I was going to say Have a good week all, but I know some of us are going through bumpy times right now, so will just send hugs and encouragement to everyone in those circumstances.

Rained here this morning, bright and breezy this afternoon. Did a lot of garden work and now enjoying an early glass of wine - as they say "The sun is over the yardarm - somewhere!"

Take care all.

  • Sorry, DIBNLIB that your Mum was not too well, but at least you know that she is brighter sometimes. Peaks and troughs, as you say. It isn't easy, watching our parents succumb to dementia.

  • Hi, all.  Good to see some returners!

    Pat – Moniave is a lovely place, with a good community spirit.  It’ll soon be their Blue Grass Festival, but unfortunately same weekend as Lockerbie Jazz Festival – ho-hum – can’t do it all.

    Heather – pleased Callum’s birthday went well, but sorry about your OH’s glasses – and pleased they have been fixed already.

    Linda – funny weather here today, and not much sunshine; and yet, as you say, quite warm outside.  We still have our summer duvet on, and I can’t say I miss the thicker one we had on holiday.  Lovely Jackdaw – looks in tip-top condition.

    Clare – good to see a post from you.  I hope you are all well, and that Helen was happy with her exam results (I think it was her GCSE year – excuse me if I got that wrong!).

    Dibnlib – sorry you caught your Mum having a really low time – pleased she picked up later – and good that you managed to see your cousin too.  Journey home sounds good – favourite places en route!  Flying sounds a good way to get down to Abingdon, and I hope your plans for that trip go well.

    Well, that’s me done for today.  Sleep well, all.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • {{{HUGS}}} to Margo & Diane


    Heather – Glad your OH was able to get his glasses fixed speedy. We need eyes for so much.


    Dibnlib – I think the slow decline of our elderlies is more painful for us than them. Try not to let it upset you too much.


    Annette & others – I am careful with knee. No nanny duty planned. Although I shall accompany OH today when he minds the twins while Dau collects Miss4 from kindy. I have at last finally and forever (!!!) finished 2 more knitted dogs & I shall deliver them. Please let there be no fights LOL.

    BTW it has been quite a few years since I kneeled at church – I sit or stand only. As for bus trips, I have booked the doubtful one; it’s on Sunday week. I shall pace myself throughout day, not much walking, lots of sitting in coffee shop or parks!. Yesterday Travel Friend & I indulged at Murattis with chat, coffee & cake. No, Murattis is not a car but a divine patisserie. See here. My loves are the Individual Gateaux. Yesterday’s delight was Caramel Creme Brulee (size about 2”). We stayed long enough for lunch – chicken, spinach & pine nut quiche (a 3” circle). Not filling, just a snack.

  • Evening all: Nice day here; went to nap this p.m. but young girl next door decided to try out her basketball moves so got to listen to the ball bouncing and bouncing and bouncing just over the fence. Bottom line:  No nap.  It's a nice family, so all in all, not a problem in the greater scheme of things. As I said in relation to neighbors on the other side of the fence, better than rap music.  :-)

    dibnlib: Good of you to visit your Mom, even though it must be discouraging at times. Sounds like your brother is a regular visitor, so it's nice to know you have a family member to reassure you about  the "new" normal.

    PatO/OG: Took a look at Morrisons in Dumfries and took a "drive" on the nearby road - love Google Earth Street View!  :-)  That's a big store.

    AQ: Oh good to see you've booked your previously doubtful bus trip. Sitting in coffee shops (a patisserie perhaps?) a good way to pace yourself. Checked out the individual gateaux at Murrati's and like the look of the Citron Tart, though I could probably choke down any of the others in a pinch! Those Baby Gateaux don't look too shabby either.  Oh, and now I see there are Cakes and Flans, Cheesecakes and Crumbles, Croissants and Small Cakes.... I'll be back later...

  • Watch it, Annette, you are putting on weight just looking LOLOL

  • I'll blame it all on you AQ!  :-)

  • Good Morning, All.   Sunny here, after a warm night.

    Just been delayed by five minutes as busy looking at AQs link to the goodies......  think I could easily manage about four of those mini gateaux before I had to admit defeat..... Glad you've booked a small trip, AQ, and it's not too arduous.  And you've finished the knitting!  ----  Yay!!

    Annette - I would have been unable to rest if there was a ball bouncing around, too. Very unsettling. I have to move if there are ball games when I sit on a beach on holiday.

    Dibnlib - Expect you will find ups and downs with your Mum. Agree with AQ, that she is less aware than you, and you can only be grateful that she is comfortable and in a safe place.

    Chores to do today, and my Friend coming around this morning, so must get up and get going....

  • Unknown said:
    Clare – good to see a post from you.  I hope you are all well, and that Helen was happy with her exam results (I think it was her GCSE year – excuse me if I got that wrong!).

    Thanks, OG.  We're reasonably well but it hasn't been a great year for us.  Helen did sit her GCSEs in June - her results weren't great, though she did get maths, science and statistics and also a BTEC level 2 in health and social care.  She started at the college in Ipswich yesterday, doing childcare - she'll also be retaking English there.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Sorry to hear things are not great at the moment, Clare. But good news about Helen - I'm sure she'll enjoy her course at Ipswich. Best Wishes to her, and indeed to you all :-)

  • ANNETTE   Bro lives a 2 min walk away from Mum, so is in and out daily.