WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016

Hope it's a good/better week for everyone.

  • Alicat:  Oh dear; that was young for Bobbie. Any idea what happened?  

    Heather: The things grandparents do!  A bijou grumble?  :-)  Still, odd that her Mom couldn't vouch for her.

    bjane: Do hope your care giving allows some time for yourself.

    Another mostly normal day here; daughter stopped by for lunch while she was out and about.  I found a great deal on a hedge trimmer at a garage sale for grandson, whose girlfriend and her mom are off in Alaska visiting family.  Made it to the car wash and the gym.  :-)

    Take care all

  • Annette – Thank you for starting us off.


    Alicat - I had been wondering about you. So sad to lose Bobbie.


    I hope Everyone is well and has a great week.


    Rosy – The clowns are about 2 ft high, so the sausages are quite small, 12 stitches by 17 rows, each about 2” long. Size varies as thickness of 8-ply wools vary. All finished. I must fetch camera.

  • AQ: I was thinking about 8" high for the clowns. That's a lot of knitting.

  • Good Morning, and Thank You to Annette for starting us off again.

    Goodness, AQ, I wasn't imagining the clowns to be that big!  No wonder it's been hard work.

  • This is the Gardener that I knitted for Miss4. With variations - no mushrooms on hat. Flowers were pink (her favourite colour). Nowadays one arm is longer than the other because he has to water the flowerpot LOL. I'll look for other 2 images when I get time.

  • Oh, that's brilliant, AQ!  I love the way he's got a packet of seeds and some string in his pockets!   :-)

    I'd never have the patience to do all the fiddly bits.......

  •  AQ  Love the Gardener. The recipients of all your hard work must be thrilled to bits.

    I went to a hog roast party yesterday evening. This was to celebrate a friends 60th birthday. There were 70 of her friends, neighbours and family there and it was a good evening. The food which included a strawberry pavlova was excellent and the wine was flowing a plenty. My friends family travelled up from Woking (friend and her husband are heading south next weekend for their daughters wedding) and her daughter announced her Mums pressie which will be a few days in New York in Sept. She did know their was a holiday involved but didn't know where until last night.   We were talking about where and when people meet their future partners and my friend who is from Aberdeen and her OH who is from Edinburgh met at Bught Park in Inverness. Hence their return here after 33 years down South.     OH and I met in far less romantic circumstances. It was consul 27 at the London Air Traffic Control Centre (LATCC (mil)) in 1977. Memories of us training together all those years ago!!

  • Nice to have those memories, though, dibnlib!

    I met my OH after going off  to "The Country" 45 miles away, for a weekend with a boyfriend, whose parents had just bought a very nice ex farmhouse, and I offered to help them unpack the china.  I went for several weekends, eventually, and there was a very nice farmer working his farm next door.......

    Must be about 45/46 years ago!

    The Hog Roast sounds fun, and what a lovely celebration for your friend.  We went to a Ruby Wedding Anniversary Party a few weeks a go for some bowling friends, and we all had a whip round and sent them on a surprise long weekend in Barcelona!

  • ps the original Boyfriend later married a local girl there, and they had three horse mad daughters!  He inherited the farmhouse and they still live there.


    bjane, we love to read your posts
    because we like to hear from you,
    but care about your daughter, too -
    being friendly, and befriended,
    being caring even tho so far:
    because your daughter you have tended,
    being needed as a loving Ma ~
    because we know you read our news
    becoming part of all our lives
    because, bjane, you know that we
    b-love to love the ospreys, too!