I was going to say Have a good week all, but I know some of us are going through bumpy times right now, so will just send hugs and encouragement to everyone in those circumstances.

Rained here this morning, bright and breezy this afternoon. Did a lot of garden work and now enjoying an early glass of wine - as they say "The sun is over the yardarm - somewhere!"

Take care all.

  • DIBNLIB - (thanks for email, too) Sorry to see your visitors Monday may need to cancel.  I would have thought Brodie would have a suitable card among all their stock - or maybe they have reduced numbers of birthday cards to bring in Chr*!  Was nearly tempted by the Hare cushion when we were there, but already have the Wolf and don't want to start a theme!  You did well with the suitcase - hope OH gets one soon.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • We arrived here OK after a good journey, although the roads were busier than we expected.

    Dry for long enough for us to get unloaded out of the car, then it rained once we started cooking a meal.  Very quiet  here - maybe some of our neighbours will appear at the weekend.

    Dibnlib - Sounds like a nice outing. I like the cushions with animals, but can't justify buying one!  We are going to use a new set of suitcases soon, which I bought in the spring. They have the four wheels, which seem so easy to manoeuvre when I've seen others with them :-)

  • Good Evening everyone.

    Lindy, glad that you feel better and hope you cam enjoy your time in Wales.

    I look forward to more of your pics. Always enjoy seeing them.

    Thank you for news of Diane, OG. Pleased that her brother is able to have some procedures, which will hopefully help his condition.

    Thinking of Diane, and hoping that she can get some well deserved rest.

    Also thinking of you, Brenda. It is good that your D in L will be home for consultation and that you will be able to see her, and your son.

    Sorry  that your friends visit may be postponed, Dibnlib. I must google this flowery luggage! Always nice to get a discount.

    Best wishes to those not mentioned, especially anyone not  feeling well.

  • I have been working in the Charity shop today. I usually 'do' the books.

    We haven't had a manager for several weeks, and the place is rather chaotic. There were mountains of books, quite a few in a bad condition, and therefore unsaleable.

    All have to be sorted, though.

    I spent a lot of time with boxes on the floor! I think I may be getting too old for this!

    I love books, but when the shop  is more organised again, I may give up.

  • Don't blame you, Rosy - perhaps it's time to let someone else do their turn to help. Perhaps you could offer to only put in an appearance when theyre short handed. Mind you, it sounds like that already!

    I meant to reply to Brenda's comments earlier - my only excuse is tiredness. Do hope you can both get some elusive sleep tonight. Good that your family are coming to London.

  • Evening all: Busy day with daughter, then OH and I went out to eat at our favorite restaurant that's closing in November. :-(  Will catch up tomorrow.

  • Yes, well, just took these two photos of two epiphyllum oxypetalum that bloomed tonight (they bloom for just one night, one night a year). They both measure about 10" across, tip to tip.

  • OG: Thanks for letting us know Diane's brother had surgery; we'll await further bulletins. Glad she's finally got somewhere to sleep properly, though I wonder how much rest she'll get.  :-(

    BrendaH: Do hope you and your OH  got a better night's sleep.  When do you think you'll get a chance to see son and DiL?

    Lindybird/dibnlib: I got a small suitcase with the four wheels - they're much easier to walk alongside with, but if you hang other bags around the handle, they can get too heavy to "walk" but then you can pull them behind you old-style.

    Rosy: I haven't been back to the wildlife rescue center since my one day there - it was so incredibly disorganized and then my daughter was in hospital and then recuperating for almost three weeks.... I'm still pondering whether and when to show up again.

    Have been ignoring housework for a while but really must make a start tomorrow...   :-(  

    Take care everyone.

  • 'Tomorrow' is always the best day to make a start on housework, Annette!

  • Pat O said:

    'Tomorrow' is always the best day to make a start on housework, Annette!

    That's my maxim, Pat!  

    Good Morning, All.  Was ultra tired last night, possibly because it was a big effort for me to get everything ready to come: in spite of having clothes hanging up here, it's only basic needs and we both bring clothes according to the possible predicted weather. And unlike some of our neighbours, we don't leave a fridge or a freezer working all the time, so we bring food with us. I also take clean bed linen as I do the laundry at home.  We still have a car full of stuff every time we come!

    Lovely flower, Annette, how exotic!  I would be photographing it if it only lasted one day EDIT -  Night!   Get yourself off to that restaurant every week until it closes :-(