Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 March 2017


The Spring Equinox is on Monday. Happy Autumn Equinox to AQ!

I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful new season! It's finally SPRING!!!

Florida Panther, Everglades National Park, Florida
Florida Panthers are highly endangered.
U.S. National Park Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • That photograph looks a bit scary ... giraffes are BIG!  Some years ago I was with a group that flew to Nairobi overnight.  One bright spark in the group decided some of us should go to a nearby giraffe park ... never mind the exhaustion!  It was a great experience, but they were in front of us, not behind.  I remember my arm being covered with slobber ... they gently and happily took treats from our hand, but there was a lot of slobber!!  Seeing them later in the wild, I was filled with admiration at their flexibility and grace - they move very quickly when necessary!  I've had a soft spot for giraffes ever since.

  • Pat -- Now I'm jealous!!

    --  dashing off to the hairdressers, in the rain........

  • Not only are we waiting for our lady to return, we have had hedgehog cam out for the last three nights. So far one cat and one rat!

  • Hope you get to see some hedgehogs eventually!

    Poured with rain all morning, here, but finally stopped, now.

    Was pleased to see how well DJ Sara Cox has done with her effort of a 24hr Dancethon in aid of Comic Relief - an unbelievable One Million, and 72 Thousand Pounds so far!!

  • I see there's been trouble in London. Not good news...

  • Yes, a lone terrorist.  Our police are wonderful.

  • On our holiday, we fancied going back again to a restaurant which we know is across the island, so we set off in the car for the day, and had a walk in a seaside town first, followed by a coffee, then went further down the coast to a tiny village.

    This is the view from our lunch table:

    We had fish which had been caught in the waves only that morning,with salad and tiny salty Canarian potatoes. Last time we ate there, the sea was nearer and you could almost taste the spray!  I made friends with the local cat, and gave him small pieces of my fish.

    This was the rest of the village - very noisy and full of people, as you can see!

      -- I think we saw about four people altogether, not counting the two other couples having lunch!

    On the shore, there was a just painted and I think much loved fishing boat pulled up onto the shingle:

    Edit:  I also tried to photograph a gorgeously ugly and huge billy goat, who was munching at the side of the road.  When he saw me, he turned, and I only got a pic of his big brown posterior, so I didn't bother to keep the picture!

  • Linda – What a peaceful little village. Something to remember on dull days.


    Annette – You won’t need toothbrush for this first trip next Sunday, but remember the sunhat, it will be 32 C. We have a day trip to Goolwa, where we take the Cockle Train to Middleton. After a walk around, our bus collects us for return to Goolwa, lunch I expect at bakery, then across the bridge to Hindmarsh Island. The bridge, finally built 2001, was controversial, a dispute arising when local aborigines claimed ”secret women’s business”. We also visit Milang, Point Sturt and see the River Murray Mouth. This is “Storm Boy” country. Do you know of Colin Thiele’s book, later a film? (Perhaps something on YouTube.) Our big (9 day) trip to Victoria is end of next week. Details soonish.


    Nanny day was a breeze. I arrived to find 2 very active misses, no sign of any nap. The dolly scarves were appreciated – they were put to use as horse reins, etc. While Dau collected Miss5 from school, I tried to encourage a nap. “Uh Uh”. They were playing together so well, chattering & singing non-stop as I washed dishes. Soon after Dau returned, MissL gave in and was popped in her bed at 4 pm. Dau out again to take Miss5 to Guides. I’m reading to MissJ. She is resting quietly on lounge. Not 2 mins before Dau returned, she is asleep! Dau & I left her and sat chatting in kitchen, so I didn’t leave much earlier than usual.

  • AQ:  Just took a look at the Cockle Train route - good thing we'll be by the water with those temps! Will pack a hat and SPF 50 though.   "Secret women's business"?  Whatever it was, it didn't deter the powers that be apparently.   Don't know "Storm Boy."  Will be you going to Melbourne/Canberra on the long trip?  Nanny days sound positively civilized - a far cry from those first months (thank heaven,eh?).

    Lindybird: Do like fishing boats. Are those hills in the background completely bare or do they have shrubby growth? Do they ever get green during the rain season? (Is there a rainy season there!)   I realize it must be a lovely change from the UK, but I am partial to a bit of green. Ours hills go a golden brown during the summer, but right now we could be in Ireland!

    Today, we signed the final papers on the house we're helping granddaughter buy; I know she's been holding her breath just in case something goes wrong, but every now and then I hear little squeaks of excitement. She should get the keys tomorrow or Friday. Daughter is back in town Saturday until next Thursday, at which time granddaughter should be all moved in - with a little help from her friends.  Daughter will then go back to AZ and has her own separate "granny" quarters in the new house. There are llamas next door and donkeys down the road, so their horses will feel quite at home. 

  • Yes, suspected terrorist attach in London - 1 suspect. They think at least 4 dead and many injured, all around Parliament Square, Westminster Bridge etc. I believe the police were quick to respond as were the medical teams.  Great effort by the Emergency Services.

    Lindybird - love your pics.

    Hotel is where guests can have the rare Rothschild Giraffes in for breakfast etc or near enough.  lol.