WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016

Hope it's a good/better week for everyone.

  • Heather,  Very exciting about your new kitchen. It is great to have a kitchen just   made to suit you, and the way you intend to use it.

  • Lynette D said:
    AQ - just looked at the page - how fab and I take it they are all your creations as well, what a talented lady. I bet your grandchildren have had hours of fun with the characters.

    Lynette - I haven't done all those characters!!!! I've only knitted 5 clowns (4 different ones) for the 5 gr-kids. If you Google "Jean Greenhowe" you will find the lady has trillions of brilliant designs, not just clowns, dolls, Xmas decorations, etc, etc.

    I am accompanying OH when does nanny duty this arvo. I hope the girls are in a happy mood and I can capture a photo.

  • Unknown said:
    Hoping to be really well for next trip (Tall Ships Regatta at Blyth)

    OG - Sorry to read you are still unwell. {{{HUGS}}} I smiled when I read you were going to Blyth. So am I. Blyth SA, a small town in Mid-North of SA, about 8 miles west of Clare Valley. Not much in town - a pub, general store, post office, one church, 3 ex-churches (one now an art gallery). We are stopping there for lunch on our Kybunga - Blyth - Hart - Brinkworth bus trip at end of Sept. It may be worth taking a sandwich as I am not aware of any café! Now I must check Google for your Blyth.

  • Rosy – I adapt the clowns. Change colours to what I have in cupboard. Also to include favourite colours – Miss4 is mad about pink so pink flowers. MissL loves orange. Also the things on heads make them unwieldly, so omit those. I had trouble with the shopkeeper’s pie, so I invented an icecream in a cone. I’ve always loved designing jumpers, either colours or textures. Buzzing around in my head is something with maroon, grey & white. Not evenly spaced stripes, not sure what will emerge LOL

  • Evening all: Busy day here and yoga this afternoon. Will take it easy tomorrow (sort of).

    MaryGK: I don't like the latest Lewis, but oh well...

    Heather: I just cut back a lot of plants and we have one more bloom to go before things slow down, but our growing season seems to go on and on...   Your naughty OH needs to do exercises for his ear/balance problems!  We should organize a group exercise time for our OHs.  Why don't men take better care of themselves...  Have fun with the kitchen plans.

    Lynette: Spoke to my sister in the UK this morning and she said the Murray match was really good. Why not learn to drive now? It's never too late. Go on, be a devil!  :-)

    OG: Take it easy! September is just a couple of weeks away.

    Hi to Rosy and AQ. Knitting is not my thing!

    Hope everyone has a reasonable Tuesday.

  • Good Morning Annette - I watched Lewis a couple of times but thought they went on too long, so haven't watched again.  :-)    It is always disappointing when a favourite programme doesn't live up to what you have liked about it before.  

  • Good morning -

    We are enjoying another lovely day here, but such a shame that the children have returned to school today, after a rainy six weeks.

    Been looking at the kitchen plans again, just one minor alteration which I emailed the designer about last evening. She has just replied, saying it won't be a problem. It really is marvellous to see the plans onscreen in 3D as well as the traditional type of plan with all the measurements. I'd better stop talking about this now, before you all get kitchen fatigue.

    AQ - I looked up your link as soon as I saw your post. Love the gardener and like others, was impressed with the size. No wonder there is so much work involved. You are very talented.

    BRENDA - Sorry about your car troubles and as always, at a very inconvenient time. Our car looks almost OK after the valet it gets when being serviced. It is all downhill after that, sad to say, OH has no interest in cleaning anything, so it needs me to have a spurt of energy at times to sort out the car.

    DIANE - I enjoyed the Shetland webcams and the music! I'll look at the cams again. Thinking about you and your family.

    Its good to see you again, MaryGK and BJane. Also enjoyed reading your posts, ROSY.

    No doubt LYNETTE's daughter is nicely relaxed after her time away. I see that you have AF, like DIBNLIB's OH. Your post must have given her reassurance.

    OG - you have been missed and I look forward to reading your news after your trip to Blyth. I just googled it, no wonder you are taking extra special care of yourself before you go to see the tall ships. I saw them once, in Plymouth, years ago.

    A gardener came to see us yesterday to discuss the fate of our much hated cypress hedge. It isn't too tall nor does it affect any one else - it is at the front of our house by the street. But, it is gradually getting wider and like all trees of that type is very woody in the centre. We didn't plant it so it must have been here for forty odd years. OH used to trim it himself, twice a year but nowadays gets someone in to do it. Anyway, it is finally going - not sure when, it is a two man job. We are not removing the roots, if we did, the front wall would probably collapse. So the plan is to cut it down to ground level and then poison it. Or something. Each year we do something to reduce future garden work, which seems sensible given the inevitable march of time. Our gardens, front and back, are not large but were extremely labour intensive (the dreaded roses, OG!).

    The garden is calling - have a good day, everyone and Hello to all that I have missed out.

  • Good Afternoon, All.   Not found time to get on here this morning, as a busy couple of hours. Been out on errands before it got too hot. Also washed some seat pad covers so have my halo on now! Went out together yesterday to buy a new microwave oven as ours is doing strange things. Not surprising, as it was only the second one we've ever had, and our first was bought in the 80's, when they first became popular!

    My OH went to the chiropractor yesterday, and felt better afterward, but today hurt himself just reaching up too far to pick a couple of plums from our tree. I had to lecture him on "being careful, for a bit".  I think he'll have to go back for some more manipulation, though, before long.

    Heather - How exciting, having a new kitchen!  I hope you can enjoy the process of choosing and planning, plus the installation may not be too painful if it's done swiftly!  That hedge sounds a real problem, and I'm sure you'll be better off without it. We're so glad we removed our front hedge and things will now be easier to manage.

    Lynette - Hope your daughter has enjoyed her hols. Hasn't that week gone quickly!

    AQ - Looking forward to pics of your wonderful creations!

    Thinking of Margo, who I hope has been out with her OH this week, plus Diane who has her brother to think of.

    OG -  Sorry you've had to struggle somewhat through your holiday:  please take it easy and we look forward to hearing from you again later on.

  • Heather-I have suffered for years with an ear imbalance. Have taken medicine and had manipulation (which helped for awhile) but it always returned. Last winter I was watching all the seasons of Doc Martin and on one episode one of his patients has vertigo and Doc Martin made him lie on the floor and turn his head as far as he could and leave it for 5 full minutes and then turn his head the other way and do the same. The manipulation I had had was similar but the head didn't have to stay so long in each position. I tried it one evening and have not had any imbalance issues since (a good 7 months). It might be worth a try. Seems silly to try something that you see on a TV series but it worked! I know if it returns, I will try this again. The worst part was laying flat on the floor and then having to get up again.  Hard when we are in our eighties.  LOL

  • Goodness, bjane -  I'll have to try that.  Sometimes I feel strangely unbalanced for a couple of days. I usually put it down to having an ear blockage or infection in the inner ear, as whenever I have a cold it seems to affect my ears.

    I agree about the lying down and then getting up again!