Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2016


Just to cheer everyone: Here are some cute wild raccoons ("trash pandas") that were playing at the Nature Center at the Turkey Run State Park just down the road from me. There are several pics.

Everyone have a wonderful week!


  • LINDA, I am so very sorry that I missed your Birthday, today.

    Sounds as if you have really enjoyed yourself.


  • Hello all.

    Just skimmed through all your news.

    Lindybird - always lovely to see the pics from Tatton Park Show and those stags - wonderful sculpture.

    Brenda - sad news for you about a friend in the village but I see there is heartening news about Margo. A lady who thinks of others even though she is going through the mill.

    Margo - thinking of you and good to hear that you got through today.

    Not a lot to report . Life going on as normal.  Friend from church goes for her 3rd chemo session next week. Things are looking quite good for her even though she is tired after each session. Off for a swim tomorrow and then a quiet weekend. OH commentating at last match of the season on Fri pm as well as doing all day today.

    Keep well one and all and to those that are undergoing treatment or feeling under the weather - hope you feel better soon.


  • Unknown said:

    LINDA, I am so very sorry that I missed your Birthday, today.

    Sounds as if you have really enjoyed yourself.


    Please don't think it matters, Brenda - You sound as if you have enough on your plate without being bothered with such a small thing. My family have all made a fuss of me, and that's all I want in life :-)  Did indeed have a lovely lunch, with a glass of white wine and a sit in our garden afterwards.

  • Hi, all.

    Margo: I hope you're feeling much better today. Thinking of you.

    MaryGK: Thanks for the heads up about the super-big cruise ship arriving in Lerwick on Saturday. Unfortunately, all of the Shetland webcams are down now. The weird storm that killed all those reindeer in Norway (that Annette told us about) also caused wicked power outages in Shetland, and it damaged all of the webcam equipment, power surges I think. I don't know when they will have it all repaired. I hope soon.

    AQ and Lindy: We have lots of water here in the eastern U.S. (lakes, swamps, marshes, and other wetlands...), and this has been a really flooded summer with the constant rain and storms. But government officials are trying to at least eliminate standing water in populated areas -- within cities and towns --  because Zika is spreading. The relentless gridlock in Congress is holding up money to fight Zika, so it'll probably be an epidemic before a serious effort is made. :-(  Here in Indiana, we always have some West Nile Virus in the summer, infecting corvids (including my beloved Blue Jays) other birds, and sometimes people. Besides Zika, the U.S. has Dengue fever and Chikungunya (another mosquito disease).  I don't think we have Australia's Ross River fever, though, AQ.

    Hope you're healing well, AQ!

    Brenda: I hope the mole finds a new place to be besides your land. So sorry that your son and daughter-in-law have to endure so much stress. Awful.

    Lynette: Nice to see you!

    ChrisyB: Good luck with the gin production. I tried to make wine once many years ago. It was ghastly!!! Tasted like vinegar and kerosene. So my hat's off to you. :-)

    Heather: I so hope your OH's balance problems can be effectively addressed. I felt sorry for him when you said he was worrying about leaving the house because he could no longer do garden work.

    Lindy: I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Your lunch sounds terrific. (Please send that Apple and Blackberry crumble so I can have it for a bedtime snack! LOL)

    OG: Welcome home!

    Annette: Glad you had a good time with your friend.

  • Hi to Rosy, dibnlib, Clare, bjane, George, Rita, wendyb, and everyone.

  • Happy Belated Birthday Lindybird!  Love both those desserts.  How nice that family and friend made a fuss of you.  :-)

    Diane: Thanks for the heads up about the Shetland cam; that must've been some storm.  We've already had a couple of West Nile Virus cases in the county - no idea where those critters are finding the water to breed in.

    Fascinating to read about family wine making traditions.  I have what used to be a fruitless olive tree that is now producing olives; not sure if they're the kind to make olive oil or not, but doubt I'll be doing any experimenting.  Meanwhile, the last crop of Valencia oranges is at the top of the tree awaiting my next trip up the ladder and the Satsuma tree is putting out first hints of the next crop.

    Have a good Thursday everyone.

  • Diane - I was wondering why the webcam was down, thanks for the info.   Hope it is back up soon. 

    Linda - Happy Belated Birthday, those desserts sounded lovely, mouth watering in fact. :-) 

  • MaryGK: Ships passing in the night again (us, not the Lerwick cam). I'm off to bed. Hope you're doing okay!