I was going to say Have a good week all, but I know some of us are going through bumpy times right now, so will just send hugs and encouragement to everyone in those circumstances.

Rained here this morning, bright and breezy this afternoon. Did a lot of garden work and now enjoying an early glass of wine - as they say "The sun is over the yardarm - somewhere!"

Take care all.

  • Great to get a nice long post from you, Margo, but sorry to hear about your poor sister.  She is going through the mill, and it doesn't sound as if her Dr is helping much, either - grr.  How lazy of him to think he could help her over the phone!

    Don't worry about Christmas just yet - its still ages away, thankfully. (Hope you get time to do some cards though, OG - I sent all bought ones last year as it went so fast I never got around to making any - mind you, Bonnie didn't help!  She might have chewed everything!)

    Dibnlib:  Hope you get your nice walk, later.  Its surprising how much better you can feel after a simple thing like a haircut!

    My Friend came late morning, after her appointment at the diabetic Clinic.  She has been duly told off, and of course she knew why her reading was high, it was because she just loves all the soft fruit just now!  They are off on a trip to Yorkshire soon, and hoping the weather will stay reasonable for a while yet.

  • More of our Anglesey visit:   We then crossed the island to a favourite dog walk through the woods, some of you may remember us taking dear old Buzz there some years ago.  It is a Forestry property, near to the famous Newborough Beach.

    I love lots of trees!  They are well established here, and tower above you!

    Bonnie ran down the paths, excited - it was nice and dry underfoot, for a change:

  • We took a circular route, there are several different paths to follow.

    In one place there was a board bridge over a tiny stream:

    Plenty of woodland type flowers to see, too:

    Bonnie found a bee to chase, but it escaped, thankfully.....

    Some of the paths are leafy and green, and some sandy.

  • MARGO    very sorry to hear the news of your sister. hope things improve for her soon.

  • We had a good time, just enjoying the bird song and the peace and quiet.  There are red squirrels in these woods, but we have only once ever glimpsed one, as they are very shy and of course if you have a dog with you, they disappear!  See if you can spot Bonnie here, running around!

    There are picnic tables there - we enjoyed our cheese sandwiches we had brought, and admired other people's dogs - most of them behaved very well!

    Afterwards we went to a cafe we know, and had a coffee and a poke around the shop - my OH bought two shirts on the way home!

    A lovely day, and we were still back at base for a late cuppa on our own verandah.  Perfect!

  • Dibnlib – have a lovely evening walk together.

    Margo – sorry about your sister – and really cross that she hasn’t yet had that endoscopy!  Good that you have been able to visit her.

    Linda – didn’t actually make Chr* cards, but did plan designs and think what “bits” I need to buy.  Sorry Friend got told off for the soft fruit – can’t imagine summer without raspberries and strawberries!  Lovely woodland photos from Anglesey woodland walk – remember Buzz in similar positions to those of Bonnie – probably a little slower than her!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Yes, OG - she loves strawbs and whilst she was here, she had a couple of plums!  Never mind, her levels will go back to normal later.

    I have enough blank cards and "bits" to make cards for at least two Christmases but must find the time to sit down and actually do it!

    Here is a memory of Buzz who loved snuffling around the woods, although he was an old man by then:

    Bah!  - it wont post!

  • Morning all: Lovely night's sleep! Nice walk this morning. What else could we want?

    Clare: Meant to say that yes, it is nice to see a post from you.  Re GCSEs, I did brilliantly at English, but failed all the subjects Clare passed - I'm always amazed anyone understands any of that stuff. So sincere congratulations from me! Is she still getting to ride?

    dibnlib: Oh that's the best situation for your Mum and your bro; when my Mom was in such a bad way, my doc said to choose a place very close to my house so I could pop in every day to "keep an eye on things."  It was a 5 minute walk away.

    Lindybird: That purchase of the caravan in Wales looks to have been a lovely choice and what a wonderful wooded area you found. Gosh, re your friend, I'd hate not to be able to eat fruit.

    OG: Arghhhh! Christmas cards?  Costco is full of Halloween stuff right now; suspect the dreaded C stuff will be close on its heels. :-(

    Margo: Surprised they didn't give your sister an endoscopy while she was in the hospital; do hope she gets one soon so she can start feeling better. Waiting for these things - and then the results - is always so anxious-making (there has to be a real word for that).

    Paperwork and phone calls are on the list today. Off I go....

  • Hello all - I'm going to take a few days off from here. Kitchen stuff, etc! I seem to have been emptying cupboards and drawers for ages, electrician and decorator have been in doing preliminary work and existing hob, oven, freezer and dishwasher are going to be removed shortly. I'm brain dead :-))

    The actual work will commence shortly. My dining room is full of kitchen stuff, utility room ditto. No worries. We will get there.

    Thank you all for your news and updates. See you all in about a week or so.

  • Totally understand, HEATHER - a very stressful time - but it will be worth it!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!