Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 November 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here. Be sure to check the end of last week's thread for several new posts and a lovely photo from Limpy.

The Full Moon is Wednesday! Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Evening all:

    Diane: Thank you for the new week. I gather you have snow due in Indiana? Is it in your area at all?  :-(   Do hope the virus doesn't hang around any longer; not what you need with those cold temps.  Take care!

    Lindybird:  Argh. You probably could have got to your friend's faster on foot - but your OH did have a point. I often wonder how much chance plays a part in our daily to-ings and fro-ings. Your friend certainly does seem to take her physical problems in her stride. Good for her.

    OG: Cooler days with a chance of rain next week (but where have I heard that before!).

    Rita: Hope the snow held off for your cactus show.

    Heather: Ah, hard to believe your vacation is just about over. :-(  But great that it was so relaxing....be sure to pack some of that good feeling when you leave.

    Limpy: Thanks for the photo. Hope you guys are doing okay.

    Margo: So good you can chat to Brenda; hope the transfusion makes a difference. Hugs to you.

    Off to excavate some dinner (leftovers for OH; something simple for me).

  • Unknown said:

    Evening all:

    Diane: Thank you for the new week. I gather you have snow due in Indiana? Is it in your area at all?  :-(   Do hope the virus doesn't hang around any longer; not what you need with those cold temps.  Take care!

    Annette: Yeah, a lower band of that blizzard unexpectedly dropped down on my area this morning. We got quite a bit of snow with high winds. Cold tonight (12 F or -11 C with "feels like" temp of 4 F or -16 C). Winds are settling but still at 25 mph. Thanks for asking. I so hope that Lightning is no longer limping and is feeling better! Take care!

  • Good Morning and thank you to both our good friends from Across the Pond for starting us off again on a new week. November is rushing by at great speed already, it's as if the year gains pace as it nears its end.

    Annette - hope you do indeed get some relief from your drought. Perhaps Lightning will stop limping after a while, if it's just a pulled muscle.

    Diane - Those temps and winds sound horrible. Stay safe!  

    Everyone:  Have a good Sunday!

  • Thanks Diane for the new week. I hope your snow melts and you can safely get out for supplies.

    Limpy – great – thanks for sharing!

    Margo – looks as if I missed a post somewhere – hadn’t realised you were having another transfusion as mentioned by Annette. I hope this one has a more lasting effect.  EDIT - sorry, Brenda has put me right - pleased you are coping after the one transfusion!  Hope you are enjoying some sunshine this weekend - maybe a trip to see the sea?

    Linda – good morning. Frosty here, but still dry. Noticed two lovely flower heads on the Sambucca yesterday, a bud on the Hepatica and the Alstreomerias are still flowering – been at it since May! Overslept this morning, but not in a hurry to do anything – queueing for shower right now!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Thank you Diane for starting the week. Sorry about your snow and such bitter temperatures. Do take care.

    OG, Margo isn't due to have another transfusion yet. I think Annette must be referring to her first and only, one. Margo was coping fine when I spoke to her.

  • Minus 2.8c when we went to church this morning. Bird baths were frozen and standing water, in the roads, had iced over. Not to worry it will be raining by Tuesday :-))

    Heard from our son and his wife very early this morning. They had taken flight to Phuket to take part in an extended Triathlon. They both finished in excellent times. They will take part in another one in Singapore next weekend and a full marathon the weekend following. I wish I had their energy !!! They reckon it helps them cope with all work pressures etc.

  • Goodness, that's impressive, Brenda.  It will certainly blow away any cobwebs!

  • Bright and sunny here, so I'm off to get out in the garden and plant my winter pansies and violas.

  • Still sunny; brief time in garden this morning, but planning a short walk after lunch – got to walk to feel less tired, apparently!

    Brenda – thanks for correcting me re Margo’s transfusion. Impressed by your Son and his Wife having so much energy in the high temps out there! Certainly much colder with you than it is here – wrap up warm when you go out! OH said I should wear scarf, gloves and hat! Hat? What’s one of them?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LOL, OG. I do like to wear a warm hat to keep my ears warm, but haven't resorted to one, just yet, this year. Our daffodils seem to be racing away. They are getting quite tall for November. They will probably slow down when the real Winter arrives. Not much we can do in our garden now, except for the grass, which will need a cut. The men came and trimmed the back fence hedge and all the winter pots are planted. OH has removed fallen leaves. We are waiting for a delivery of compost and well rotted manure for all the flower/shrub beds, so that Mother Nature can do her work over the Winter. Do enjoy your walk and do as EE says, wrap up well.