Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 March 2017


The Spring Equinox is on Monday. Happy Autumn Equinox to AQ!

I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful new season! It's finally SPRING!!!

Florida Panther, Everglades National Park, Florida
Florida Panthers are highly endangered.
U.S. National Park Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Not much time to post, but I wanted to say how much I miss OG, and I hope she's recovering well and is not in pain. Best wishes to her and Eagle-Eye.

    Heather: Be good to yourself.

  • Hallo all and thanks again to Diane!

    PatO: What a nice garden; though I'm not sure how you did it.  :-)

    Lindybird: Sounds like a very discombobulating weekend.  Lots of opportunities for a good Wah!!   Love that shot of the hair.  Yes, Margo was definitely added value when it came to the Weekly Chat.  A very kind and generous person.

    Clare: Nice pix.  :-)

    Heather:  So nice that your kids and stepson are close by and so attentive!  Sorry about stepdaughter; still, four out of five being nice is good.

    Lynette: Sounds like a plan to have chauffeur service to the Rieu concert.  

    Was driving up the coast a bit today and saw a whale breach just north of Refugio state park. I need a bumper sticker that says "I brake for whales."  Then home to tidy up a Lavatera that's full of rust. The folks at the garden center said to take it out and bag all the leaves/branches, but I just thinned it out dramatically so the air can circulate and will see what happens.

  • Good Morning, Everyone.

    Thanks to Diane for starting us off, and the fantastic creature in her picture, too!!  Gorgeous!!  If I'm reincarnated, I'll be one of the Big Cats.......

  • A little grey here again, but dry: we hope to take Bonnie for a walk after breakfast.

    Annette - How I would love to see a whale breach! Sounds like a good strategy to thin out your lavatera. Our garden is beginning to wake up to Spring, now.

    I think of OG every day and hope that she's not fretting too much over her enforced idleness, it must be very frustrating for her.

    Here is today's pic: 

  • Good morning, all!  It's a beautiful morning here and we're off to Minsmere in a while.

    If I'm reincarnated I want to be a big, long-lived bird - the idea of being able to fly whenever and wherever I wished is seriously appealing.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindy, I loved your post about Brenda and Margo on the previous thread - I think I'll be missing both of them for a long time to come.

    Back in February 2011 Brenda was awarded a Good Egg award - if anyone would like to check out the award thread I'm putting a link to it here.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I've just read that Chuck Berry has died at the age of 90.  What an absolute legend - his music will live on indefinitely!  RIP.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I didn't think I knew much about Chuck Berry until I heard snippets of some of his songs on the news this morning - I'd heard them all.  But then I thought - anyone who can work Beethoven into rock 'n' roll must have something good going for him  :)  (Beethoven is far more within my musical compass ...!)

  • Clare Bailey said:

    I've just read that Chuck Berry has died at the age of 90.  What an absolute legend - his music will live on indefinitely!  RIP.

    One of the original Rock 'n Rollers!  I loved his song "No Particular Place to Go", which really gets your toes tapping.  He will be mourned worldwide.

  • We enjoyed our walk, and Bonnie met a small spaniel, looking scared on her first outing, and several lively dogs who wanted to play with her, plus a H U G E Irish Wolf Hound, who she was a bit fazed by!

    On our way back, it started to rain and we all got rather wet.

    There was a good programme on BBC2 last night celebrating Dame Vera Lynn's 100th birthday. Lots of film clips and interviews, plus some old soldiers remembering how important her singing was on the radio, lifting their spirits with thoughts of home.