Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 July 2016

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon on Tuesday!

  • Hi, all; I hope everyone is safe after the storms last night and today.   It was such a hot night, that sleep was not easy, and then the storms started about 3am hail, thunder, lightning and heavy rain.  It seems there was no big storm to cause continuous rain and flooding, but clusters of smaller ones, so each time the rain could get away before the next downpour.  It went on like this until about midday today.  Although the light was poor (alternating between light cloud, black sky and a horrible yellowish hue, OH was able to paint a first coat on another wall; since it improved, he has done the window frame, the three doorframes and a second coat on the darker wall.  My pain has gradually decreased, so between rests I have kept normal tasks “ticking over” and have only needed rescuing a couple of times; I am mostly walking with just one stick today.

    Heather – I see you have been busy as usual feeding family and worrying about them all!  J has been living here with us since October 2011, so that is now the norm for us all, but I sometimes just wish we did have another room.  He had left and returned at least three times before, as well as the usual university and gap-year comings and goings, so we are all quite good at “give and take” and giving one another space and time to do our own thing.

    Annette – being on your own manning (should it really be “personning”?) the phones on your first day did seem rather unfair, but I am sure you coped with your usual flair and efficiency!  Enjoy your visit from GDaughter and Ms D.

    AQ – those nights when you know you need something for the pain but are too sleepy to fetch it are very unpleasant: can’t you keep just one dose beside the bed – not the whole pack in case you are sleepy enough to forget whether you already took them?  I hope you will post photos of the clowns when they are finished.

    Linda – pleased you had good weather on Monday – but perhaps too “good” Tuesday, since you had to sit indoors.  Pleased Bonnie doesn’t mind thunder, and glad you got your preparation done and a safe journey home to the usual washing machine!

    Rosy – we have fans in every room – even moved the large one from the lounge into the bedroom for extra cooling in the night.

    Coffee has arrived as OH has done enough painting for today.  I think he has to get more of the light colour paint tomorrow, so will take the curtains for cleaning at the same time.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry, OG, meant to say that I hope that your pain has lessened somewhat today. You may have been doing too much.....

  • Just read your post, OG! Glad that pain isn't as bad x

  • Sounds as if the decorating is coming along well, OG.  Eagle Eye sounds a lot like my OH, once he gets started, there's no stopping him! Good to hear that your pain is easing and things are settling down, hope it's even better tomorrow!

    Our Eldest came back twice, most unwillingly the second time, but needs must.  Eventually he managed to fledge OK! but there had been tensions, and there was relief all round by then.

    We had really loud thunder and hammering rain, about five or six times in the night, in Wales. When we got home the garden was bone dry and not much water in the rain water butt.

  • Not sure OG if our storm was just one or several! I put my head under the duvet and continued listening to the radio as usual. I do remember saying to OH that the gap between lightening and thunder was getting shorter. He was sound asleep and didn't appreciate being woken up for the second time as you can imagine. I'm surprised he puts up with me. I even woke him to tell him that DT was confirmed as Republican candidate. I won't repeat his reply.

    Anyway, the water butt should be full. Every cloud has a silver lining.

  • Having been in London during a 30-plus heatwave, I can understand what you are suffering. One day I found my way to an art gallery with a/c and spent hours in the cool studying the paintings rather than tramping the streets seeing the sights. Your heat is humid & horrid; our summer is a clear heat, hence we can bear much higher temps.


    OG – Good you are off 2 sticks & hope your pain is better soon. I found it so frustrating not having a free hand when I was using a walker.


    Heather – you are living dangerously, waking your OH for trivial news. LOL


    {{{HUGS}}} to Margo


    Food shopping yesterday. I noticed choc bics family pack supposedly on special. Sometimes the specials are not actually cheaper. We tramped all the way back to the biccie aisle to check regular price - $1.67 per 100 gm. The special was actually worthwhile – 67c per 100 gm. Now I have to ration myself! Expecting 22 C today and it is breezy, so the washing is on. Showers tomorrow. I posted on flickr little people playing horsey on last visit.

  • Evening all: Busy evening getting ready for GD and Ms.D, who are expected fairly early in the AM.  Will catch up tomorrow!

  • So sad, Mike. I just read about that.

  • Good Morning.  Thanks to Mike for alerting us to the news from Dyfi.