Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2017

Happy New Week!

I'm sending love and strength to OG (Original Goldfinch) and to Eagle-Eye. Hoping for her rapid recovery.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Wild Bobcat in Snow
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good news all round, then. Except for dear Margo. Do hope her lovely OH is coping.

    Heather - Thanks so much for the news of OG. Let's cross fingers for her and hope that the knee surgeon can do something to sort it out.

    Wendy - Sorry you've been having a rotten time, hope you continue to improve now. 

  • WENDY   Glad you are feeling better.   Why is it that when OHs snore you want to kick them out of bed and when your dog snores it is so endearing?

  • We drove down to Livingston where Mum is in hospital on Wed and arrived slap bang on visiting time. She was sitting upright in a chair and appropriately dressed. She looked better than we have seen her in possibly a couple of years.She very occasionally said a couple of words and sang a line or 2 of a song. My niece arrived which was good as I haven't seen her in years and then bro when he finished work.  They are still hoping to get her to eat without choking. It seems that the plan is for her to go to a cottage hospital in Linlithgow while a suitable care home is found. My bro will have the help of a social worker for this. Ironically the cottage hospital is one of the places she used to work when she travelled round the outside hospitals. I am sure she no longer remembers her many years as a physio. Anyway it is all very sad but the best thing for her and bro.

    We then drove into Edn and all went well until we came to a road closed sign not far from the Travel Lodge. OH just followed his nose after that and we got there in the end. We enjoyed "Evita" but both said it wasn't the wow of the other musicals we have seen.

    We stopped off at Loch Levens Larder and enjoyed a breakfast and 2 hours with friends deaf heading for Bruar, and Bof G to pick up Benson. joy of joys.

    Yesterday we treated ourselves to a pizza at Sutors and then on to Chanonry for a walk with Benson.

    CLARE    wonderful pics  and LINDY wonderful poems. Thanks both of you.

  • Good to hear better news of OG, particularly to learn that she has a caring surgeon who obviously wants the very best possible treatment for her.  I've always had a lot of time for the Scottish NHS since they saved me from pneumonia with some very prompt attention some years ago.

    Yes, it would be good to hear how things are with Margo.  Healing wishes to her, to Wendy and to all others who are struggling in any way.

  • It would indeed be great if we could get an update on Margo. Does anyone have contact with her OH?

  • MIKE- I have MARGO' s phone number and have just left a message on their answer phone. I could have done this before but didn't, don't know why. I suppose that I kept hoping that we would see a message from MARGO.... Thanks for making me think of it x

  • Nice one, Heather.  Thank you.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • *** I've just had a phone call from Brenda's husband, who has asked me to pass on his sincere thanks to you All for your kind thoughts and condolences. He has now had time to read through the threads and see all of our messages. He has also been following the illness of OG, and hoping that all will be well.

    He has also news of dear Margo, as Margo's OH has been in contact.  Margo was transferred at the weekend from hospital to a Hospice, where she is now confined to bed, but able to talk to visitors.

    I'm sure you'll all join me in thinking of the families of all of our dear friends.

  • Lindybird, thank you.

    I was just typing a reply to Heather when your post appeared.

    Hopefully we will get a further report from Heather once Margo's OH picks up her message.

    I'm sure we all anxiously await a further update.