Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • HEATHER   Good for you....."Be Prepared"

  • HEATHER:  You could begin by mentioning his kitchen.....

  • It would be his kitchen if he used it, LINDY! As it is, it is only his since he will be paying for it!

  • Good news.  Cousin emailed to say she and OH are safe - were on trains just in front of the one which was bombed - so rather shocked by it.  Her office is closed and she got home by a lift from a colleague, hoping her OH also would get a lift.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • That was unfair of me, LINDY. We married later in life and we share our funds. It is just that he is the Money Man and by and large, makes financial decisions. I would say that he is far more careful/sensible than I am in that direction!

  • I think I am going to opt out of replies tonight as it has been a stressful day and left me quite tired - that and helping in the garden, of course!

    We think J's virus has been some kind of flu - he is still aching, sleeping lots and very discombobulated.  He has a doc appt tomorrow (referral for statins) so will probably be unpopular for turning up with flu!

    I have my (hopefully final) check-up at Carlisle hospital tomorrow - oncologist insisted I had to be seen there again because of the skin, which has now been healed completely for several weeks; but a good excuse for lunch at OTB on the way home (after Asda shopping)  Bad news is: manager at OTB is moving on to another job; she will be much missed, so we shall have to see how it turns out without her.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - What good news but how awful for them. How relieved you must feel.

  • OG- not surprised you need to keep away from us since you have had such a worrying day. Well, I share your concerns about OTB but the proof of the pudding.....

    J seems to have a nasty virus. Penalty for working with germ ridden children?

    My OH finished his fence painting today. We have agreed with neighbour about replacement of joint fence. She wants one with a wavy top. OH said yes. He hates disagreeing with people ( excepting me!)  

  • Enjoy your kitchen planning Heather.. I think my girls like your children knew that life had to go on as it does. Shame stepson is so self centred .

    Final oncologist appt will be such a milestone in that particular journey OG.

    Youngest works in a residential school so has had every bug known to man. The bonus on new job is less in house contact. She is still on that cloud number 9.

  • Heather B said:

    That was unfair of me, LINDY. We married later in life and we share our funds. It is just that he is the Money Man and by and large, makes financial decisions. I would say that he is far more careful/sensible than I am in that direction!

    We are the same, we do have long discussions on major decisions, but my OH has the final say.  I think you & I are talking at cross purposes, however, as I meant:  when you spoke to your stepson.