Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 February 2016



HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR -- The Year of the Monkey -- on Monday!

Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a great week!

  • Just had time to take a peek at Diane's clip.  Lovely!!

  • Team Badger conference was held today

  • Hello all, so pleased that you made the concert Margo and thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope chemo goes as well as it can be. Will be thinking of you.

    OG - do hope the skin irritation will clear up soon and that the nurse can help (I'm sure she will).

    Thanks for all your news so far.

    Sunday afternoon saw me at the church I go to for a Songs of Praise which we have every quarter.  It was a peoples' choice and 8 hymns were up for singing. We sang heartily with a little about each hymn given by the person who chose it. Followed by tea and cake, of course.  Love those services.

    OH has had his appointment through to see the specialist at a nearbye hospital so is off on the 22nd to find out what he proposes to do. Hopefully, straight forward.

    We seemed to miss the worst of Imogen as we nearly always get the tale end of a storm where we are in the middle of the country.  Lovely wind blowing though - sorry I love to hear the wind.  Been a cooler and drier day today.

    Lindybird - hope you manage to tame!!!!! Bonnie and that the trouble your OH has gone to to sort out the wall will benefit you all.

    Managed a short swim today as the pool had been partially emptied so wasn't as full as normal and you had a job to keep your legs off the bottom.  Still hopefully back to normal on Thurs when we go again.

    Take care all.

  • Evening all:

    Lindybird: Your poor OH!

    Alan: Out and about in the car today heard on the news that a badger had dug up some artifacts from eons ago near Stonehenge.  (Seems like an awful lot of people don't have much confidence in any parties running their countries....)

    Lynette: Do you have a nice big organ to accompany your hymns? We had a huge one at our church in Watford with huge pipes that set the air vibrating. Hope they remember to put the rest of the water in the pool by Thursday - also that your OH doesn't have to wait too long for "them" to figure out what they're doing.

    Looks like our election fiasco is going to go unresolved for longer than I'd hoped..... :-(

    Have a good Wednesday everyone.

  • Good Morning, All.  It's dry here, and we're promised a sunny day today. Will get some bedding out on the line. Am off to get a much needed haircut, followed by my OH picking me up to take me for lunch: we nearly had Sunday lunch out but sat by the fire instead as it was so cold, and said we would go out midweek.

    Yesterday I went to put the postcard up in our local supermarket advertising the record player deck. When I got home the phone rang just after I'd taken my coat off, with an enquiry!!  The lady came in ten minutes, but it wasn't what she wanted, or I would have had a speed record for a sale!  We are going to sell a few small things, but not getting much cash for them:  I have a whole box of 45rpm records, too and am hoping they will go to a good home as some of them are original Beatles songs, plus other blasts from the past such as Brenda Lee, Bryan Hyland and The Zombies!!

    Annette - I think "fiasco" is going to be a good description of your election!

  • Ps We had our pancakes last night, mine with a cooked banana inside, yum!

    Terrible about the bad rail crash in Germany yesterday, but thank goodness that the children who are usually on board were off on holiday that day.

  • LINDY We will have the pancakes tonight as we weren't hungry enough to enjoy the last night. It will be with lemon and sugar. your banana pancake sounds good. One of the restaurants we go to has a specialty of malteezer and toffee pancakes. Had them once, but a bit too sweet for me.

  • Bonnie jumped right over the new fence again this morning..........My OH is  a very calm person, but I've never seen him so angry & upset. He's also worried about his sister coping with Bonnie when we go abroad soon.

  • LINDY - I know that I said that I love reading about Bonnie's antics but this is a step to far for even me to laugh about. You don't need me to tell you that this stress is not good for anyone of a 'certain' age. Hugs from me xxxx Sorry if I am speaking out of turn, please forgive me.

  • Good Morning Everyone.

    Back home yesterday after an extended stay with brother. OH rang the builder before we left on Sunday and glad to see that they had been to tidy up the site and removed the gates and some of the fencing. The original bungalow is to be knocked down next Monday. The fellow in charge of the site was very apologetic again, but why hadn't they thought of the problems in advance. The company is an old established builder.

    Plenty of trees down, after Imogen as we drove home. There is a tree in the woods, near to our fence, which is leaning over into the woods, but has not quite fallen yet. I guess we will have to let the owner know.

    I must catch up with your posts, but I see that Bonnie is proving how high she can jump. Looks as if she really is a problem for you both, Linda. I really don't know what to say. You poor husband is definitely going to need his holiday. Maybe Bonnie will have to go in kennels if you are so worried about leaving her with your sister-in-law.