Last week's Chat thread is HERE.
Saturday evening was perihelion, the time when Earth reaches its closest point to the Sun for this year. Hello, Sun!
I hope everyone has a wonderful first full week of 2016!
Earth and sun via ISS Expedition 13 / NASANASA government photo: Public Domain (Copyright Free)
How did you manage to post AQ. I tried 15 mins ago and was told that a moderator needed to approve my post and I lost the post !!!!
Dau#2 phoned last night to suggest a half-nanny day as she is taking the troupe to a Friday play group. Most play groups cease for the summer (school) holidays. Pre-schoolers still need to be occupied, so it is great that one group doesn’t take a break. Now with my lovely free morning, I could clean the bathroom & some other chores which will be too hot to do when the next heatwave hits on weekend. Big bushfire south of Perth WA, while across the country in NSW the Hunter River has burst its banks flooding towns.
Brenda - I just did the usual and, for once, it posted quickly without the whirligig going on & on.
OG, Pleased that all was fine today, including lunch.
LINDA, Take care of your ankle and knee. You don't want them to cause more serious problems when you get older :-))
ANNETTE, Loved the restaurant sign. Pleased you are getting rain, but possibly, it would be better if it wasn't so heavy.
The rain finally stopped here and we had a blue sky this afternoon, but the wind was cold.
LOL AQ. I didn't use RF in last post and it posted.
The weather extremes in Australia really are a big problem. Peoples homes being destroyed or damaged by fires or floods. A really sorry situation.
I guess you have to do some chores on your surprise non Nanny day, before it becomes too hot again. What a decision to have to make !!!
Brenda - I did use RF and it posted! However it made me sign it this time.
Next month Miss4 will be off to Kindergarten 2 days a week. Kindy forbids any lunch/snacks that contain egg or nuts. Shop bought muesli bars are taken from the child & parent reprimanded. Dau is puzzling how to keep Miss4 supplied with nourishing food for a long day, especially as Miss4 is a slow eater and will abandon sandwich/fruit/etc to go play. Mini quiches no-no, mini pizza maybe, but anything with meat or cheese are no good in summer as lunch in backpacks out on verandah in heat. Dau has been experimenting with home-baked eggless recipes. The last had so much sugar & syrup, even though she reduced that, Miss4 had a sugar-high massive tantrum after sampling the newest snack. Ho hum, back to the recipe books & Google.
AQ: Well this is odd. I wrote a response but where did it go? Now I just went to RichText and there's no option to click on to post it. Oh well. Anyway, can Miss4 take snacks in one of those little insulated lunch boxes with an ice pack to help survive the vernadah? Also, just saw that the entire town of Yarloop was burned up in one of your fires. Awful!!
Good morning everyone. I have just been watching the BBC News and weather forecast, and seen the dreadful flooding now affecting Aberdeenshire. I sincerely hope that Wendy is safe and warm, above any flooded water level. Stay safe, Wendy.
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Good Morning All. I just saw that, Sheila - dreadful.
AQ - what a difficult conundrum about the snacks. Can only suggest a Vegemite sandwich!
A very pretty pinky streaked sky here again. It's dry at present but won't last. My OH had to buy replacement wellingtons as his were leaking. Really wet weather forecast again for the whole of UK, over the next few days.
Good morning; got a real frost at last, and possible snow flurries forecast for later, even at this low level. Feeling sorry for those in Aberdeenshire etc – I think Grandson and his in-laws are okay, but I suspect his commute is affected.
Well, they say not everyone gets tired from radiotherapy, but I do – and that’s after only one session. I was in bed before 10 o’clock last night! I guess this could be due to combining it with other ongoing treatments. So, I shall have to be careful. I must admit to making last evening’s dinner so that OH was free to “paint” shower room window frame; tonight’s meal is a re-heat job. I also seem to be losing my appetite, which I am rather more pleased about as I should also lose a few kilograms. I shall have just soup for our lunches out, I think – or maybe pass my leftovers to OH as I did with dinner and breakfast!
Linda – enjoy your lunch – but do take care of your legs – both you and Friend! Sounds like OH has the right idea with his new wellies!
AQ – half-nanny day sounds more manageable! Pleased the playgroup is available through the holiday. Sorry about heat promised for the weekend – and the added fires. I also was going to suggest vegemite sandwiches as kindergarten lunch – but maybe that is rather too salty for a three-year-old. Perhaps baking cheese straws rather than sweet items would be a good option – and add a few raisins, carrot sticks etc to the lunchbox.
Sheila – good to see a post from you. Wendy is on Speyside, and the river is in a bit of a gorge where she is, so I think she will be okay.
Frost on cars had all gone when J was ready to leave for work, and the roads are actually dry.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!