WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2016

Evening all;  now popping back to catch up on all your news.

MaryGK: Alaska ferries are definitely for folks who are happy to rough it, sort of.  I wouldn't mind it if I knew I had a comfy hotel near the dock.

BrendaH: Good luck looking for the jacket to go with that dress.   Thanks for news of Margo and OH's doings - great to know they're enjoying themselves.

Heather: Don't think my OH would worry about my disposing of kitchen stuff; on the other hand the garage (which he also doesn't frequent) might be harder to clean out.    Chocolate teapot?  :-))    Cornish pasties - yum yum.

Rosy: Daughter has always had a menagerie (pigs, goats, peacock, horses, dogs, etc.) now it's horses, ducks, dog and floppy-eared bunny.  I just have her ancient cat which caught one bird yesterday and two today!  Pesky puss.  :-(

Hi to everyone else.

  • Good Morning.  Cloudy here & light rain forecast, but dry and bright this afternoon.

    Going to our favourite Garden Centre for a look at a couple of things, after doing some small jobs this morning. My Friend is away visiting her daughter, so my OH is coming with me: I think he likes the home made cake there, but I'll have to remind him that he's supposed to be watching his calories!

  • Thinking of Diane and her brother, and hoping that OG is feeling better.

  • Good morning all

    Thanks for your thoughts once agin.

    Long time again between posts as we were out most of last week driving around Dorset and having good meals out.The heart problem made us realise just how important each day is so we intend to get out as often as possible. Been for the pacemaker check this morning and all is fine, they just made a small adjustment to it. It is quite a strange feeling when they make the heart beat faster or slower during their checks. The next appointment will be next year (I do wonder whether I will still be around though) On my good weeks I feel almost normal health wise. The end of this week will probably go downhill but I see the Consultant a week tomorrow and following that appointment will go for the transfusion) So a few days to go travelling again.

    Bit worried about my sister as she has been suffering with stomach pain for about a month now. Has seen the doctor several times who prescribed various medicines  ow which have helped. Pain not too bad in the mornings but gets worse during the day. It is not gall bladder trouble as she had that removed several years ago  She does have a kidney stone which has been there for years. They did try and disperse it with no success and it was decided they would leave it as it was not causing her any problems. She has another appointment with the doctor later today but I must confess I am worried.

    Watched a lot of the Olympics and it was good to see Team GB having so much success.  One of my favourites has to be the Dressage. So elegant and amazing to think the horse is controlled by the riders legs.

    Hope OG is feeling a little better now.

    dibnlib sorry to read your cousin is back in hospital again. What an awful time for her again And her OH.

    alicat so sorry you did not have a satisfactory explanation from the vet on the loss of Bobbie.

    diane thinking of you, your brother and his family.l

    AQ just loved the knitted clown so full of colour. Hooe you'd are becoming even more mobile.

    Annette those fires look horrendous so glad you were well away from them but desperately for those who are losing their homes . Lightening certainly living up to her her name, hopefully the cacti will deter her. Billie watches the birds but can't be asked to chase them. She just critters at them. She did manage to find a tiny frog a couple of weeks, didn want to kill it just wanted to play. OH rescued it and put it back in the pond.

    Lindybird  loved your flower show pics especially the sheds. looks like a huge site and must take a lot of walking around. I think I saw that there was a programme from there but I forgot to record it. Can see why you like to go each year. Hoping your OH's back is less painful.

    Heather you must be looking forward to your new kitchen. How long is it going to take to do. Guessing you will be needing to be very adaptable.

    Brenda what a pain about the mole. I can remember years ago when a child my father having trouble with several. Amazing how much digging they can do. We had a cat who was completely bemused when he saw the ground moving and would spend ages watching and patting the ground. Hopefully the suggestions mentioned will do the trick.

    Rosy it is annoying when a long post disapoears, think it has happened to most of us.

    Sun has decided to come out out so we will have an early lunch and then go out for a couple of hours.

    Take care all.

    Margo X 

  • Lovely to see a long post from you, Margo, and to hear that you and your OH have been getting out and about. Also good that they were happy with your pacemaker.

