Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 March 2017


The Spring Equinox is on Monday. Happy Autumn Equinox to AQ!

I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful new season! It's finally SPRING!!!

Florida Panther, Everglades National Park, Florida
Florida Panthers are highly endangered.
U.S. National Park Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thumbs up on a good nanny day, AQ. Let's hope for more like that. Enjoy your outing!

    Annette -- Yes, those hills are very bare. Some of the mountains look as if the lava was flowing recently, although it's hundreds of years ago. Often, they're bare on one side and with scrubby growth on the other, away from the sun. Or they're bare at the highest level, with bits of shrubs halfway up, and some green growth in the lowest areas and valleys. No grass at all!!  And we were there just at the end of the 'rainy season' during which there is a pitiful amount of rain. Some years they have none at all!  Plants seem to manage to grow by using the morning dew. When we get back to the UK, we marvel at the greenness of everything!

    Great that you've been able to help your granddaughter to get a house, hope she'll be very happy there.

  • Annette - Oh that is nice, hope grand-daughter appreciates all the help re getting house (which I'm sure she does) Happy first home to her.

    Off to Nottingham tomorrow pm to the re-arranged Andre Rieu concert.  B.i.L driving us to venue and will pick us up and then a late night drive home but should be home around   12.30am. Really looking forward to it as it was a 70th birthday present from OH.

  • Lynette: Granddaughter has always been very appreciative of everything - she's a special kid. Grandson is finally showing signs of following in her footsteps!  :-)

  • Have been trying to post on here for an hour and a half.........

  • Bah!    Came on whilst still in bed this morning, and tried to post but the little thingy just went around....

    Anyway,  Good Morning, All.  It started grey here but is now brightening up, as promised by the weatherman.  I'm busy as we're off to N. Wales again today, to open up our caravan as its our 1st visit this year.  It may be chilly but we will wrap up and hopefully we'll get some more sunshine.

    Annette:  I'm sure your grandchildren appreciate having some Great grandparents who help them on their way, supportively.  :-)

  • Lynette:   Enjoy the concert!

  • I keep popping in, between dashing around the house (all that going up and down the stairs must be doing me good)

    Here's today's pic:

    This says it's from Iceland.... ar'nt they gorgeous?

  • Lindybird: Love those ponies. How nice to be opening up the caravan for the summer.  

    Off for cuppa with friend who's just become a grandma for the first time; then to the gym, then home to pull weeds.

  • We arrived in Wales at 4.15.  Then unpacked the car, and took Bonnie on the beach for a run. Then filled the fridge.

    Then........ I got on to the Internet here, and looked at the Forum and....THERE SHE WAS!!!

  • I hope it was sunny in Wales for you. It was sunny here today, though a cold wind. I went a little drive as there is some snow on the hills, though it is rather hazy.

    Yesterday it poured down all day! I went to the Theatre in Keswick to see a play by Sandi Toksvig, called 'Silver Linings', sold out performance. It was very good, a lot of jokes but with touching bits too. It was set in a thunderstorm with a flood approaching, which suited the weather outside!!