Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 July 2017


I hope everyone has a relaxing, joyful week!

I'll try to do some replies soon.

Jackrabbit, Arizona USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • I'm amazed to hear about their supply system!!  But if it works, it works.....

    The Post Office has certainly changed in its character now, as there are so many other ways for things to be delivered and distributed.

  • LINDA - I thought it was good to hear of Post Office gaining an activity instead of losing!  We did some gardening this morning - pruning and dead-heading, then it rained.  Gas engineer had finished so OH washed up while I had a short sit-down.  Made cakes this afternoon - kitchen smells wonderful!  Now going to have a proper rest if there is anything on TV!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDY    Have been looking forward to your Tatton pics and as usual they are wonderful.

  • Hi, DIBNLIB.  Haven't spotted you on here so often recently - hope all is well.  As you may have guessed, I am still not able to plan any long distance journeys yet, but when we do get up to see Daughter's new house, we'll let you know!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • dibnlib said:

    LINDY    Have been looking forward to your Tatton pics and as usual they are wonderful.

    How kind you are! Thank you!

  • I can smell OG's cakes cooking.....    My OH is cooking some blackberries on the stove, to preserve them for now while we decide what to do with them. They will probably become puddings. Sis-in-law  (Other One) rang today to say she had a bucketful for us but I declined, as we don't need any more. She will make jam with hers.

    Good that the gas man has finished, OG!

    Usual mixed weather here today ~  sat in the garden for half an hour this morning, but then it rained on my laundry, bah! Now its sunny again....

  • Just got time to put on another batch of pics from Tatton Flower Show:

    Still in the large RHS Marquee  -

    These were alpines, of course -- too small to see properly in a photo, sadly.

  • We had arrived in the dry, but had raincoats on, ready, as the forecast was not good.  In the event, we never took them off!  Whilst we were in the large marquee, it rained which made the sky very grey and dark, so the colours of the flowers look a little duller than usual, I think.

    I galloped across to see this amazing display:

    Such a brave way to show their beautiful aliums and thingummys!  (I'll remember what they're called in a minute!....)

    Amaryllis!!   my brain has gone now, over names of people and of things!

    I congratulated the stall holder on their imaginative way of displaying them.

  • OG   Yes, you really have been in the wars this year and I am sure any journeys would cause you great discomfort. it would be good to see you when you are able. In the meantime, look after yourself with EEs help. Take care, Liz xxx

  • Lovely pics, LINDY. I'm hoping to be back with you all on Monday. Youngest family here until then. Weather is pitiful, garden needs work, weeds growing like mad and seem to come from nowhere. Have arranged for the gardener to come and trim hedge again, it is less than two months since it was done. All this rain......