Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 February 2016



HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR -- The Year of the Monkey -- on Monday!

Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a great week!

  • Be sure to check back to read a long post from Margo! So glad you enjoyed your concert, Margo.

  • Thank you Diane and Happy New Week to all

  • Thanks to Diane and Annette for cheerfully starting us off again on a new week.

    Awoke to hear more rain, here, but it's stopped now. My OH has only just got out of bed, which is late for him. We both slept deeply after enjoying a roast chicken dinner with a glass of white wine last night.

  • Good morning-

    Thank you DIANE for getting us going. Hope you are less sore.

    ANNETTE- lunch in the garden is still a dream for us but I found some stone ware goblets in the attic yesterday which I think would be best used for al fresco meals.Predictive text on this device wanted to write 'Stone Age giblets'.

    LINDY There is a large part of me that wants Bonnie to settle down for you and OH but I would so miss reading about her antics!

    It is 4.6c here just now and quite still but I believe that Storm Imogen is heading for the western part of UK. I heard Dumfries and Galloway mentioned in the weather forecast this morning, they were talking about heavy rain and all that implies. Before that I was listening to 'On your Farm' on Radio 4. There was an interview with a lady farmer in Cumbria and the description of the damage done to property and fields etc during recent storms was horrifying.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Plenty of branches and standing water on the road as we went to church this morning. Not looking forward to this evening and tomorrow as our yellow warning has now changed to amber for Imogen for the South coast. A few of the corrugated metal sheets, on the building site, were blowing around last night so I hate to think what will happen tonight and tomorrow. We did report it on Friday night, but all they seem to have done, was to stack them more neatly !!!

    Heather, I too noticed that OG's area has another warning for persistent heavy rain. I think Cumbria is going to take a long time to recover.

    Linda, Bonnie still being as lively as ever. I hope it wasn't a precious book she decided to play with. She is certainly keeping you both 'fit'.

    Diane, As always, thank you for starting the week again. Our son is enjoying a four day weekend, for the Chinese New Year. His mother-in- law joined them them for a holiday yesterday and was hoping to see many of the celebrations in Singapore.

  • We are going to go and spend the night with my brother, away from the coast, trees and building site. I need a good night's sleep. LOL

  • I've had to sign in again.

    Poor you & your OH,  Brenda!  It must be worrying if you're going to spend a night away from home....

    Lovely sunshine here today, after yesterday's deluge. We walked into our town as there was a street market today with craft stalls and special local food producers.  Bought a meat & red onion pie, (which we just ate for lunch) and some cheap birdseed, plus a pretty, old fashioned plate which I intend to serve biscuits on!

    The book Bonnie tried to eat was just a thriller which someone had passed to my OH to read, and he didn't much take to it anyway, so will be passing it on. I think that there has hardly been a single day since we had her (nearly a year now) when she hasn't chewed, sucked or chomped on at least one article!  Nothing is exempt:  seat covers, cushions, pens, scissors, newspapers, books, saucepans, knickers, bras, socks, vests, towels, teatowels, potatoes (raw!!), electric cables, plugs, photo albums, mobile phones, remote controls, drinks mats, sunglasses, glasses cases, shoes, slippers, child's toys, even her own dinner dish!!

    Thankfully she cannot reach the counters in the kitchen but woe betide if you leave a tea towel hanging slightly over the edge......   Yesterday, I took a dish from the sideboard and made the mistake of not shutting the door smartly - she was in, in a flash and got hold of a piece of paper towel I put between some serving dishes - she hauled it out without, thankfully, breaking anything and ran off with it triumphantly.

  • Actually LINDY my middle daughter's middle name should be Bonnie. She flushed a good bra of mine down the loo, ate lipstick and cat food, threw china out of the front door just to hear it smash, smeared my make up over walls and escaped from home the minute a door was left open. None of her three siblings did anything remotely similar. Fortunately the last time she escaped from home was when she was 18 :-)

  • Not raining today but is overcast. It was a nice sunny day on Wednesday though. It was windy and wet at the weekend for the Birdwatch, only maybe half as many birds seen as usual, though plenty of food for them. I suppose that is taken in to account in the results. More wind and rain to come tomorrow.

    Oh dear, Lindy, your Bonnie is often in a lot of mischief, and not 'grown out of it' yet. I hope she does calm down for you soon!

    So glad to hear from Margo that she and OH enjoyed the outing to James Brown so much, and a nice meal out too.

    I have two robins flitting around lately, and wonder whether to put a nestbox up. I see from RSPB that it should be in shelter and less than 2m up, and am worried about cats as there are a couple around.

  • Morning all:

    Brenda: Oh what a pain - I do hope the night-time noise will stop when the weather improves.

    Heather: Stone Age giblets?  Maybe you're sitting on one of those ancient treasure stashes that we keep hearing about. :-)  (Do they ever find ancient treasures worth millions buried in the rest of Europe? All we ever hear about are the ones unearthed in England.)  Re Cumbria, James Rebanks, who wrote The Shepherd's Life, has a blog on Twitter with some lovely photos.

    Lindybird: I have to sign in on Sundays (it used to be Mondays). Maybe Bonnie needs a four-legged friend to keep her occupied while you and your OH try to have a normal life?  :-)

    Chrisyb: Nice to see you.

    Off to Do Stuff.