I am not rushing it through and they won't get it until Sunday 3rd of that month instead of the week before.

    FB - surprised you are able to use Park & Ride - that is really good!  Thanks for update on your OH - I think you may have mentioned before and I didn't take it in properly!

    LINDA - nothing major healthwise, just another little extra!  Carpet date is 28th, so still time to complete painting jobs!  Hope you didn't pick up any new coughs and sneezes at the hairdresser - hope it's the same local bug which you already had, so you will have some immunity.  S**'s Law says you will find the correct colour of dog collar when you stop searching!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Well winter tyres fitted ...

    I get a half price deal at my local Vauxhall garage..

    Cheekily asked if they had a pressure washer ( knowing full they did) so car looking good. If you don’t ask you don’t get :-))

    Still adjusting Daisy’s new food protein seems to be of better value than Burns so less kibble but more fresh veg..