Last week's Chat thread is here.
I left a long reply on the end of last week's thread. I've got a nasty deadline this week for my project, so you all won't hear from me for a few days. I hope everyone has a great week! Eastern BluebirdLabelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
Thank you, YAS.
Yas, I was wondering where your source of electricity was, and where you kept your computer.
Heather, Sorry to read about your daughter. Seems she is in a good place.
Heather, I have a appt. with hygienist on Saturday. I have recently changed my dentist. The previous hygienist always shook her head sadly when looking in my mouth, however hard I had tried to clean efficiently. My new one is a very efficient Swedish lady. She is a bit scary, but she does say she can see that I am making an effort!
Good evening, after a very pleasant and busy day. Cloud broke up in the afternoon, and the wind dropped, so a lovely evening, and OH has completed all the mowing, trimming and strimming; he has just finished the outside watering – I did the greenhouse veg. J is doing his ironing, so there will be none kept over!
Brenda – sorry your garden designer is keeping you waiting, but just think how wonderful it will be next summer! Talking of wedding costs, we were saving for elder Daughter to get married and then they brought the date forward a year and so opted for a very simple wedding; second one married two years later in the year that J was ill, so it was another simple wedding to reduce stress on us all; it seems we got off lightly, but we wouldn’t have planned really big weddings anyway.
Margo – hoping you will get good weather for the weekend; I think you have had it a lot wetter than we have recently.
Rosy – good to see you again; always hoped I would one day get to Chelsea, but won’t make it now; Dau#2 was the same, but was very disappointed when she did go two years ago – just too crowded. We have been to the Edinburgh one a few times, and to the RHS Tatton Show. I am feeling much better, with increased energy; steroid injection always helps, but for some reason they stopped them for a while – I used to call it my “happy juice”, and I am lucky that it helps me lose some weight too. Enjoy your visitors from over the pond!
Linda – pleased you returned to your cheery Poppies – know how you love them!
Yas – lovely wee building – I guessed it wasn’t really a house as it seems to have a bridge or board walk over a very wet area where a residence would be unlikely to get planning consent! Diane will love it when she has time to look in and see it, she loves quirky little buildings!
Bjane – hello again! How is your daughter getting on with preparations for independent living?
Heather – sorry to see your daughter is in hospital; Dr Gray’s has a good reputation; GD-i-L did some of her medical training there, and missionary doctor friend in Ecuador came back to have both her Daughters there.
Dibnlib – seem to have missed you out recently – sorry about that; I hope you are all three well.
Clare – not watched yet, but will look out for Limpy’s Heron – was intending to watch out for him – and you – anyway!
Have decided that, although the garden usually gets priority in good weather, we really must clean bathrooms tomorrow – I wish housework would go away for the summer months!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
PS - had blood tests done this morning - might have to have one of the nurses next time as my phlebotomist is going in for knee replacement next month. She has told me not to let anyone ruin our favourite little vein while she is away!
Just trying to catch up on all your news.
Keith - so sorry to hear of your loss.
Yas - you must be a newcomer, well to me at least, so welcome. Saw your pic of the baby robins.
Too many posts to reply to so will do a blanket thank you for all your news.
Not much to say although been in the background reading through the blog. Suffice to say that now back in the routine of going to the gym twice a week as OH's dressing is off and he can now go in the pool. Still has to go back to see how it is faring, but on the whole healing quite well.
Just heard that a friend who though she had cancer in three places has now had the results back and the tumours have turned out benign. What they are going to do next she will have to wait and see but its great news.
Take care all and will keep in touch. Watching more of the osprey nests at this time of year.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
HeatherB, read about your daughter and do hope they can pin point what is up with her and sort it out. Thoughts are with you as indeed with any of the group who are finding things difficult at present. Hugs to Margo too.
Re "Highlands - Scotland's Wild Heart" - this is due to be repeated nationally on BBC2 in the autumn, but if you can't wait that long it is due to be released on DVD on June 13th - have already pre ordered mine from Amazon!!
Keith - sorry to hear your sad news.
Appt with anaesthetist this morn. Reassuring that he will check what drugs I was given last time as my concern is most painkillers disagree with me. Last time I ended up with only paracetamol + ice packs. Useless. Feeling better today (gout under control again), managed to get myself lunch today while OH was pottering in garden, restoring damage after fencing. I believe boots have trampled a number of my bulbs.
Thanks Rosy for taking my little joke well, was worried l'd get throw of the site. Being in pain alot gets me through the day to take my mind off my toubles, and to have a sense of humour, hubby makes me laugh a lot,sometimes without trying, feeling really stiff this morning slept in chair too long last night, can't help it just go off without knowing it, think it's all the pain killers l need to take through the day. Yas