Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2016


Just to cheer everyone: Here are some cute wild raccoons ("trash pandas") that were playing at the Nature Center at the Turkey Run State Park just down the road from me. There are several pics.

Everyone have a wonderful week!


  • Oh, BRENDA. It certainly isn't a good week for you both. It is a good job that we don't know what the future holds. That poor lady.

  • Brenda: These reminders re "what's in store" do give pause in terms of how we spend our time. Too much busyness and not enough "quality" time, whatever that is...  

  • Brenda - Sorry to hear your sad news: we should all live for today, and try to enjoy life, without worrying about the future, either.

    We've been out for much of the day, as went to visit sis-in-law this morning and then went out for lunch, as it's my birthday. Had a good lunch in a popular pub, where they have a good and varied menu - I had lamb & apricot tagine with rice, and my OH had steak & kidney pie which we couldn't fault. As it was celebratory, we treated ourselves to a Pud - I had a yummy Almond & Chocolate tart with home made type ice cream, and my OH had Apple & Blackberry crumble with his favourite, custard. When we returned home it was sunny and warm so we had an hour in the garden.

    My good Friend has been to visit and brought me a beautiful scarf. They are off on holiday again soon, so we had a lot to catch up on.

  • Happy Birthday, Lindy, it sounds as though you had a good one!

    I went to Roudsea Wood today, and have reported on the Other Nests thread. I then went to check on an area known for sloes, and there were lots so I have picked plenty for at least two bottles of gin! It does vary, some years there are not many at all.

  • Unknown said:

    Margo:  I hope you will feel much better now. Thinking of you.

    Brenda, Annette, Rosy, and all: I'll answer your kind questions about my brother either tomorrow or the next day. He's seen a specialist, and we've had some startling developments in the last couple of days. He's undergoing a new procedure Wednesday morning, and he may have a new diagnosis. Thanks for your concern.

    Diane - it sounds as if you're having quite a time with the worry over your brothers health. Do hope that things have gone well today.

  • Chrisy - we used to make sloe gin, years ago, but I'm not so fond of it, now. We picked the sloes in the hedgerow of some fields which we own, the remainder of our days when my OHs family used to farm in the area.  I think it's a pity that they're not much use for anything else! We still go blackberrying and pick wild mushrooms, though.

  • Yes, I was looking at blackberries but either it is too early or a poor year, round here anyway. My Father used to make a really nice sloe wine, also blackberry, but I did not have success with those. Damsons are good for wine and for the gin too, in the absence of sloes. We used to enter the local agricultural show, and got a few prizes, but I have not even been to a show for years now. I've not made wine for years either but the sloe gin is still a favourite with the family.

  • New to sloes Chrissy but just found loads..

    So as they are still green up here at what stage do I pick them..

  • Hi, they will turn to a dark purple, though they do stay hard, if left to soften they will go off. Though related to damsons they are horrible to eat raw! Sugar to taste is used, amounts vary in the recipes.

  • Ours are very green so will leave for a while..

    Himself did say they were bitter...

    Never spotted them before but have now found gooseberry and red currant bushes  ..maybe something to do with our wet summer..

    Cob nuts looking good as well.