    The Flower Show is huge, and you could spend all day there if you had the stamina. We try to get there as they open the gates just before 10.00am, and walk around with perhaps just one or two short rests on a bench, until we go home at 2.00pm.   There is so much to see that we try to plan it and include the things we like best, and miss out other things. There are tents with demonstrations on flower arranging, planting in the greenhouse, and cookery, and Q&A sessions on gardening. There is a huge tent with things to buy which include gifts, kitchen equipment, clothes and food (I always go in that one!). There is a Flower Arranging Competition in a marquee. There is an Art marquee with the most beautiful pictures and jewellery to buy. There are the Show Gardens of course, and dotted around every possible kind of thing to buy. The biggest marquee is the RHS which is full of flowers, plants and vegetables - we go in there 1st before it gets too busy.  Arrive at home afterwards tired out!

  • More pics from the Show, later.

    We've been on our outing and my OH bought something to strengthen his sister's back gate to deter Bonnie from trying to escape. I bought some birthday cards for our little ones: Amber is 2 next week which is mind boggling. Also got her a glove puppet which is a cheerful pink pig! (We already bought her big present).

    Had a nice cuppa, and we both resisted having one of the yummy looking cakes on display.....

  • Good to read everyones news, and wishing all well. thanks for your thoughts on my cousin. It is Mums birthday next month so will go down for our usual fleeting visit and hope to see my cousin too.

  • Hello all and thank you, ANNETTE.

    Have been reading all your news and chat-

    My head is buzzing with kitchen stuff so if I talk rubbish here, please forgive.

    MARGO- I am no doctor but if I was in your shoes I would forget about the pacemaker because it is doing the work for you and as you say, very infrequent checkups needed. Marvellous piece of equipment and I know of many folk who have had one for years. It is good to read that you and OH have been out and about so much. Sorry that your sister is not well, hope she gets a proper diagnosis soon xxx

    Joiners and electrician here this morning. I have phoned our usual painter and decorator. OH is remarkably cheerful considering the onslaught on his wallet. The workers are amazed at my happiness but of course, nothing has started yet. I think it is like camping. Having a good time in spite of logistical difficulties!

  • You're right, Heather - its just like camping, except you don't have to worry about the rain! It all gets chaotic, and muddled, and then suddenly a pheonix arises and the new kitchen starts to take shape and you cheer up.  When its finished it feels like you've given birth!

  • Morning all:   Getting ready for major grocery shopping trip this morning. Got ruthless with the fridge and freezer yesterday. Don't ask what the Use By date was on some items!  :-(

    Margo: I swear you are the most brilliant role model. Love it that you are enjoying every minute and that the pacemaker is keeping you going so well (like the Energizer Bunny).  Has your sister had that scope thingy-down-your-throat test? Lots of things can cause stomach pain; hope they get her sorted soon.  I'm with you on the equestrian events - watched them with my daughter and held my breath at the jumping events, especially during the individual finals where that poor German woman's horse landed smack on the rails of the first jump. She wisely withdrew at that point - those jumps were very high and I'd hate to think what might have happened further along with both horse and rider so unnerved.  Lightning also likes watching moving mounds of earth; wish she'd go after the moles and leave the birds alone.  Hope Billie isn't pouting too much about being left at home while you and your OH are out gallivanting.  :-)

    Lindybird: Like the sound of the garden show and the tent with all the retail opportunities; sounds like my kind of day out.

    Heather: Will be looking to see how your happiness level survives as the work proceeds, but then you're not doing a total demolishing job, so maybe not as bad as when we had ours done...

    Hope OG; Keith G and Diane are taking care of themselves.

  • I was interrupted by the phone - Youngest keeps missing us when we're out and we keep missing him when he's out. They have just had a week's holiday in the South and took in Stonehenge and Longleat Safari Park amongst other things.

    Hope all goes well with the kitchen, Heather - we'll be looking for your progress reports!

    Annette:  I only watched the equestrian where we had the chap from UK who won the Gold medal on the Show Jumping, plus the part you mentioned where the horses "dance". Very clever.

    Love your description of Margo, being likened to the Energizer Bunny!! LOL!!