Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

No time for a post or replies from me, folks. Really, really busy. I'm sending good wishes to all. Heather: I hope your daughter is improving.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Hello all -

    The sun finally arrived at lunch time. before that it was quite cool. I had a hairdresser appointment at 10am. Have decided to stop colouring hair and see what my own colour is like! Then make a decision. Hairdresser tells me that from what she can see, most of my hair is still the mousey colour it always was. Bits of grey around hairline. Haven't seen my own colour for many years, it will be interesting - or not!

    DIANE - Yes, I'm on Windows 10. Have managed to get my old desktop picture back ( is that what you call it?) - it is a photo from my files, OH sitting on my brother's garden tractor in France. Found my favourites and mails etc. So I think that I've done it all correctly. Unbelievable.

    LINDY - Love the poppies. I think that you have Patty's Plum?

    OG - Lunch sounds good. We are the same, always look for raspberries from Angus. OH was Assistant Factor at Kinnaird Castle before he came up here in 1960. He says that although there were rasps in the kitchen garden they weren't grown commercially on the estate, too far North he says. A bit further south in Angus  - loads and loads grown.

    BRENDA - Good to hear news of MARGO but sorry that she is finding the humidity troublesome. I expect that Billie is hiding under a bush!

    Greenhouse cleaned this afternoon. Not to the old standard, no lights removed. Perfectly acceptable though. It is impossible to carry on doing everything as well as it was done in former times. Or so we are finding:-(

  • Yas - Thanks for that - any advice is welcome.  My OH takes the dog out for an off lead run for a minimum of 30-40 minutes, first thing in the morning and at teatime.  Weather permitting - if it's dire, they are gone for half an hour. Sometimes, she gets an extra half hour when he goes to the allotment as well. Also, at weekends we often all three of us take a one & a half hour walk in the morning, in addition. During the day, I leave the door open and she hares around the garden between sleeps, if it's not raining. She certainly has plenty of energy! 

    Thankfully, she has stopped waking at 5.30am in the morning, it's more like 6.30 to 7.00am now, which is OK as my OH is an early riser. He is in his 70s now and although fit, is glad that for every yard he walks, she does at least three times as far!!  (And at full speed!!)

  • Heather - Well done on cleaning the greenhouse - not a fun job!  It surely doesn't matter if you arn't meticulous......

  • HEATHER   I am doing the same. I usually have my hi lites done every 12 weeks or so and was going to make the appt for next time I am having it cut. My long time hairdresser said the hi lites have almost grown out anyway and she thinks the natural colour looks really good. (ash blonde originally). We will see in 6 weeks time, hope I agree with her.

    Off out in a few mins to see a screening of "The Audience". I am going with OH and a friend. It was my idea so do hope it is not a disappointment.

    The three of us are going to a screening of Andre Rieus concert in his castle in Maastricht in July. 

  • DIBNLIB - OH really keen on Andre Rieu. Actually, both of us! I usually buy DVDs when they come out.

  • Good evening.  OH finished watering front garden (now in shade) and I have done greenhouse (which was in semi-shade); veg borders and perennials bed still to be done, but now about to have another coffee!

    Oh dear, the ones I am most likely to meet up with (in August, I hope) are both changing hair colour: will I recognise you, Heather and Dibnlib?

    Never know when to clean our greenhouse: summer stuff starts before over-wintered geraniums etc can come out, and tomatoes continue when they want to go back in, so always an overlap!  OH does the best he can, with me reminding him about every half hour that plant hygiene is as important as human hygiene!

    Hope Dibnlib, OH and friend are enjoying their evening out!

    Should be around all day tomorrow.  Our podiatrist is recovering from surgery, and the substitute she recommended has offered a home visit tomorrow, around midday.  OH will shop locally after she has finished.  Possible rain here tomorrow evening, or will it miss us out again?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I will recognise you and EE, OG, so no worries!

    We don't grow tomatoes any more, in the greenhouse,so it is pretty empty just now except for cuttings which OH has on some sort of heated tray. He put sand on it and now has things in wee pots sitting there!

    It is a bit of a waste, not growing tomatoes etc and every year I try and persuade him. He has grown veg all his life, from a teenager, but now doesn't want to :-(  All I have is some dwarf runner beans, in a big tub.

  • We're waiting for possible rain, too, OG.  I've just watered all the pots anyway.

    Really jealous of your going to Maastricht, Dibnlib!  We love Andre, too and like Heather we have lots of his DVDs.

    I am a mousy brown hair colour so have been lightening it myself since in my late teens. Now there don't seem to be many dark roots left, so guess most of it is a dull grey!  I don't intend stopping colouring it, and as it also gets blonde highlights when I'm in the sun, it looks quite like an expensive highlighted job!!

    Watching Minsmere on Springwatch at the moment.

  • You posted while I was typing, Heather.  My OH still grows tomatoes in his greenhouse but is always disappointed at the results. It's harder for him as it's at the allotment, so even though he sometimes goes there twice a day, it's difficult to control the temperature (we can't put in a sophisticated self opening window or anything, as it might get stolen!)

  • LINDY - OH was disappointed with our tomatoes, also, the last couple of years we grew them. Can't remember why, it is a few years ago.