Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Hi, all.

    Birdwatching Magazine posted this video on Facebook, and I thought that Annette and maybe others might enjoy it. It shows the stunning release of an enormous California Condor by the conservation organization that is trying to increase their numbers. (Video is 2 minutes long.)

    I'll try to catch up soon.

  • Diane: That's a fascinating video. Thank you. I Googled Vermillion Cliffs; it's near Page Arizona and found a link to a 2012 release in exactly the same place.  Saw photos of the ghastly snowstorm across the Plains and hope it misses you.

  • So hard typing 1 handed. There are some tasks I have to call on OH, or use elbow or teeth to hold things. I keep telling myself some people live with 1 arm or less. I should not have googled, 1 site said 2-10 weeks to mend. NO!

  • Good Morning, All.  A bit grey outside, and a damp day forecast here.

    AQ:  Oh, dear! - it could well be a while before your wrist returns to normal. I suppose you're lucky it's not broken but that's not much consolation when you're struggling. Of course, this is bound to affect your Nannying abilities for a bit. Perhaps you should take a break from that, and just concentrate on your own duties at home.....

    Lynette: Sorry to hear about poor Percy, what a shame.

    Diane: Thanks for the link, I'll have a look at it later.

  • I'm off on a mission today to buy Easter gifts for all the family. Not had time to think about it at all whereas usually I get organised weeks ahead. Going on a solo expedition and hoping to whizz around a large M&S and get most things there.

  • LYNETTE   So sorry to hear about Percy.

    OG  glad all is well and that J is getting better.

  • Good morning.  Weather has totally changed, was cooler and dull yesterday, now rain has set in for the day.  This will mean no gardening, and bathrooms will get cleaned!  Also no appointments, so will have time to communicate later.  J got up at his usual time, and seems to be on schedule for the working day.  OH has had to visit the sorting office for a package which couldn't be delivered yesterday.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • No appointments, OG!!  You will find time to do lots........LOL!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Still dry here, until this afternoon.

    Lynette, Sorry to hear about Percy.

    Diane, Thank you for that interesting video. Have watched it a couple of times.

    AQ, Poor you. I, also, don't see how you will be able to help your daughter for a while. i guess you can't drive either.

    Linda, You may find the shops will be busy today. I think our local school start their holidays today.

    OG, Pleased to hear that J is feeling able to return to work today. A neighbour has been told that he has pneumonia.

  • AQ: You didn't ask for my opinion, but I'd encourage you to take a break from nanny duty and let yourself heal. If you stress your hand/arm, it may not heal correctly. I sprained my ankle badly a few years ago. I was caregiving, and I couldn't stay off of it. It's been really vulnerable to joint pain since. Sorry if I've overstepped and said too much.

    Lindy: I hope the wall turns out well.

    OG: Glad J is up and about now. I think you deserve a restful day today. So glad your cousin/OH are okay.

    Lynette: Sorry about the little kitty.

    Liz: Hope your sunshine comes back!

    Brenda: I hope your OH's eye will progressively get better.

    Heather: I can empathize with your daughter. I wish I had a little control over my life right now. Glad your son-in-law arrived safely.

    Annette: I meant to say that I'm sorry about Peanut. Poor fella. No blizzard here. It's a weirdly warm 64 F (17.7 C) right now -- air flowing up from the Gulf of Mexico. Cold front will hit here in a couple of hours, and I'm due to have thunderstorms.

    I'm off to toast a wheat bagel and make iced tea before the power goes out.

    Everyone have a nice day.