WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 31, 2016

Morning all:  Happy New Week.  Busy day here....

Brenda: I wonder if you've torn the rotator cuff in your shoulder. That would show up on an MRI.... Thanks for letting us know Margo is feeling chirpier. Ms D's hair is still pretty blonde in some lights but suspect it'll gradually darken (I used to be blonde!).

Lindybird: Oh dear, sorry your OH is paying for his good deed.

ChrisyB: Good to see you! Have fun at Kielder Water.

Heather: Do hope the family plan to sort out "problem" will take the load off you.

Rosy: How nice to combine outstanding tasks with a lazy day following a day where you and friend sorted out the world (nobody else seems to be doing a good job of it).

Have a good Sunday all.

  • It is a beautiful day here and a great start to OG's holiday.

    Just had a call from my eldest, he applied and been accepted for voluntary redundancy. He works for Hewlett Packard. The department he works in have merged with another company with resulting need to trim staff numbers especially in high cost countries.... A big leap into the unknown. He will be 50 next year.  

  • Hope the redundancy wasn't too much of a shock, Heather.  At 50 he must have a lot of experience to offer, but the job market is difficult so hope they won't have to move house.

    Quiet on here today without OG - and me!  I went out early on errands, and then my Friend came for lunch so that we could catch up. Now I'm starting the packing for our break away, plus tidying up generally. Back later to put on some more pics.

  • Heather: Well, it sounds as if your eldest weighed his options and decided this is best for him. I hope he's getting a good buy out package....

    Busy day ahead here; back later.

  • Good afternoon everyone I have been lurking again but just have not had a lot of news to tell. After being up north for my birthday and my visit to LG have had a quite summer. On my visit to LG nothing was happening just the young ones in the nest and OG sitting on her favourite tree but managed to see a red squirrel and a crossbill family.

    I have had a visit from son and his wife on their way down to Norwich as I am a great DBB stop for the airport on their journey. I also do airport pickups.

    Trying to loose some weight before I see the heart consultant at the end of this month so have given up all goodies and have also cut down on portion sizes. It is working.

    Margo it is good to hear from you and be like the royalty and have a dresser for as long as required and I am sure that your OH will be only be to pleased to carry out the duties. I hope that Billie has settled since your spell in hospital.

    I hope everyone else gets over their aches and pains and gets plenty vitamin D before the sun departs from our shores.    

    george g

  • Oh George - its good to hear from you  but you did make me laugh.

    I would pay good money to see OG in a tree at Loch Garten. We know you meant EJ :)

  • LOL Harelady!     and George - nice to hear from you.  Well done on the dieting.   All the little extra things add up when you eat:  I know to my cost!  Glad you enjoyed your LG visit.

    Been Superwoman today and done all sorts of things, including finding 5 minutes to go outside and cut off all the little peapods appearing on my Sweet Peas - if you don't cut them off, you get less flowers as all the energy goes into the seeds. Dusted some really grubby ornaments, and started packing.

    Friend came and we ate up a lot of the leftover salad and etc which I had in the fridge as I had bought too much food over the weekend, in the theory that its better to have plenty to offer rather than not enough.  Finished off with a beautiful fresh peach each, they are just coming into the shops now.

  • Here are some more of the promised photos from Tatton Flower Show.

    More from inside the huge RHS Marquee - there are too many exhibits in there for me to picture them all, so I just go along admiring things and talking to the exhibitors, and snap away at things which look interesting or beautiful.  

    The Orchids were in black pots on a black stand, so that they stood out well:

    Clematis:    We both love them, and wish we had a walled garden so that we could have thousands!

    Aliums like fireworks!!

  • Hi Everybody. Our garden has appreciated the overnight and this morning's rain. More expected overnight, tonight.
    A very long day at EG hospital yesterday. OH saw both of his Consultants. More steroids for the next four weeks and unless OH has any major problems, they will see him immediately after our daughter's wedding. Definitely sounds like they will have to perform a graft on his right eye, we just don't know when, yet.
    Sorry, I missed OG before she left for her holiday.

    Linda, I love your flower pics, but my favourite has to be the driftwood horse and foal sculpture. It is wonderful.

    George, Good luck with the diet. Sounds as if you are doing very well. I think we all put on some weight, when on holiday.

    Heather, Sorry about your son's redundancy. I do hope he finds another job soon and doesn't have to depend on his redundancy pay..
    You paint a lovely picture of a very contented husband.
    Diane, So sorry to hear that your brother has had to return to hospital. You are obviously very worried. {{ HUGS }}  X 

    I need to go and check on our dinner. It does smell good, anyhow.

  • Hello all, am still around but as I have hardly any news have just caught up on this weeks, so far.

    Diane - do hope that your friends get home soon so that you can finish your project. So sorry to read about your brother with his many health problems. Let's hope they can get to the root of the matter.

    Margo - hadn't realised you'd been in hospital for an operation but so pleased to hear that it has gone well, stitches out, and that you are recovering.

    Lindybird - you know how to cheer everyone up, those pictures from Tatton Flower Show are super and especially the one of the flower lady - bedecked with real flowers - what a welcome. Enjoy your week in Wales.

    Brenda - do hope that your OH's health problems can be sorted out, but in the meantime enjoy your daughter's wedding.

    Heather - hope your son manages to find another job once he has recovered from the voluntary redundancy.

    Annette and AQ - hope you are both OK and that life is treating you well.

    OG, glad you managed another! cream tea and broke the Sunday ritual.  Afraid sometimes after church we have to slip down to M's. for something we have forgotten in the weekly shop which I now do on line and have it delivered.

    George - Nice to hear from you.

    Apologies if I've missed off replying to someone.

    Not a lot happening here - Dau is away this weekend at a friends and then on Tuesday we are taking her to the airport for her long awaited holiday - to Kos, picking her up again a week later. OH is still doing his umpiring on a Saturday and commentating at our County Ground when there are matches on there. Me, I just potter about, getting to the gym once or twice a week, nothing exciting, just normal day to day things.

    OOps, seem to have written quite a lot, must stop now.

  • Catchup time. Lovely pic of Ms D, Annette. I can almost smell Linda’s flower show. Margo I can feel for you with restricted arm. I gave up wearing bra when wrist was sprained. I hope Diane’s project is going well. Too late to catch OG. Hello Heather, Wendy, Lynette, Brenda & those I’ve missed.


    Knee Doc yesterday said my knee was doing well for 6 weeks - “See you in 12 months.” Able to drive at last, I took myself to Foodland this morn, followed by local library. It will be nice to read new books, not just those on my shelves. Driving was fine but I hadn’t expected that getting into car from driver’s side to be rather difficult. Knee is feeling quite sore, so a lazy afternoon ahead.


    Dau2 + appendages called on Monday, partly to see me and partly as free outing for Little People. Playgrounds too cold & wet most days. I told her it would be a while before I could resume nanny duty. Knee is still very sore and I kept protecting it from casual bumps during hugs & read-me-a-story. They enjoyed playing with the unfinished clowns and bits (carrot, banana, umbrella, etc). Fascinated by the sausages. MissJ started counting them “one one one one one”, then again “one one two four five”. Miss4 counted 10. OH took the Little People outside and they had a great time stamping in puddles. It was OK; they had their rubber boots on. They stayed for lunch – sausage rolls – then into car for nap on drive home. That’s the twins to nap, not the driver LOL.