Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 November 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

American Bison
Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good  Morning. When I awoke the sun was just a pink edge to the clouds I can see out of my window - since then, it's crept brighter and brighter, and now is streaming in the window. It's been quite a frosty night.

    AQ - Those books sound ideal. Seems like only a few weeks ago that you had the last C. pageant.

  • Today's pic:

    Have had this one stored for ages, but can't remember ever putting it on here, maybe I have.....

  • LINDA - pleased to see Bonnie has stopped coughing at last.

    Shelf unit which was moved into dining room temporarily brings craft items closer to others, so hopefully I can make some birthday cards - C. cards are on hold with a few trimmings awaited.  Busy day for OH , with shopping preceding housework and painting.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I'm also pleased about Bonnie, LINDA. I meant to reply to posts earlier - no excuse, haven't been overly busy the last couple of days, just lazy!

    It has been wet cold and windy here for most of this week. I have had cabin fever but did get to Tesco yesterday.

    Had the usual panicked phone call from son, this morning - 'Mum, I forgot it is your birthday tomorrow but something nice is on its way and will probably arrive on Monday'. I think he is more concerned about this than I am! The daughters and families are coming tomorrow to cook me a special meal which will be super - home made Chinese food (my request). I've sampled some of the dishes before and they are fabulous. The other option was going to a restaurant but with eleven of us it would not only be very expensive but inevitably, we couldn't communicate as well as when here at home (can't shout down length of the table in a restaurant).

    Just noticed the time - haven't even been in shower yet.

  • Sounds like a wonderful idea for your birthday meal, Heather. You can all be relaxed!

    Strange weather here, it's been bright some of the time but it's tried to drizzle occasionally.  Spent ages online, trying to sort out our flights for our hols next March (!)  -- -- because Monarch Airlines have gone bust, the other airlines have all put up their prices, consequently it's going to cost us about 150 pounds more this year for exactly the same journey we always make. Bah!

    Now looking online for some books for the grandchildren. Will try and come on here again later, with some more pics.

  • It does sound a lovely idea for your birthday meal, Heather.

    You are obviously a family of talented cooks. Please let us know the menu afterwards - and if there are any leftovers.

  • Will do, ROSY !!

    That is a pity, LINDY. Monarch used to be a good price and good on board service.

  • Actually, we havn't used Monarch for a long time, Heather.  But we found that because they've stopped, all the other airlines have taken advantage of the fact that there are not many flights to Fuerteventura, to put up their prices because of demand.

    Just spent a small fortune on Christmas books and etc. for the family.....

    I need a cup of tea!!

  • PS ROSY- Some of my family are indeed very good and enthusiastic cooks, my son did all the catering for my stepdaughter' s wedding. They didn't inherit it from me, I'm just a very ordinary home cook. Any successes I have are just down to years of learning from mistakes:-)

  • Quite a productive day, at the same time quite relaxed.

    HEATHER - have a lovely day tomorrow with the family there and making a lovely meal to enjoy together.  Happy Birthday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!