WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016

Hope it's a good/better week for everyone.

  • Not happy with vets at moment awaiting results from tests before bobbie died but every time we contact them they say that the vet is not there or on farm animal its been 2 weeks now since we lost her its time that they give us the results they have them back but receptionist wont tell us said need to speak to vet  

  • Alicat: I'd call every morning (and maybe afternoon and even in between?) until they're tired of you!  Any idea when the doc is more likely to be in than out? How about driving down there and complaining in front of other patients about lack of communication? Good luck.

  • Unknown said:

    Quick look in to post link to fab shot of osprey vs. blue heron, posted yesterday on our local news site!  www.edhat.com/.../tidbit.cfm

    That is a gorgeous photo Annette, they are both beautiful birds.

  • Good Morning.  Rain here today, as promised. Well, the garden needs it!

    Hope that Alicat can get news from the Vet today.

  • OH underfoot today as he believed weather forecast & didn't go out. We did have rain but sunshine too. I was able to toast knees in sun before lunch. Is that the time? I'd better see if I know what to do in kitchen for evening meal . . .

  • Good Morning Everyone. Raining here too. The garden does need it. Not looking forward to tomorrow's gales though.

    Annette, Pleased that you have managed to slow down in your busy life. Wonderful picture of the osprey and blue heron.

    Alicat, Best wishes with your dealings with your vet. I presume you have have already received their bill.

  • The rain has been unstoppable since it began at about 6.00am  (I know, I was awake!)

    Annette:  Glad you've managed to grab some 'relax' time.

    Brenda:  Sorry to hear that your shoulder can still be painful.  I guess it will be like that for a while :-(

    AQ:  I hate having a husband underfoot!  But mine is doing Soduku in his comfy chair at the moment, so that's OK - and he did wield the Hoover this morning.


    I felt a bit "off" two days ago, and then yesterday realised that I had increased my trips to the loo somewhat.  Sure enough, found I had a UTI (uriniary infection) which I have had, in the past, but not for ages.

    Happily I have a packet of anti-bios in my drawer, as my wonderful lady GP is sympathetic and gives me a prescription to take some with me on my holidays, just in case it returns.  Now I just have to remember to take the blinkin' things four times a day!  Feeling better already.....

  • LINDY   glad you are feeling better already.

  • Hello -

    LINDY - sorry that you are under the weather but at least you now know what the problem is/was.

    MARY - The holiday on the Hebridean ship must be very luxurious indeed at those prices! I sometimes talk with stepson about cruise liners, he is a ships pilot. Some tales get told:-)

    ANNETTE - a restful day for you? I would think that you need it.

    AQ - loved the pics of the granddaughters with the toys. Also reading about their counting, etc. It seems no time at all since they were newborns.

    EVERYONE - I can't concentrate too well so apologies for all the replies that I intended to make but haven't. I'm busy planning where all the kitchen stuff will go while the new one is being installed. Also busy cooking meals that I can defrost and heat up in the microwave. I also have a slow cooker and will be using the utility room(ette) as a kitchen. We also have a one ring gas camping stove so I don't think we will starve. Definitely no family entertaining until all is finished.

    The larder fridge will have to go in the dining room and we will decommission the small kitchen freezer and use the chest freezer in the garage.
  • Heather B said:

    MARY - The holiday on the Hebridean ship must be very luxurious indeed at those prices! I sometimes talk with stepson about cruise liners, he is a ships pilot. Some tales get told:-)

    Heather - For some reason those small ships are very expensive, but they have a loyal following and people go year after year.  The Hebridean Princess who we see several times a year on our travels is equally as expensive, I am not sure I would fancy a ship so small though. :-)

    I bet your stepson has plenty of tales to tell, as they actually are on the bridge in command of the ship to bring them into port but the Captains do the docking.  Quite a responsibility.    For some reason don't ask me why but it is one of the things I like about cruising, is seeing the pilot board (usually roaring) across the water then they have to come alongside while the cruise ship is moving, line up and hop on board, then the pilot boat comes back to pick him up after he has guided the ship out of port, he usually always looks up to everyone watching and gives us a wave.  A simple thing but so nice to wave to him ha ha..... 

    Tell him he needs to get himself out to Alaska, as it is the one cruise that the pilot has to be on board for the whole cruise, quite a nice jolly isn't it.   Well that is how it was a few years ago,

    He will have to be fit too Heather, if he boards cargo vessels, I wouldn't fancy climbing up this ladder :-)