Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Dear All

    it has been a difficult week mentally but we are coming to terms with the situation and taking each day as it comes. The blood transfusions certainly help. It is just when HB level goes down I start to feel quite poorly, and they do drop quite dramatically. At the moment transfusi are on a 3 week basis as is the Consultant visit. If I feel I need  a transfusion sooner all I have to do is contact the specialist cancer nurse who will arrange the necessary. The support I get is second to none and certainly of great comfort. OH will be reducing his hours again but at the moment it will stay as a 4 day week. At the moment I think it is important that we both carry on as normally as possible. Of course when the situation worsens he wifi of course be with me all the time. We do talk a lot about how much we have done  all the things we have enjoyed together which provide many happy memories. Will be having a quiet Easter as we never travel at Bank Holidays as the roads are so busy. We will however have yet another steak meal on Easter Monday. Weather looks pretty awful for the whole weekend, lots of rain and high winds again.must say my spirits were lifted by the arrival of EJ and also the return of Mrs G at Glaslyn.

    OG so pleased your hospital visit went well andvthat J is feeling better.

    Lynette so sad to read about Percy, your brother is obviously devastated.

     AQ you will certainly need to rest your wrist it must be painful.

    Heather hope you are looking forward to a new kitchen.

    diane thanks for the video will be watching later.

    Brenda hope you got some of our sun shine yesterday, by the afternoon it clouded over here.

    Wishing you all a Very Happy Easter.

    Take care.

  • AQ -Yes! If you will forgive me for saying so, this is a very good opportunity to encourage your daughter to lean a little less on you. I do have some understanding of the folk who don't cope as well as we would wish them to( see my post of yesterday re youngest daughter) but you have shown so much love and caring since the twins were born. Time now to put yourself first. Sorry that you will miss days out, though :-( I'm going to post this before I get cold feet!

  • Everyone

    Guess what! Youngest daughter nicely relaxed (almost!) after her OH arrived safely at his job in Calais. This morning a text message from him saying that he is being sent home until Sunday as the job won't start until Monday. So now a trip back tomorrow to ParisCDG airport, then a flight to Aberdeen and then back again to Paris on Sunday. How ridiculous. Apparently it is cheaper to send him home on an expensive flight booked at short notice that to keep him kicking his heels in a hotel in France. So maybe this was meant to be, daughter will have 'flooding' therapy which may help her worries about him travelling. Not dissimilar from what AQ's daughter will have to face if AQ can't manage nanny duty....

  • Margo. Just you go and enjoy that steak! Happy Easter to you and yours.

  • MARGO - Just spotted your post. Lovely to 'see' you. I wouldn't be in your shoes right now for anything and truth to tell don't know how I would cope. What made me happy, though, was to read that you are gradually reaching an acceptance of the situation.

    By any chance did you see CLARE's picture of EJ yesterday, on the Daily Update with the link to 'Someday my Prince will come'. I hope that I wasn't the only one to sit at my computer and chuckle.

  • Done my morning jobs, so I’m back.  Weather not as wet as expected, but of course it is now wet under foot, so can’t do anything outside.

    Dibnlib – sorry to see your OH was unwell yesterday and you had to postpone L an E.  Hope he managed to work today, and that you will get your trip on Friday – looks the best day of a dreich weekend.

    Heather – sorry you weren’t able to offer your customary hospitality to your visitor, but I am sure he would have phoned earlier if he expected a meal!  Pleased your brother didn’t talk about his car woes this time.  That travelling for your S-i-L does seem ridiculous, but I expect daughter would rather have him home than away in Calais over the weekend, and the wee girls too.

    Wendy – sorry to see Daisy is being intolerant of just about everything; I hope the sun will shine for her soon.  Could it be a delayed reaction to your time away?  There is a Road Runner at the Bird of Prey Centre at Kielder – he gives displays of his unique running style.

    Linda – pleased the wall texture was available, but sorry you couldn’t get an applicator for it.  I assume the paper has to be stripped first – I hope it is only one layer!  Easter gifts?  Oh dear, you reminded me I had bought some special (soya free) chocolate for Dau#2 and have forgotten to post it.  J is the only one who normally gets anything from us, because he lives here, although I did send a card to the GD in Switzerland.

    Lynette – sorry to read about Percy, but with possible brain damage and blindness it was probably best that nature took its course.

    Diane – thanks for the video of that amazing Condor.

    AQ – I hope you can enjoy the enforced break from Nanny duty, and not have to go back to it; sorry you are also having to miss some outings too.  Do be careful what you try to do with that wrist.

    Brenda – schools here finish today, and start again 11th April – can’t say new term as they split the sessions differently these days and I can’t follow what they do!

    Margo – good to see your post and see how well you are coping.  I think you and OH are being very sensible to carry on as normal while you can.  I think most of us stay off the roads at holiday weekends, but glad you can look forward to another steak meal on Monday.  Pleased the Ospreys are gradually all returning for you to enjoy now.

    Well, that was a lot of posts – with replying and catching up on the Birds, I seem to be spending longer in the study again – although this afternoon I think I will have to sort my “pending” tray – did filing earlier this week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Diane that is just beautiful thanks.

  • Lost my last post...beware! Site is playing up again....

  • How frustrating for you, Linda.  Seems okay here.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!