Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 July 2017


I hope everyone has a relaxing, joyful week!

I'll try to do some replies soon.

Jackrabbit, Arizona USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thank you Diane for another cheery start. I hope you have settled back with all your critters and have just enough work to keep you from mischief!


    Heather – You can’t live other people’s lives if they want to be difficult. Try not to fret too much.


    Our suburb missed to worst of the wind yesterday. However a burst water main (yet another) has flooded the nearby sports field. The next soccer match will need flippers. The seagulls were having a great time this morn. Here is a portion of a church window featuring Love. Sorry, I can only identify the koala, rabbit & kookaburra.


  • Diane: Thank you!! Last night I watched Desert Dreams: Celebrating Five Seasons in the Sonoran Desert, a photo record (accompanied by Native American flute music but no human narration) of a year in the life of the flora and fauna of that area. The "five" seasons refer to summer, which they divided into summer dry and summer wet (the latter being the monsoon season that starts in July).  Wonderful photography.  It should be online if you get a chance. My AZ family is experiencing the monsoon season right now, with lots of rolling thunder and lightning.  Anyway, Jackrabbits showed up in the program, and I often see them bounding across the road in front of my car on my drives to Prescott Valley.

    AQ: Well, glad somebody had a good birthday!   Oh my, now those are creatures we don't see in traditional stained glass windows.

    Lindybird: The betting is that foul-mouthed Scaramucci will last until Trump realizes he's being upstaged by his new hire.  Someone called him "Trump's mini-me." I'm just waiting for the "inside Trump's White House" memoirs to start rolling out. :-O!  )   We have a cousin who has a reputation for "outperforming" even immediate family members at any funeral she attends.  I'm assuming she's just much more vulnerable in that respect than most other people.

    Heather: Here's hoping everyone will calm down and behave appropriately at funeral events. And if they don't, just pour yourself another glass of wine and let them get on with it....as Lindybird says, you aren't responsible for their actions.   Nonstop visitors at your house I see - you must provide wonderful service!  :-)

    OG: Not surprised that you get to hear more news about family from granddaughter than daughter. Sounds more or less normal.   Is that a Post-graduate Certificate in - what? not Engineering I imagine? I forgot the name of that flower - Chocolate Cosmos - but it was certainly familiar - and yes, it really does smell like chocolate.  We have brick and concrete and hard water, so lots of circles and stains if we don't use saucers

    Lynette: Are you going to just one place in Germany or traveling around?  Hope the weather is good.

    Thinking of Harelady and hoping everyone has a good Sunday..

  • Good Morning, All. Thank You to Diane for starting us off so prettily, with the lovely jackrabbit.

    Annette - When Trump's term of office is over (one day......) there will be a rash of books describing "the true inside story" and I expect they will be truly horrific reading......

    I thought that was chocolate cosmos, OG - lovely. Like your colourful daisies, too. We are replanting a flowerbed and I'm tempted to get some of those.

    Thanks for the pretty pic of the window, AQ. So nicely done. I want those shoes, too!

    Dry here, with a mixed day forecast, but we hope to get out for a walk this morning.

  • Ps -- Don't tell my OH but I bought some shoes in a sale the other day, and have a further pair on order. I keep them in several different places in the house so that he can't count them!

  • Another Sunday - they seem to come round faster and faster. Just getting ready to go to Church and then we are meeting up to celebrate what would have been Katie's 32nd Birthday tomorrow. As we are all spread around the Country with at least 3 hours travelling to each others area, we decided to look at the map and find somewhere in the middle of us all to meet for a meal. It appears to be Bishop's Stortford in Hertfordshire - none of us have ever been there, so a new experience. Katie's favourite food was Indian but she never wavered away from Chicken Tikka Biryani so the restaurant are going to find it strange when 5 of us all order the same thing :)  I'm hoping for laughter and memories although I expect a few tears as well.

    Have a good Sunday all.

  • Thank you DIANE.

    It will be interesting to be part of a Humanist funeral with no prayers or sacred music. I think that ABBA and Neil Diamond will feature! Sorry for the earlier rant, I am just tired and fed up after twenty odd years of family discord. My late OH loved both his children dearly and hated to see and feel the effects of their poor relationship. As in many family resentments, money and inheritance play a significant part. How I dislike avarice. Anyway, I'll shut up now and not bore you all any further :-)

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • HARELADY- I'm hoping that you will have a good lunch and remember all the happy times x

  • Thank you Heather and I too hope for peace and reconciliation at your funeral.

  • Harelady: What lovely idea for celebrating your daughters birthday. I'm sure she would approve heartily. I hope you all have a day of laughter and remembrance.

    Heather: We are here to listen to the grumbles!

  • Forgot today's pic:

    "Yes, they've got my husband's eyes!"