Loch of the Lowes - 2010

Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.

  • Hi Annette,

    The male jumped right in to feed the chicks yesterday so I think It is very positive. He will get  better at this  as time goes on. He may feel confused right now. He sees Lady on the nest but she doesn't take the fish to feed the  chicks 

    One chick is clearly confused as it went to Lady when Laird brought the fish. 

    This will take a few days for Laird to get in a rhythm of feeding and fishing . It looked like one chick was trying to  eat by itself after Laird had the  fish ripped open . All we can do now is hope for the  best

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Thanks Barbara Jean:   This must've happened before - wonder if there's any record of survival rates for chicks in this position. I'm going back to the LG thread and will check back here in the morning (our time).

  • Male arrived back at the nest - alarm calling??  Maybe an intruder? Now cam is following him all around the Loch - aha! - two birds in the sky. This is brilliant, being able to follow them as they fly.  Now cam is back to nest. Sigh.

  • The chicks are laying over Lady's back  ( tears) 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • This male certainly has his work cut out for him. Fishing , feeding and protecting the nest .

    He will qualify for the  "Super bird" award if he  manages to raise these chicks to migration by himself 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Dad is back with a fish, but seems unsure what to do; chicks don't seem interested enough to rouse themselves.  Dad has come down from the edge of the nest (Mom just raised her head again for a moment) and is eating by the chicks, who've now mozzied over to maybe snag a morsel or two.  Do wish Mom could get a bite, even though it probably wouldn't do her much good. She doesn't seem to be struggling; just raises her head up now and then to look back at the chicks - as if they've disturbed her - then lays down again.

  • Barbara Jean: I asked Peter what happens if the male can't nurture chicks all the way to fledging and apparently the philosophy is to let nature take its course.  (I would have a hard time not sneaking emergency rations from Tesco's up to the nest.   I'd never make a wildlife researcher.)

  • Off to bed here. Hope for the best - whatever that may be - for Sunday.

  • She's still alive this morning, but sadly it doesn't look like there has been any improvement

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Annette (though you've gone).

    If it helps, I wouldn't have thought quantity of food should be too much of a problem - the male will only have to feed 3 mouths, not 5 like Odin and luckily at LOTL, the fishing is right by the nest and he can keep an eye on things. 

    As LOTL have suggested, the weather is likely to be more important, and there's nothing they could do about that, but the forecast looks OK for the next few days, just a few showers. Perhaps it's also lucky the Laird was so obsessed with building up the nest, as it will provide the chicks with some shelter. 

    I wouldn't read too much into LOTL saying they won't intervene. They have to get specific permission for each intervention, which means they can't suggest they would intervene in circumstances which haven't arisen yet and may not do so - that is, the chicks not thriving under the care of just the male.

    Tiger or Sandy R, if you see this, a question for you. I've read somewhere that OVS was once left caring for chicks after his mate died - not EJ obviously, it must have been before they first got together, or during her years at LG with Henry. He didn't cope, and the chicks were removed and rehabbed, I think by Roy Dennis, and then translocated to Rutland Water. I must get a copy of Roy's book, it might be in there, but can you confirm this? Anyway, if this is right, there is a precedent for it happening.

    Been trying not to look at the LOTL webcam but can't stop myself sometimes.........sad viewing