Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

No time for a post or replies from me, folks. Really, really busy. I'm sending good wishes to all. Heather: I hope your daughter is improving.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Linda – I am drooling over your poppies. I am puzzled why your OH doesn’t want training for Bonnie. It isn’t cruel, just gentle reminders & repetition. Dau has been taking Toby, her Tenterfield terrier, to classes most Sunday mornings. After several frustrating weeks he now understands “sit”. “Heel” is going to take longer as he is easily distracted by the other dogs (or anything). He was due to do a test to see if he was ready for the next class. As I haven’t heard, I guess he failed. Dau & Toby practise on the front lawn, away from the children, between classes. Last thing he needs is a chorus of commands from little people!!!


    Dau borrowed 2 books for me from her library. I’ve finished Elizabeth Chadwick (“The Winter Queen”) already and I expect the other set in Dublin by (forgotten author) will also be finished for OH to return to her next nanny day. The only help she has now I’m on sick leave, is a few hours on a kindy day. OH arrives to mind twins while she collects Miss4 from kindy, thus saving much time loading & unloading little people. Also gives her some 1-on-1 time with Miss4. OH stays until teatime when s-i-l returns from work. It means he is home here late but last week I managed to heat soup so it was ready.

  • Hey all:  See hair color and tomatoes dominated today's posts.  I spent about 40 minutes picking the remaining low-hanging fruit (oranges) and now have another load to cart to the Food Bank. Otherwise, busy with my deadline stuff.

    AQ: Sounds like your daughter has been forced to cope with kiddies in your absence - and surviving! Any news on the knee replacement surgery?  How's your wrist these days?

    Off to bed. Have major shopping trip planned for the morning - oh joy....

  • l promise this is my last word on the subject, but it's been going over in my head so need to say lindy, but before l do was surprised by what l see AQ has just wrote that you haven't taken your puppy to dog trainer classes??? that was what we did wrong with our dog, he dead of old age years ago now.We spolt him terrible can see that after.

    Anyway l was going to say means you are giving her exercise, then yes dog training l would say is a must, or behaviour specailist depending on how bad the problem is. l always remember watching the series of Ceasar Millan on telly Dog Whisper was amazed by him, l,ve still got tapes of his series even thou l know longer have a dog.

    Try and watch him on youtube he trains dogs like dogs train there own pups, or older dogs stop bad behavior from other dogs who are wiser and calmer and don't have problems. l always remember him saying a dog should never be pulling on a lead infront of you, cause then in his head that says l'm the leader not you, you need to be the leader.

    So please try and get your OH to rethink training or a if need be a dog behavior specailist, because has with us they say it's not the dog at thought but the owners there not training them right, has we let ours away with too much. And if it's not nipped in the bud when young will only get worse, and you have young childern in the family. Try and watch Ceasar millan if you can, he has saved hunderds of dogs lives from having Euthanized because there were so bad, not saying yours is, but that in the right training hands mircales can happen.

    l would love a dog but wouldn't be fair on Roger, has he has me and his sick perants to look after, but if l was getting one even thou would love a pup, cause us being older me 57yrs roger 7 yrs more, would go for a older dog, that needed some tlc in it's older age and gentle walks.

    Anyway hope this helps, please see about training will make a world of difference. Thats me finished promised will say no more on this subject. take care Yas

  • LINDY   Would loved to have gone to the Maastricht concert (or the hydro in Glasgow on 23rd Dec!!!!) but what we are going to see is a screening of the concert at Vue cinema Inverness. We decided not to go to the concert in Glasgow because of the date.

  • Good Morning.  Laughed when I saw your post, Dibnlib, as I seem to have got the wrong end of the stick. Hope you enjoy it, all the same - at least there's less travel!

    AQ -  See your daughter is surviving, although I'm sure it's not easy without your help. Perhaps when you're recovered, the best thing would be for you to just hold the fort for an hour or so once a week whilst she goes shopping. There were quads the other day on TV - cute, but the poor parents were exhausted :-( Hope your wrist is improving and the knee is not too painful.

    Yas -  Thanks for your concern. We saw a dog trainer when she was only a few months old, to try to make it easier to take her out on the lead. Although we stuck to his advice, she is still much the same many months later. We darnt take her to classes unless it's on a one-to-one basis as it would be complete chaos.

    This morning my OH was gone for over an hour, taking Bonnie out. He lost her near the woods and eventually stood in one place, hoping that she would find him. Then a fellow dog walker told him she had seen Bonnie near the rabbits.  He eventually found her with a live baby rabbit in her mouth: she ran away when he approached and would not give it up. He had to come home and hope that she would return without him, which she did. Thankfully the part which is on the road is only short.  He let her into the garden and in time she put the rabbit down, which was by now, dead. He's disposed of it.

  • White cloud cover so far, but OH has hung washing out.  Was still warm overnight, but we did put the duvet on the bed.  Our Tomato plants are looking good  - we haven’t been disappointed in previous years; they do receive a lot of TLC!

    AQ – sounds as if your Daughter is coping well now with her little people, and even finding time for Toby.  Good that you don’t have worry so much about her as your operation time approaches.

    Annette – you sound very busy, between deadlines and oranges!

    Linda – good morning; I hope your day improves!

    Things to do – BBL.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi, all.

    Alan: Bowie is looking grand! You've taken good care of him.

    Annette: Did you feel the earthquake last night/this morning? One report said that some people as far north as Santa Barbara felt it.

    OG: I'm going to have to get some strawberries when I go for groceries tomorrow. I blame you! LOL

    Back later to start the new thread.

  • ALAN   lovely pic of Bowie.

    We went to check out the repaired???? railway line fence yesterday. They have only done a partial repair and OH has sent them an E-mail to that effect. Not happy with bro. I sent him an E_mail on Mon telling him that as expected Mum hadn't answered the phone and also asking what was the outcome of his meeting with the care company and if Mums best carer had returned after a month off. No reply grrrrrr

    Poor rabbit, sorry to hear that LINDY.

    We enjoyed "The audience last night.

    I had my 3rd swim in 3 days this morning. I tried to ignore the turtle tots session going on and left the pool seconds before they finished, otherwise I may not have got a shower. I got home in time to see the last 30 mins of the service at St Pauls. Off out with Benson in 5 and going nowhere near the gap in the fence.

  • Morning all:

    Diane: Didn't feel anything and looking at the USGS shake map, seems like there were a couple of reports in SB - amazing given the distance and it being only a 5.2 quake.

    OG: Busy, but pacing myself. I have one Sun Gold tomato plant - little orange ones that are the sweetest. Got some last year but it must been an unhealthy plant to start off with coz it never really grew. This one is already doing much better. OH not mad about tomatoes but I eat these like candy. Yum!

    Alan: Bowie a lovely dog - but is it me or does he have rather large feet?

    dibnlib: Frustrating that your bro hasn't responded. Suggest you nag him for an answer.

    Lindybird: Sorry about Bonnie and the Baby Bunny. Dogs will be dogs...

    Comprehensive shopping list all drawn up and must get going so I can be done with Trader Joes early, then hit Costco when the doors open and be in and out before a quick zip around Albertson's and home well before lunch. Looks like the highlight of my weekend will be the giant rummage sale the nearby retirement community will be holding tomorrow morning. :-))