Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 November 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here. Be sure to check the end of last week's thread for several new posts and a lovely photo from Limpy.

The Full Moon is Wednesday! Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Tiler called in about 5:15pm!  He will be here about 9:00am tomorrow and Friday tiling and Monday grouting!  He is a self-employed tiler subcontracted to catch up on a back-log of work which the company has to finish.  He seems a pleasant man, and is on the receiving end of a lot of disappointed people’s complaints, where things are not his fault.  I do wonder if the company will go under – one of their designers left and started his own company with the wife of one of the partners, and efficiency has definitely dropped off!

    Rita – sorry I didn’t include you earlier – your post appeared while I was posting mine.  Pleased you don’t need much done at the dentist.  I didn’t know whether to say anything about the Bogroy – I do hope they will make a good job of your group meal.  How lucky that you could have home births – I booked into a maternity home for the first, who was delivered by midwives but with my GP holding my hand (no husbands present in those days), second one was booked for home delivery, but very late and therefore induced in hospital, third one was booked for local hospital and started there, but then I had to be moved because of my health; in fact, all were induced, by three different methods!

    Heather – to some extent, the bathroom situation has become a joke as it has become less significant in the order of things over the last month – it’s only a bathroom, and not as if it is our only one.    How kind of you to offer to help Brother with a flight instead of that long train journey!

    Linda – pleased to see your Friend is able to do her exercises, and that you had a nice visit.

    AQ – that fire sounds horrible, with the change of wind direction and then loss of life and burn injuries, and loss of livestock; sorry the wind is still so bad too.

    Will be having a gentle day tomorrow as we (three) are going to see Bill Bailey on stage in Carlisle in the evening.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • AQ, Horrendous news about the fires and loss of lives. So sorry for the people who have have lost their homes, livestock and those who have burn injuries. Hope the wind calms down.

    OG, So pleased that your tiler will be arriving tomorrow. Sorry that the company could be having problems.
    I am sure you will all enjoy, Limboland - Bill Bailey. I have seen adverts for the show at The Brighton Centre on the 3rd Dec.

  • Hello all.  .

    George  - lovely to hear from you again and that you will be going out with son at the W/E to favourite eatery.

    Dibnib   - So pleased that the crown has worked.  Remember having impressions done for my partial dentures - I was "gappy ~Annie" for a week or two until they came through but all well now.  Only wear them when I go out.

    Brenda  - see that you are keeping in tough with Margo, do pass on my regards, it isn't an easy time but thoughts are with her. 

    So many to reply to that I won't attempt it but it is nice to read all about your news.

    Annette and Diane  -  belated HAPPY THANKSGIVING and hope you both had a lovely day.

    . Not much happening down here, just plodding on with living but am meeting up with an old friend who lives not far from us in early December so it will be nice to catch up.

    Take care all.

  • My apologies, too, Rita.  I seem to get in a muddle nowadays when replying to posts. I used to use "Windows" & have the thread open on one side of the screen whilst I typed replies on the other. Now I don't know how to do that, and I get annoyed with myself.

    I also meant to say to Heather that it sounds great that your brother is coming over, hope his journey is OK.

    I gave my hairdresser a hastily written Christmas card today as I shan't see her again until the 27th Dec.  Then I went to the P.Office and sent an airmail card to my OH's awful cousin in Canada!  I enclosed some photos I took whilst we were taking her around the local sights: now I have a halo on as I didn't have to do this, so it was generous of me, LOL!!

    AQ:That's just dreadful news. How awful it can still not be prevented in some way, from spreading like that. I'm sorry to hear there was loss of life.

  • Lynette - We all "plod on" in our own way. :-)   How nice it is to meet old friends and catch up on things.

    OG: Fingers crossed for the tiler!!

  • Friend & I have abandoned our excursion to Adelaide Hills to photo churches. Though cooler, it is still windy and I think it would be sensible to stay away from areas that fire bugs may wander. We are heading to a suburban bakery for a chat & lunch – after chatting for ½ hour on phone <grin>

  • Evening all:  Nice and cold and blustery, though sunny, here.  Grandson called to say he'll come to our house for dinner tomorrow then go on to his girlfriend and her mother's house to hang out while they have their vegan Thanksgiving turkey.  Just popped out for some "young man" appetizers...

    Heather: Flying is such a hassle! Do you have a choice between cattle-class and first-class? Here we have "business class" on many flights, which is still pretty pricey.  Do hope you'll have a good visit with your dear old Bro and that you can sort his travel schedule out a bit.

    Brenda: Lightning not thrilled with me trying to put drops on her gums; thank heaven the antibiotics can be crushed in with her food.  As it is, she's sleeping most of the time so I figure (more like hope) she may not be hurting too much.

    OG:  Had to smile at your "blank wall" comment - maybe he wanted to see if he had to smooth it before he tiled?  Good that he called and let's hope no delays in planned work schedule. Hope your dentist has an accessible office (maybe there's an elevator in the building?).

    dibnlib: The bus timetable may have changed for the better, but for whom? How much help is it given that they've cut out your stop?   And why doesn't my OH make sweet potato soup for me and my friends?  :-)   Congrats on the 50 lengths!

    Rita: Peanut has been fairly quiet today.  I cleaned out his cage yesterday so he's been busy rearranging the furniture and muttering to himself!  The Butcher of Banbury? I immediately thought "serial killer."  

    Lindybird: Good that you didn't have to deal with ghastly traffic on this visit to your friend. Sounds like she's doing really well.  Be careful, or your OH's cousin will feel so pleased/flattered she may plan another trip next year.

    AQ:  Don't like to hear that your fire season has started to badly. Were those killed/injured trapped by the sudden wind change? I think I read that Oz authorities allow a "stay and fight" philosophy to fires as opposed to the "get the h*** out of there NOW" approach our fire departments take. Sorry about your canceled excursion, but probably a good idea at this point.

    Lynette: Great to see you. Plodding along works for me. and thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes!

    Hope I haven't somehow added to the confusion over various birthing experiences!  If I have, don't bother to correct me or it'll just become even more confusing.

    Off to organize dinner. Will move quietly or am likely to wake up snoozy Peanut who will start squeaking for lettuce and carrots!

  • HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all over the pond!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!   It doesn't seem a year since the last one.......  Hope all our USA friends & their families have a peaceful day.

    Dull here and slightly damp.  I'm going to walk into the town later to support a small charity Christmas event.  

    Bonnie woke my OH at 5.00am, so he has just gone off to his Thursday golf in slightly grumpy mood. (I slept through!)

    AQ -  Good that you're not risking going out into the countryside at such a time:  enjoy your alternative outing. Friend and I often talk for half an hour on the phone, then meet up later with still plenty to say!

    Annette:  I expect Peanut is quite annoyed that your spring clean has disturbed his arrangements. "Now I'll have to put everything back where it was!"  LOL!!

  • Annette:  After Cousin left, s he was the subject of much discussion.  I did point out that as every member of the family had fallen over themselves to welcome her and take her around, she may consider returning sooner!  However, we are hoping that she will take some years to save up the dosh.