Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), January 3, 2016


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

Saturday evening was perihelion, the time when Earth reaches its closest point to the Sun for this year. Hello, Sun!

I hope everyone has a wonderful first full week of 2016!

Earth and sun via ISS Expedition 13 / NASA
NASA government photo: Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Diane – Thanks for starting us off. That sun has been too close! South Aussieland has had hottest December on record. Quite pleasant so far today, expecting 29 C.

    Linda – I enjoyed your description of your NYE. I was trying to picture the cottage with its beams & old fireplace as I’ve been watching “Escape to the Country”.

    The Escapes are old 2012 episodes being used as a filler as we have so many TV channels and not enough new content. I find the little vignettes of the counties interesting. The couples, usually retirees, have various wants but I would think a 2- or more storey house as one gets older would be undesirable. My knees protest at the thought! However what puzzles me is this-- in 3 episodes, each couple has been shown a house and they look horrified, pause and say “But, it’s a bungalow”. Can someone enlighten me what’s the problem with a bungalow?

  • Evening all:

    Diane: Thank you!!!

    Clare: Oh my I don't think I'll ask any more questions - I'll let you and Limpy sort it out.  :-)

    dibnlib: Lovely photo of the Aurora. Brilliant.

    Heather: Glad the rash is receding. Like Lindybird, I like silvery grays and soft blues - also white, which livens me up (never black which does the opposite!).  There was a craze some time back about having your "colors" done. I'm supposed to wear "winter" colors - jewel shades, but never do. Don't feel like me in them.

    Brenda: Did you and son make any plans for you to visit them in Hong Kong?.

    AQ: My sister and her OH had their house on the market and got a call from the "Escape to the Country" people wanting to include their house. Trouble is, the guy who called from the program kept getting my BiL's name wrong and BiL, not known for his patience, ended up telling them where to put their program!  Don't think my sister was too thrilled....  Funny you should mention bungalows: There were a handful being built down the end of their road. I thought they were nice, but my sister and BiL said they wouldn't consider living in one.  Don't ask me why....

    To ALL, have a good Sunday and take care.

    Had a nice day out. Will update tomorrow.

    In the meantime, have a good Sunday all.

  • Good morning, all.  I hope everyone has a good week with a minimum of methane.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning - damp here again.  I know people who say that they don't like bungalows as "you don't go upstairs to bed....." but it wouldn't bother me! Love the 'Escape' programme as I'm nosy about what others have in their home.

  • My OH has just said that he feels the same way about feeling the need to go "up" to bed.  I pointed out that we don't, of course, go up when we stay in our holiday caravan, but he remarked that he feels strange about it when he's there!! LOL!!

  • Good morning everyone

    Thank you DIANE!

    I lived in a single storey house for twenty years when my children were at home. I hated the fact that their often untidy bedrooms were very visible and the two phrases most used by me were 'Shut that door!' or 'Get that room tidied up,now!!' And then the music....  No headphones in those days. Just ghetto blasters. At least if we'd had an 'upstairs' the noise would have been further away.

  • This is the first time we have lived in our own house(married quarters were always up and downs). We both prefer bungalows for ease of exterior decoration and definitely would prefer no stairs.

  • I lived in houses all my life until I moved into my present bungalow.  At first I found it strange not 'going up' to bed but soon got used to it, It is nice not to have to climb the stairs last thing at night when you are feeling very tired, and saves running up and down all day when you need something.     Also, as Dibnlib says , much easier for outdoor maintenance, window cleaning, etc,.     I think some people see bungalows as small and poky which I think they perhaps were in the past , but these days can be very light and spacious.    Some are desIgned very badly with bedrooms all mixed in with living rooms.  I have a bedroom wing quite separate from the living rooms , so no visitors have to see them at all.     As I am supposed to be moving south to be nearer to family, I have been looking at bungalows online , very hard to find one around here, but that is what I would like

  • Good Morning Everyone. A dark wet and windy morning here, forecast to last all day. We have been invited to drinks and canapés at 12.30pm, at new neighbours. Not sure how much we will have to eat, so suggested to OH that we have a sandwich before we go. LOL

    We have never lived in a bungalow, but I do like to have the bedrooms away from the living quarters.