Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2017

Happy New Week!

I'm sending love and strength to OG (Original Goldfinch) and to Eagle-Eye. Hoping for her rapid recovery.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Wild Bobcat in Snow
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Been catching up on news as we were away to Edn during the week. So very glad that OG is moving back to Orthopaedic ward and hope further progress in made soon.

    WENDY   Hope you are feeling better,and glad LYNETTES news is good.

  • Good luck OG. EE has done a great job of keeping us 'in the loop'.

  • Wonderful to see a post from OG!! Many thanks to E-E for typing!

    Hope all goes well for transfer to another ward, and that your improvement continues, with your normal strength returning soon. It's been a difficult time for your family, and not a few days you would like to remember in a hurry, I'm sure. 

  • So pleased to hear you are feeling better OG and hope everything will be resolved when you move to the orthopaedic ward. Thoughts with you and your family.

    Linda loving the poems.

    Kind regards


  • A grey cloudy day here. The sun peeped through for about half an hour this afternoon, just to show us what we're missing.

    Annette -- I'll post a list of my shoes once I'm finally packed....  I'm limited by the air travel allowance, though! When we go away in the Autumn, we sail from Southampton, with no flying and no limit on the amount of luggage ........... that should be, um, interesting.......

  • Thanks, Jenny. Just a bit of fun!

  • Good evening, all.  I spent this afternoon on the Reception at Minsmere, which meant I got a few photos of the birds on the feeders.  If you'd like to see them click on this lovely coal tit:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • YEAY!!! A message from OG, even if it was “second-hand”. Thanks EE. I hope they solve knee problem fast.


    Thinking of Margo. {{{HUGS}}}


    Heather – They managed to refloat 100 pilot whales and push them out to sea but sadly half of them beached themselves again. The area has had previous mass strandings. Maybe the whales get confused?


    Clare – Great pics and as always, great captions.


    We are expecting only 34 C max today. Cor blimey, I may have to find some winter woollies LOL.

    We had a minor earthquake yesterday, all of 2.7. I heard the 5-second rumble at lunchtime. No reported damage except an overload on social media. You can see from maps here that Adelaide is built on faultlines – the biggest quake we’ve had was 5.6 in 1954. Nothing like Annette’s territory.

  • AQ --  saw about the whales, on our News. The most moving thing about the story was the dedication of those trying to help them, in spite of the fact that so many of them swam straight back in again, after being relaunched into the water. I read somewhere that it's thought it's to do with their following each other, even when it's a false idea of where they are in the ocean :-(

    Bonnie has been washed, twice, as she came in yesterday smelling pretty terrible; she'd rolled in something. She is still slightly, um, fragrant....

    Had a phone conversation with our Youngest, which included Matthew who wouldn't say anything, but loves to play with the phone. So it was,"Yes, Tomasz has lost a tooth -- Matthew, DON'T.........." 

  • Love all veggies but my OH hated anything green.

    So happy and relieved that OG is improving and Lynette has good news

    Love the poems by Lindy and Clare's photos. Such a talented group of

    people on this forum!!!

    I think of Margo a lot.

    I am so glad that Heather has her family around her.

    Annette-I thought is was bad when Trump won, but now it appears that they may have actually elected Steve Bannon. Scary days ahead if he gets his way.