Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2017

Happy New Week!

I'm sending love and strength to OG (Original Goldfinch) and to Eagle-Eye. Hoping for her rapid recovery.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Wild Bobcat in Snow
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thank you Diane for another startup.


    Some strange wet stuff is falling from sky. It may be cooler but humidity is high. Most of my washing dried yesterday before rain arrived; remaining towels are in garage. I must remember to check them sometime. Two babies “presented” at church this morn. 4½ and 6 months. Both behaved beautifully. The presentation is part of preparation for baptism. Cynical me thinks it is a way of getting parents, family & friends to attend another service! Can you believe it - our eldest g-dau becomes Miss21 tomorrow. Celebration next Sat; we have yet to hear details (early message on Facebook).


    A few days ago OH & I were watching the xrated scenes on our back lawn provided by Mr & Mrs Dove. They finally landed on the bird bath where they were out-stared by a much smaller bird. To our delight this was a New Holland honeyeater. We haven’t seen them for years, having been displaced by the wattle birds and noisy miners. Next day we spotted a tiny silvereye (Zosterops lateralis). We haven’t seen them for decades. Such a small bird, 10-12 cm, and oh so quick, flitting in and out of the abelia. I shall have to spend more time slaving over my kitchen sink now!!! Here are some YouTube links - New Holland honeyeater and silvereye.

  • Good Morning, All.

    Dry here, but a cold wind, says my OH, who's been out with Bonnie.

    Goodness, AQ - Your g-daughter has grown up! Hope you all enjoy the celebrations. What pretty birds you've been noticing in the garden.

    Diane - Thanks for starting us off again, and with such a lovely animal.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "I need to scratch! --  no-one ever taught me yoga....."

  • Lindy that has given me a much needed chuckle..

    Not been a good week but I know in the scheme of things it's all minor.

    Delayed day procedure took place on Wednesday first down and last out a couple of days later.... along with extra tubes I didn't have before. If I had googled post op before I might have given it a miss. Sadly it needed to be done. Community nurse cheered me up when she phoned and I am first on her list tomorrow .

    Daisy confused by comings and goings as her mum when back last Sunday. OH is being brilliant though as is my super morning dog walker.

    Thinking of OG EE J Margo and Brenda's family tomorrow .

  • Overnight update on OG.  She has rallied, with antibiotic and 'glucose' drips.  She was alert by lunchtime yesterday, although hardly eating yet and still receiving painkillers as needed.  J visited in the afternoon and had conversation with her.  I now have 'carers access' to the ward, and am attending each day for lunch and tea mealtimes as well as standard afternoon and evening visiting hours.  She managed a bit more food at tea yesterday with my help, and although tired was communicating much better.  Our daughter from Inverness is visiting this afternoon at OG's request.  Hopefully she will feel a bit more settled by this evening.  The ward have to keep her a few more days to ensure that the infection continues to clear out.  When declared 'fit' she will be transferred back to orthopaedic to resume consultations about suitable treatment for her damaged left leg (which continues to be in the full splint).  They will also double-check her right leg in case of problems there.

  • A hard sounding few days, Wendy.....  Hope you can soon recover. Glad I could make you smile ;-)

  • Thanks for update EE...

    Lindy if only you knew how apt that was:-)))

  • Glad I just looked back in and saw EEs post. Thanks for letting us know how things are progressing.

    Thinking of you all.

  • Unknown said:

    Overnight update on OG.  She has rallied, with antibiotic and 'glucose' drips.  She was alert by lunchtime yesterday, although hardly eating yet and still receiving painkillers as needed.  J visited in the afternoon and had conversation with her.  I now have 'carers access' to the ward, and am attending each day for lunch and tea mealtimes as well as standard afternoon and evening visiting hours.  She managed a bit more food at tea yesterday with my help, and although tired was communicating much better.  Our daughter from Inverness is visiting this afternoon at OG's request.  Hopefully she will feel a bit more settled by this evening.  The ward have to keep her a few more days to ensure that the infection continues to clear out.  When declared 'fit' she will be transferred back to orthopaedic to resume consultations about suitable treatment for her damaged left leg (which continues to be in the full splint).  They will also double-check her right leg in case of problems there.

    Eagle-eye, this is very good to hear!  I really hope the improvement continues.

    Thank you for your continued updates, they are most appreciated.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning, all.  It's been a busy weekend so I've only now got around to going through my Minsmere photos from Friday.  Watch this space!

    Here we go - click on these sharks' teeth to see the rest:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.