Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2017

Happy New Week!

I'm sending love and strength to OG (Original Goldfinch) and to Eagle-Eye. Hoping for her rapid recovery.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Wild Bobcat in Snow
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • I think I'm going to have to post my photos in the morning.  My eyes are doing their trick of forcing themselves shut.

    Looking forward to your next poem, Lindy!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • The Dreaded Veg.

    I love my veg, I eat them all:

    The kale, the cabbage, the peas so small.

    But alas, the one which still alarms me -

    The Dreaded Sprout, which still defeats me.

    On Christmas plates throughout the land

    The veggies all are already planned:

    The carrots, red, the sweetcorn, too,

    Are all expected, by me and you.

    But for the Sprout, there is much scorn

    Even on a festive morn --

    And I join in, with the common shout -

    "Please, Mum, don' t say I have to eat a sprout!"

  • Blimey, Lindy, that was quick!  Just brilliant - and it's definitely the Dreaded Sprout in my book.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Looking forward to your photos tomorrow, Clare. 

    (Actually, I love sprouts myself, but I know lots of you don't!)

  • Lindy - somehow you always come up with light hearted suitable poems to brighten our day - thanks. Must say I love sprouts.

    Doctor rang - chest xray all clear so just followup appointment in March now.

    Thinking of those who are going through the mill re illness and loss of loved ones - God Bless.

  • Sounds like good news, Lynette.  I'm so pleased for you.

    Lindy - your 'tomato' poem sent my mind to AQ whose tomatoes are cooking on the vine.  So different in  England.

    PS:  Sprouts are one of my favourite vegetables!

  • Lynette – Your friends should find temps of mid 20s in April in Brisbane. I’m not sure if humid as well. As for Uki, I had to look it up on Google!


    Linda – Great poems. I’m not sharing my tomatoes with insects but something much larger. I suspect Lizarda Junior. I wish s/he would eat a single fruit and not sample halves here and there. Perhaps testing ripeness? Now I’m picking mine early and lett them ripen in kitchen.


    Annette – You think 42 C is ghastly - some parts of SA Far North expecting 47 C today. We only have a mere 39 C today in city.


    No power “load-shedding” yester eve as the gas-fired power station was ordered on. Previous eve, overload caused by no wind for turbines plus everyone turning on appliances when they arrived home from work. Duh! The latter could have been expected. Many restaurants, cafes had to close. It even interrupted the premiere of a new movie.

  • Evening all:  Glued to TV again for various Trump-related faux pas and other capers. Amazing that so many people around him have no idea how to behave - or even how our government works! It's better than a soap opera as in: What could they possibly come up with for tomorrow's episode?

    Today, enjoyed the last birthday celebration for this year in the form of lunch out, thanks to a friend. There was a bit of a communication mix up at the start when she kept referring to the small gift she'd got me. I didn't "see" anything and thought it was the card she'd handed me, but it turned out to be a little pot of succulents she'd placed on the table that I'd assumed was part of the restaurant's decor! All ended happily though. (We just had soup, salad and then split a wonderful berry/custard tart with whipped cream. Yum!)

    Rain tonight and tomorrow. And STILL our local lake doesn't seem to be picking up a lot of runoff from the hills.

    Lynette: Good to hear of reassuring call from doc.

    Lindybird: So many topics to turn your poetic talents to (though I do love Brussels Sprouts).

    Clare: 800 photos? Eeek. I've become very selective in my subjects these days - it all gets so overwhelming.

    Heather: Wow. You didn't say you were making coffee cake when you talked about breakfast last night.  Hope you kept some for yourself.

    EE: Hope OG continues to complain (and improve).

    AQ: We crossed in the mail.  That's 117F - sounds like Phoenix on a bad summer day.

    Like Lynette, am thinking of Margo and others going through bumpy times. Best thoughts to all for Friday.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Apparently there is going to be a dark looking moon over the next few days.

    Good news from the doc, Lynette. Hope you continue to get reassuring results.

    Annette - How nice to enjoy your girly lunch. I would probably have made the same mistake over the gift.....   That tart sounded like my kind of thing ;-)

    We are viewing the events across The Pond with open mouths and fascination  - but at least we are at a distance. Huge debate here, as I expect your sister will have told you, about whether he should be invited to address our Parliament. I do wonder how history will view this shake up of the political scene, both there and here.

  • Hoping we get more positive news about OG soon.  Thinking of her and of dear Margo.

    Have a good day, Everyone. Bathroom cleaning for me, plus getting out some clothes for our hols (We go away on the 22nd) and defrosting one of our freezers which Someone left ajar and is very icy.