I was going to say Have a good week all, but I know some of us are going through bumpy times right now, so will just send hugs and encouragement to everyone in those circumstances.

Rained here this morning, bright and breezy this afternoon. Did a lot of garden work and now enjoying an early glass of wine - as they say "The sun is over the yardarm - somewhere!"

Take care all.

  • Thank you for news of Diane, OG.

    Lindybird,  Sounds like you had a busy, but enjoyable weekend. That glass of wine was a good idea.

    Heather, it seems you need eyes in the back of your head! It does seem a shame to  stop your OH from 'doing things', but understand your reservations.

    I have just come back from a long lunch with a friend. Sorted the world, as usual.

    (You can have the day off, Annette)

  • LOL, Rosy.    (you can call me Lindy or Linda if you prefer:  its quicker to type!)  - confession   - it was more than one glass of wine, we had some Prosecco to celebrate my own birthday being recently, followed by some red wine with dinner. I have to put lemonade in mine though, as too much red gives me a bad head.

    Heather:  You have become guardian of your OH, I know how it is.  I keep saying "Why are you doing that?"  or "Don't lift that without asking me to help!" Mine has been up a ladder to get the last of the plums from our ancient plum tree.  Every year we think it will be its last, as its very very old now, probably planted by the first people who had this house built, somewhere in the 50's or 60's.

    EDIT:  Meant to say, glad he got his specs fixed!!   So awful without them!

    Just had a cup of tea in the garden:  its warmer outside than inside, today!

  • Here is a corvid I saw at the children's playground, just for Clare.....

    He looked at me as if to say "You're no good, you're not eating any crisps!"

  • Morning all:  Never made it into the hammock or the snooze chair yesterday; did manage to trim back some Breath of Heaven bushes though, which were getting woody.

    OG: Thanks for news of Diane. Glad that someone is in touch with her. Can't imagine she must be anything but tired and exhausted. Do pass on all our hugs.  Oh my, now I feel positively ancient. I used to watch the original Poldark but the new version doesn't appeal. Meanwhile, we're being subjected to an entire weekend of Downton Abbey replays (edited yet!) on our PBS station, which is selling the entire DVD set for one arm and two legs to raise money (it's a publicly funded channel supported by ever-decreasing subsidies from the Feds and voluntary donations from "People Like YOU" or so they tell us every evening).

    Lindybird: Well, who needs two Crocs anyway?  How nice that Amber is distinguishing herself already and in all the right ways. We have two kiddies next door; unfortunately, the boy is going through that awful noisy and shouting 8-years-or-thereabouts phase; lots of monster noises and general rowdiness floating over the wall. Still, better than rap music!  Have never tried lemonade in red wine and probably won't. :-)

    AQ: Congrats on knee performance at church.  Any news on whether you can make that bus trip you'd planned?

    Heather: I was actually wondering how my OH would handle the gutters this year (we're just one storey), but must say he's been out for walks much more lately to focus on balance, etc.  I was in the States when the original Poldark was on; didn't realize the accents were so "off."  :-)  And yes, I remember Dick van Dyke's efforts at cockney. :-(

    Rosy: Oh good. Tx for sorting out world. I had one of those nights where you fall asleep, then wake up and toss and turn for hours. Made 2 a.m. trip to fridge for cookies and milk before finally going back to sleep around 3, so a slow-ish day here (famous last words...)

    Off to rummage for breakfast....

  • Lindybird said:

    Here is a corvid I saw at the children's playground, just for Clare.....

    He looked at me as if to say "You're no good, you're not eating any crisps!"

    What a stunning jackdaw, Lindy.  How kind of you to post it for me!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I love 'em, too, Clare!


    They're so intelligent.  You're also responsible for my seeing Gulls in a new light:  once you said what good fliers they are, and now when I watch, I am very impressed !

  • Heather B said:
    A bit like Dick Van Dyke with his attempt at the cockney accent in Mary Poppins!

    Apparently the bloke who was supposed to be teaching Dick Van Dyke a Cockney accent was Irish.  It shows!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Just back from a visit to see Mum. It was the worst yet. When we arrived she seemed to be extremely poorly, varying between sleep and non receptive waking. I truly thought I was going to see her breathe her last and wasn't sure whether to go and see my cousin in hospital. Anyway we went and spent over an hour with her. We were surprised to see my Uncle there as thought he was pretty ill himself. He seemed amazed and very pleased to see us. The carer was in when we got back to Mums and we found out that she has peaks and troughs and we just happened to find her in a trough. She certainly was a little better than when we had seen her an hour and a half earlier. My bro came in and confirmed the situation and wasn't worried.

    Back home today and we took our time, stopping at Loch Leven Larder for breakfast and a bit of shopping. I bought an Alice in Wonderland teapot which I had seen on our last visit in May. I struck lucky and it was half price in the sale, also chutney and cards. Next stop was Bruar and more shopping. We both bought a Schoffel smooth fleece. Main meal at MC, chowder for OH and pear and parma ham salad for me. We picked up Benson from Boat of Garten and home for 1640 and his supper. We then went to Dores to give him a swim in Loch Ness but the wind and waves put him off.

    In 10 days we go to OHs family in Abingdon, Oxon. For the first time we will fly to Bristol, pick up a hire car and drive to their house. We won't be driving again till the return to Bristol as the excess if we have a prang is £1000!!!! For once they will have to drive us.

  • Good to read everyones news though sorry it is not all good.