Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 July 2016

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon on Tuesday!

  • Good afternoon.  Very pleasant day today – a light cooling shower about 10 am, otherwise sunny with gentle breeze – even the night was not so hot and sticky.  Decorating slowly proceeds.  OH won’t be having his cleaning day, so, among other things) I have been round the house with the lightweight vac – my knee and wrist were not happy – but I managed it.  Had to do it as I was getting tired of picking bits of grit out of the soles of my feet (I find it easier to walk barefoot).

    Sad news from the Dyfi – but these things happen.  Will be interested to find out result of any PM – if they can get the body before it is too decomposed.  I was disappointed that the centre there seemed to be in denial about a possible injury for two days and then when they finally got an expert opinion they claimed an injury was what they had thought all along!

    Linda – he isn’t usually good at seeing a job through, although I guess decorating is and exception and especially this time due to the time constraint.  Normally, he flits between jobs, and there are several projects waiting to be finished.  Also, he has a habit of suddenly doing something which, given time, I could do myself so he could concentrate on what needs doing by him.

    AQ – how many of the special offer biscuit packs did you invest in?  They aren’t a bargain if you eat them all up!  Sounds hot for the current season – I hope your washing dries.  Nice horsey photos – looks as if Ms 4 is very patient with the two little ones.

    OH putting first coat on last wall this afternoon – he won’t get to buy extra paint today as we are out for a lecture this evening – Dr Jeffrey Hoffman on “What went wrong with the Hubble Space Telescope and how did we fix it?” – so showers soon, cooking and then early dinner.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi to all - a pleasant day here too. OH deciding which shrub is going to suffer at his hands this afternoon. He is also going to phone the tree man to deal with a tall holly tree. I just had another mini lecture on the necessity of regular pruning...

    I don't have to worry about him not finishing inside jobs, OG, for the simple reason that he doesn't do any these days, other than hang a picture or replace lightbulbs etc, which I can do myself. I painted and wallpapered all my adult life but OH won't allow me to do it any more since I nearly fell off a ladder due to positional vertigo.

    I'm about to make a chilli con carne for dinner tomorrow, youngest family arriving for a few days. Also cauliflower cheese for tonight, for ourselves. My OH not keen on chilli but will eat it if there is no alternative!

    My understanding is that they won't attempt to recover Ceri's body from the nest since the disturbance that would cause might cause trauma and increase the risk of another accident?

    If the body is tipped off the nest that is another matter, I suppose.
  • Sad about Dyfi.

    I wrote a whole ream about all sorts of things, but the phone just rang and I put my tablet down - it was a recorded message ....afterwards I came back and have lost everything I've written. Bah!

  • Hope that you will tell us later, LINDY!!

  • What a plonker I am. Went to make the chilli, only to find that I had taken one beef and one pork mince out of freezer. No specs on, didn't read labels. Had to hurriedly defrost more beef and then made a meatloaf to use up the pork. Made the cauliflower cheese plus the chilli con carne and was left with loads and loads of pots and pans :-( I can see sometimes, why ready meals are a convenient option.

  • Sympathies, Heather.  So easily done (with or without specs). I need a magnifying glass too!

    Now you have an extra meal ready, though.

    We had been to local Indian restaurant yesterday, with friend after bowls, so this evening we had mostly (generous) leftovers from there, No pots or pans. Brilliant!

  • OG – I’ve been very good. I only bought one packet of bics and I haven’t opened them yet. I shall ration myself to 1 a day (or maybe 2!). Miss4 is mostly very caring of the twins, but sometimes there are fights over same toy. Yesterday while Dau phoned me, Miss4 had a meltdown, caused Dau said, by the honey on toast treat to end lunch. She gets quite silly, even tantrumy, when she has sugary treats.


    Linda – I am so fed up with unsolicited phone calls, even though we are on the Do Not Call register. Especially now I am not carrying phone around with me and while I am not very fast walking to phone.


    Washing was all dried & put away same day. Today’s agenda – cleaning bathroom. Perhaps the shower can wait until I can bend better or OH notices grime (haha, as if). Oh dear, I just remembered I thawed lamb chops to made a large casserole tonight. That’s definitely cancelled the shower! I made quiche Wed with enough spare for freezing. I like having emergency meals in freezer, homemade of course, for lazy days or weeekends. I still think in a tiny part of my mind that one should do little housework & cooking on Sundays. Weather is changing; we are expecting 15 C & rain today.

  • Annette - pool is at a gym I go to (mind you I only go for a swim).  Today was even worse that Tuesday so only managed about 8 lengths - there were about a dozen people vying for space. Two lanes were closed to the mother and baby swimming classes so that is why space was short. Still managed a short one.

    We have not had any thunderstorms here and only got off with a light shower or two late afternoon, evening. A little cooler and more bearable.

    Dau's frantically getting ready for the Church Holiday Club which launches on Monday - Circus theme this year. Although there is a serious side in that they are learning about the Bible a lot of fun is had by all.