WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2016

A new week - hope it is kind to all...

  • Happy Birthday Dibnlib.

    Great to hear from you Diane.

    Hoping all is well with Margo.

    Thinking of Brenda & daughter.

  • Evening all:

    Diane: Take care of yourself. Hugs from all here.

    Fed daughter's horses this morning, then decided to get some groceries for her so she doesn't have to rush to the store, then noticed her kitchen might appreciate a quick (!) clean, then couldn't fight the urge to whip around with the vacuum cleaner and, of course, then had to pull a few weeds, etc on my way to the car.  OH had glass of wine chilling in the fridge when I walked in the door.

    Can't believe it's Saturday already.

  • I have another bus trip tomorrow. The focus is a visit to the birthplace of Sir Hubert Wilkins – photographer, pilot, soldier, polar explorer, etc, etc. We shall visit Burra, Mt Bryan & Hallett. I have been to Burra many times but always so much to see. It was a major copper mine 1845-1870s. Surrounding villages of Redruth, Aberdeen, Llwchwr, Hampton & many more - names indicate origins of miners. Now Burra is a town of 2 parts, the original mine town Kooringa is Burra, while Burra North consists of the surviving villages merged.

    Lovely sunny spring day. I am resting, anticipating some walking while munching lunch in Burra.

  • Good morning - bright and sunny here again.  Dunnock happily doing what Dunnocks do outside the kitchen window - hopping from container to container in case anything changed since he last looked!  OH and J have taken a load of "stuff" (mostly a sound system) to Cash Generator - not for the money but as a good way to recycle.  I've been preparing yesterdays shopping items to freeze and also did some ironing.

    Sorry I gave wrong info yesterday - DIANE's plans were changed between our conversation and her post!  Good to see a post here, DIANE.  Take care there and when you get back home.

    ANNETTE - I see you are doing the rushing round act again with horses, groceries and even cleaning!  You are so very good to your Daughter!

    AQ - I assume you mean Sunday for the bus trip - enjoy!

    Got to look busy - boys are on their way home!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks to all those who have posted birthday wishes.

    ANNETTE  your daughter is going to think the good fairy has been visiting while she was away.

    DIANE   Good of you to take the time to post. Do take care  yourself

  • My poor cousin celebrated her 55th birthday in hospital. Goodness knows how much longer she will be in this time.

  • Sad for your cousin, DIBNLIB. She has so much to contend with.

    AQ- have already looked at Burra, will do more looking later on. Enjoy your trip :-)

    ANNETTE- I would have done the same. Problem is that I am never in middle daughter's home unless she is there also! There are plenty of weeds to pull up, there, in the back garden. Sometimes we tackle the garden together but I haven't had much spare time, recently.

    OG- good to read that things are progressing well with J' s room. It must be difficult for him after having his own place. Now having to live like a teenager again with all his worldly goods in his bedroom! My brother is going through the same thing, his 39 year old son has returned home and is having some problems finding room for his stuff. Also, some problems with adjusting to living with parents again. He has been forbidden a TV in his room, gets nagged to get up and appear for breakfast etc. He is unemployed, so no real reason in his mind, to get up in the morning....

    A quiet day here so far. OH will go out to the garage to continue some wee jobs. I have cleaned my new oven ( how overwhelmingly non exciting).

    DIANE- so good to see your post! Hope no unwelcome critters await you when you get home...

    Hope that LINDY is enjoying her cruise. Keep hoping that there isn't an outbreak of norovirus on the ship. Stepson is very fond of telling me  sickness tales about some cruise ships that he pilots into the Forth. Why I never hear the good things, I don't know!!


    We are back today, after a reasonable journey this morning, and arrived home mid afternoon. Have had lots of adventures, taken hundreds of pictures, and eaten thousands of calories!

    Will try to find time to read back and see how you all are. Happy Birthday for yesterday, to Dibnlib!

  • Ps. No sickness on the ship and we are both in good health, apart from breaking the weighing scales when I get the courage to climb on them!