Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 February 2016



HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR -- The Year of the Monkey -- on Monday!

Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a great week!

  • LINDY     I was thinking the same as Brenda, maybe kennels is the answer,otherwise you will worry yourselves silly on holiday.

  • Heather, Brenda & Dibnlib:   Thank You all for your kind thoughts -  I do appreciate it. Coming on here and moaning about it helps me to let off steam. My OH looks very stressed: he's also had some issues in his family Iately which doesn't help. I've put on weight which I could well do without, and I know it's down to comfort eating which is because of stress. 

    We've just been out to lunch, and had a glass of wine with it - we didn't speak of our problems but tried to look forward to our forthcoming holiday instead.

  • A no-post day from me yesterday – was fully involved in other things.  Went to the oncology appointment in the morning – she was running “a bit late”; asked how long was a little bit – turned out it was well over an hour!  She has changed the skin treatment again – getting fed up with differing opinions!  I had to order (and pay for) some stuff from abroad which she recommends; checked it out with GP during her reassuring pre-booked phonecall this morning, and she said go ahead, because it does sound good.  Seems to have stopped bleeding and oozing now, anyway.

    Went to OTB on the way home – pleased we booked as it was absolutely full!  We each had a crepe filled with bacon, brie and caramelised onion, served with salad garnish – very good.  I then tried a sweet one with “stewed” apples, sultanas and cinnamon, lovely flavour and not too sweet, but couldn’t cope with texture of unpeeled apples, so OH had half of that, as well as his own with banana and toffee sauce!  Jonathan’s day off today, so he is making sweet pancakes this evening, and we shall all enjoy them after a simple pasta and veg main; I say he is making them, but actually he only cooks them, as he always asks me to prepare the batter.

    Carpet man came to measure yesterday afternoon, and suggested a different way of doing the shower room carpet, which means we won’t have a join, so this morning we went together (locally) to choose a shade of grey.  I have also baked a date and ginger cake this afternoon and we are now waiting for the “Handy Van” to come and replace our Carbon Monoxide detector which is apparently out of date and not compliant with current regulations; this is a free service for older people!  (EDIT – he arrived as I type).  Weather is lovely here, but we noticed the Esk was over its banks at high tide yesterday – we currently have exceptional “Spring” tides for another five days.  The percentage of pasture around Annan which had turned into lakes has decreased by about 50%, and we saw a large flock of Barnacle Geese grazing on the wet grassland yesterday.

    Diane – I loved the Raven and Snowy Owl video – and enjoyed an Inuit tale illustrated among the comments.

    Linda – I don’t know what to say about Bonnie’s leaping skills, or the general wish to escape!  But I do agree with others that it isn’t really fair on her or Sis-i-L or your own worrying about the situation to leave her when you go away, other than in secure kennels.  Maybe you could find a training kennel in your locality to calm her down in your absence.  Sorry it is getting you both so stressed; take care.

    Brenda – pleased there has been some tidying at the building site while you had a few days away.  Sorry about local trees – so sad when they have taken a long time to grow.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG, I hope the new skin treatment is the answer to your problems. We also have geese and swans, plus waders in the fields either side of our local river. I always find it wonderful the way the birds find these flooded fields. Plenty for them to eat there. Love the sound of your lunch, especially your choice of sweet, but I do agree with you, that the apples should be peeled. I do wish you lived nearer so I could have a piece of your date and ginger cake. It is one of my favourite cakes.

    Linda, My sister tells me that she doesn't think she necessarily eats more, but does put on weight when she is stressed. I am the opposite, I lose weight when stressed, but I know I don't eat very well because of the stress. Bonnie is nearly a year old, so she could come into season quite soon. I really don't know the answer, but maybe she will calm down after the op. Sorry your OH also has family issues. Hugs to you both. 

  • I thought Bonnie was about 15 months old already?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • www.countryfile.com/.../holiday-destination-year-201516;fb_action_types=og.likes

    Of course!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDY,I 'liked' your post but then realised that could be misinterpreted!

    I think that most of us posters see each other as friends, even though most of us have never met each other.

    I have certainly shared quite a lot on here and like you, find letting off steam can be very helpful xx

    OG - the crepes sound delicious but I don't like it either, when apple peel is left on. Is it fashionable, or something?

    Every day so far this week we have had unexpected (but very welcome) family visitors. Yesterday afternoon OHs niece and hubby from Aberdeenshire. If there is such a county these days!! Today, OH' s son and his wife who came bearing cake. Just as well since my cupboards are almost bare.

    The window cleaner also arrived but I don't have to feed him.

  • Hi Annette, no, not a big organ, but we do have one all be it electric.  The church use to have what I call a proper organ but when they refurbished they changed the organ to a smaller one.

  • OG - lets hope this cream from abroad will do the trick for you.

    Glad you enjoyed lunch out and the pancakes tonight.  Had ours last night, lemon or orange and sugar, yum. Just plain and simple. Dau had hers with chocolate sauce as she is giving up chocolate for Lent.

    Lindybird - It looks like you are having a stressful time with Bonnie at present. Is she likely to grow out of this behaviour.

  • I’ve been lurking again. Last week I had a day hither & thither on various errands, shopping, stuff off my Must-Do-Sometime list. Alas, somewhere that day I also collected a cold virus. I coped with Monday’s nanny day but now I am coff-coff-coffing and not getting anything much done this week. I can only hope that it is the same virus that Miss4 brought home from Kindy or else I shall catch that too. Miss4 passed hers to MissJ whose nose was leaking lots on Monday. Is this what I have to look forward to? Several years of bugs transferred from kindy & school? Sorry about the wingeing, I am on the mend, just weary of the cough.

    One day this week my OH said he must go to the bank. That evening a news report of Valentine Day preparations said that Someone had ordered 12 dozen red roses. I turned to OH & said, “So that’s why you had to go to the bank.” He just smiled. I should add that he has only once bought me flowers.