I was going to say Have a good week all, but I know some of us are going through bumpy times right now, so will just send hugs and encouragement to everyone in those circumstances.

Rained here this morning, bright and breezy this afternoon. Did a lot of garden work and now enjoying an early glass of wine - as they say "The sun is over the yardarm - somewhere!"

Take care all.

  • Heather - Been there and done that and so totally worth it!!!

    You will love it!

  • Me, too!!   We will all be thinking of you, Heather, and feeling for you in the upcoming chaos!  It will be wonderful when you can sigh gently, relax, and look back on it!

  • Dog delivery after Miss4 returned from kindy and had wound down! I said I had something for her. She said “A pink dog”. Yes, indeed. She hugged it. Then I brought out the blue one. MissL pounced and claimed it, even though nearby was the original blue dog she had claimed last visit. MissJ took the original blue. Phew. All was well. As for helping, all I did was wash some dishes, laze on lounge, then take MissJ out of bath as OH was taking too long with MissL. He was supposed to be dressing her but the onsie defeated him!!!

    Resting today as tomorrow Chauffeur Friend and I are escaping to capture churches east of the Adelaide Hills. The few towns, Palmer, Sedan, have no bakeries and certainly no patisseries. We shall buy lunch in Hahndorf (that’s near where we meet) and I have found an ancient thermos for tea/coffee bags. Most of the churches in that area are long closed, some only marked by cairns. Lots of “Seen Better Days” buildings, abandoned huts & sheds on farms.

    Someone a while ago said they had checked my stained glass window pics. I forgot to mention I posted some more stained glass, those in the former Mile End church. They are on my flickr pages but you’ll need to scroll back to find them. The church has been converted for a home loan business, carefully avoiding covering most of the windows.

  • AQ;  Good no fights over blue dog; you can never predict these things!  What's your next knitting assignment?  Have fun tomorrow, but can't understand why you can't pop into Muratti's for some treats to enjoy on the road....

    Heather: I started watching the LG nest when our kitchen/living room was being completely redone (couldn't cook and needed an escape from all the racket and dust at the front of the house). Then I didn't want to cook anything coz everything was so dazzlingly clean that I hated the thought of splatters and spills. Just be aware you'll need new tea towels, dish clothes and other items to go with all the new stuff. Have fun.

    Take care all and special thoughts of course for Diane, Margot and her sister, and Brenda's DiL.  

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry here and supposed to be much the same as yesterday, which was warm but humid.

    AQ -  Phew!  A happy doggy ending! You must be relieved :-)  Enjoy your day out.

    Annette - Is your kitchen at the front of the house, so that the rooms at the rear look out onto the garden? Or is the living room at the front?

    I too am thinking of those not too good today, as well. Do hope that Margo will have better news of her sister soon, and that Diane's brother can get the urgent treatment he needs. Brenda, you've not said, but I hope your d-in-law is alright and all arrangements are working out.

  • I've not been feeling too good, but was supposed to see a Doc tomorrow to check that my waterworks infection was gone. However, rang the surgery this morning and asked for help: they wanted a urine sample which I've just sent down to the surgery with my OH (I know, too much information!). Hoping they can put me on a different antibiotic which my GP mentioned over the phone......

  • Good morning.  Baked gingerbread – now having a rest; part of a slow day as we are out this evening at General Interest Group AGM, with shared supper.  OH is updating church website and then hopes again to do the lawns – no rain since some time in the night, and much brighter and humidity dropping.

    Latest on Diane’s brother – having a couple of procedures under anaesthetic this afternoon (there) or evening (here).  Will pass on everyone’s kind thoughts.

    AQ – glad dog delivery went well!  Enjoy your churches trip with Chauffeur Friend!

    Linda – sorry you are still not fully recovered; maybe they can investigate cause of the ongoing problem.

    Healing prayers for all who need them.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDY   wishing you well.

  • Morning all:  

    Lindybird: House is sort of L-shaped. Front door opens to living room with open-plan so you can see the kitchen/dining area beyond (we took out a wall to open/lighten things up).  Beyond the kitchen is "my" room. Hang a left in the living room before the kitchen/dining and go down a hall to bedrooms (two on left - front side of house; first on right is now OH's office and so-called master bedroom is second on right.) We did add solar tubes in bathrooms/hall/kitchen to bring more light in.  Living room/kitchen/my room look out onto the garden.  Rear of house has high hedge but OH has great view of two birdfeeders and one hummingbird feeder. Another feeder outside kitchen window and second hummingbird feeder outside my room.  Patio doors from living room open to garden and also one door from my room opens to patio; another door in kitchen to wheely bin area and back walk.  More than you asked for!!  Do you drink cranberry juice? It's supposed to help prevent UTIs.  Good luck with that.

    OG: I used to like warm gingerbread with whipped cream; haven't made it for eons....

    dibnlib: The latest Inspector Banks book is at the library waiting for me. Hurray!

    Off to gym today.

    Take care everyone and best thoughts to all..

  • Had message from Diane - she is exhausted with worry and lack of sleep - needs our thoughts and prayers for her as well as her brother.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!