Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 May 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Wild horse and foal
Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range in Montana, U.S.
U.S. government photo, labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Oh Lindy hang in there..

    When Daisy was that age my daughter was in tears most days..

    She calmed a bit when she was spayed and progressed to the dog that lives with me after a severe( expensive ) boot camp.

    Tunnel light at end comes to mind.

  • Linda, I know it is horrible to watch, but it is natural behaviour for Bonnie. She will learn that she shouldn't do it. You are getting stressed. Love your Savannah poem. Ms D will love it.

  • Lindy: I'm so sorry. I know that the situation with Bonnie has become a source of profound stress for you. Take some time for yourself and do some things that you enjoy.

    I loved your Savannah poem. I know Annette and D will enjoy it.

  • Annette: Those photos of D are wonderful. The pic of that little girl with that big hat is delightful. Just superb.

  • Good evening.  Went to church this morning and had a really good Pentecost celebration service, and lots of friendly chat afterwards.  I was given one half of the flowers which had been in church – there were plenty for two of us – greenery, pink roses and cream stocks (scented).  OH was busy in the garden this afternoon, but J asked for my help indoors, with something he was having to write.  I did go out for a wee while and sort some empty plant pots and do some general tidying, and then did some watering after tea.  Oh, and I also got rid of the ironing pile this afternoon, ready for the next to reappear tomorrow!

    Diane – thanks for starting us off with that beautiful photo; lovely Wild Horses, but also a lovely field of Wild Lupins (I think you call them Lupines over there).

    Annette – pleased you got the irrigation system fully working again.  Our water feature is just a small one on the deck, but the birds do love a shower in it, even though they have their own bird bath and drinking water.  We don’t leave the fountain out in winter in case it ices and damages the pump, and we were waiting to get it out when “somebody” gets around to cleaning the deck and treating the wood, but I got impatient.  What lovely photos of Ms D with Savannah and wearing her cowboy hat – and boots!

    Dibnlib – pleased your Cousin is out of hospital – I hope she and her OH are getting all the support they need and that she is still being helped with physiotherapy.  I hope your visit to your Mum is as positive as possible, followed by a lovely time in Amsterdam.

    Keith – glad you had a good day Saturday; we got rid of our BBQ last year as we never used it, so well done!  The Village Orchard project sounds really interesting; I hope it won’t get vandalised, and that people can enjoy it for years to come.

    Brenda – well done to you and Daughter on the dress and venue choices!  Good to have those big things out of the way, because little things will probably crop up from now on.  Is she having Bridesmaids?  And don’t forget to start looking for your own outfit!

    Linda – if you keep separate clothes for holidays, it’s a good idea for them to be kept in the suitcase, when you are short of storage space.  I don’t have that problem, as we only holiday in the UK and I wear the same clothes all year round!  What a lovely poem for Ms D and her pony – one of your best, I would say.  Sorry Bonnie is still giving you a hard time and upsetting you so much – I hope you can relax while she is at the vet, and then hope she forgets some of her bad ways whilst she is restricted by the lampshade!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Evening all:

    Lindybird: Oh dear, I'm so sorry about the Bonnie vs. Blackbird drama. :-(   Do give yourself a big hug - you and your OH have been so patient.  That poem for Ms. D is really, really lovely. I should tell you that the one you wrote a couple of years ago - after I posted the photo of Ms. D sitting on the fence in her check shirt (it started "How delightful to see the Delightful Ms. D, just turned age 3, down on the farm where checkered shirts are the norm...." Remember it? Well, it's framed, along with that photo, and is hanging on her bedroom wall!  I'm now going to do the same with this one and send it on to granddaughter.  Do you realize your bright and sweet little verses are decorating a little girl's bedroom 6,000 miles across the world? I'm sure they'll be something she'll keep as part of her childhood memories. Bravo - and thank you. :-)))

    OG: Brilliant about the flowers. Hope you had enough vases for them all.

    Off to sort out dinner. Had late breakfast at busy but good place with daughter, then hung out with her for a while. Then called grandson for chat and that was followed shortly by long call from granddaughter.  I made a detour to Target and TJMaxx and made a couple of cheapo purchases, then home to OH who was beginning to wonder if I'd been abducted! :-)

  • Good morning on probably the final day of the "heatwave".  J has appointment at eye clinic today.  Optician wanted affirmation about his special prism lenses so had to ask GP to make a referral.  That was arranged in March, so he phoned hospital appointment service last week and was told June would be earliest, but they gave him the option to accept a cancellation.  Next day got call to say it would be today!  OH will drive him (in his own car) in case he has the drops - will be picking up from work late morning and hopefully returning him early afternoon.  It's a real nuisance being today, as OH will also be out all day tomorrow, but no way we were going to turn it down; I'm getting fed up with J looking at me over the top of his glasses when he speaks to me!

    I hope that MARGO had a good weekend, that BRENDA gets some time to herself this week, and that LINDA is feeling calmer and that the day goes well for Bonnie!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning. Hung the washing out, but although there is a sun shining, it does feel quite cool.

    Annette, Daughter will not be able to wear her wedding dress after the wedding. It would have to be altered. My dress is still carefully wrapped up and stored, after all these years :-))

    OG, Hope all goes well for J with the optician and he doesn't have to wait too long for his new glasses. Daughter was discussing invitation cards last night !!! She tells me that we could just send e-mail cards. It would be so much cheaper, but doesn't seem quite right to me.

    We are attending friend's funeral this afternoon, so trying to get some HW done this morning.

  • Brenda: I had a friend (about 20 years ago) who, when she got married, wore a peasant-style dress and had a potluck (where everyone brings a dish) reception. She and her husband were struggling artists/writers...    Is your daughter talking about e-vites?  I've received those for birthday parties.

    Hi to everyone else. Hope AQ isn't limping so badly and the Margo had a lovely celebratory dinner out.

    Whales this morning, gym this p.m. Yoga teacher is off at daughter's soccer match so it'll be aerobic and weights today.

  • Hello all

    Back home last evening and we were both quite tired after travelling all day. As usual, the quickest bit was the flight, just over an hour from Esbjerg to Aberdeen. Anyway, we had an enjoyable few days in Denmark. ANNETTE asked last week why we didn't just fly to Amsterdam - answer is that our friends always drive there from their home in Denmark and get the ferry from there to Newcastle and then drive north to Inverness. They apparently like driving! We were happy to return to Denmark in their car going by car and ferry. My OH could not drive that distance, these days. What I saw of Amsterdam I liked, so OH and I may take a City Break there at some time. He is very interested in museums especially if they are connected with WW2. We have visited some very interesting museums in France. War history is one of his great interests. Not so much so for me but I am always happy to see him happy.(What a little saint I am!!).

    I have been trying to keep up to date with everyone's news but won't attempt individual replies. I think that LYNETTE and DIBNLIB are on holiday and hope that they have a good time. LINDY is taking a break, Bonnie has been creating havoc :-(

    BRENDA is finding out just how expensive a wedding can be (she has my sympathies)

    My OH is just in from the garden, been mowing, and has set out his geraniums on their stand. Of course, I have been feeding the washing machine and stocking up the fridge again. The only fresh food I had was one packet of bacon, a chunk of parmesan cheese and half a dozen eggs.

    Of absolutely no interest to anyone except me (!) my vacuum cleaner seems to have died. Unfortunately I have a back up one upstairs so couldn't get out of that particular chore, today.