Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 September 2015


The equinox is Wednesday, 23 September. Info HERE.

Last week's chat thread is HERE.

The nights are starting to turn cool in Indiana, and the leaves are just hinting at turning colors.

Everyone have a great week!

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  • Happy new week everyone, especially dear Diane who started us off again. Love the image!  There's a tree up the road from us that is beginning to turn....I'm so looking forward to cooler months.

    Got the garden pretty much organized today; popping ibuprofen right now!  Just a bit of tidy up tomorrow, then a quick trip to Costco and the Farmers Market and then Not Much Else!  Up to daughter's Monday morning and am hoping to get to my yoga class Monday afternoon.

    BrendaH: Makes sense to hold off so any new paint won't get a nice coating of construction dust.  Brisbane, eh? How long will they be there? Any chance for a stopover en route?

    Heather: Have fun with the family.

    OG: Thanks for letting us know about Ms. Condro - I missed it!

    Hot here again - and muggy next week too.  Yuck.  Have a lovely Sunday all.

  • Hi Everyone, Rather a cold clear night, but the sun is shining now.

    Thank you Diane, for starting the week and with such a lovely sunflower. Very cheerful.

    Heather, It would be interesting to know what your cousin's daughter attended. I would love to hear him speak live and not edited by TV producers.

    Annette, Son and his wife will only be in Brisbane for eight days. Not too far for them to travel from Singapore.
    Sounds as if you will need your yoga class for relaxation and renewed energy. Do take care of yourself.

  • Just heard from our son and his wife. They are at the Singapore Grand Prix ( F1). They certainly are enjoying themselves out there, but they do work long hours, I suppose.

  • Thank you Diane!

    Hello all. Another lovely day here. It makes up for the rotten summer we had. It would be too much to ask,perhaps, for the weather to keep like this until our Danish friends arrive on 9th of next month.

    BRENDA - the Dalai Lama was speaking at the O2. I didn't even know where in London that was until I went back to FB to see where Mary had sent her post from. The first post just said that she was at O2, waiting for His Holiness. I thought she was talking about either a singer or a tennis player since she is a tennis fanatic. Shame on me.

    Youngest family are back at home in Elgin. They went via the cemetery here in Inverness, my daughter wanted to place flowers on her Dad's grave. He died 22 years ago, she was only 13 years old.

    The construction next door is definitely a shelter for the hot tub. Or so my OH believes! Either that or a super sized dog kennel....

    ANNETTE- the important bank business turned out to be very unimportant after all! Why am I not surprised? An accountant and his document case are rarely parted, even if he has been retired for twenty years :-) Old habits obviously die hard.

    BRENDA- I know one or two boys who would give anything to be at the Grand Prix!
  • 'Allo all:

    Heather: Your OH and mine would get on just fine. Mine has got his Dad's old briefcase and at least one or two of his lurking in his office closet, not to mention leather folders for various trips to and from the bank.  Don't ask me....   Pope Francis is here next week; should be quite exciting. 

    Hot, hot and more hot again today with muggy hot forecast for the coming week.  Oh to be in Scotland, England, Iceland, Canada......

    Off to Costco and Farmer's Market as soon as they open, then to a gentle stretch class at the gym at noon.  Brit friend is stopping by for quick visit this p.m. (she lives locally). I told her not to bother wiping her feet when she walks in the front door as nobody else has for the last two weeks.  Gosh, what a mess, and do you know, I'm not really bothered right now...  :-)

  • ANNETTE- far more to worry about than a bit of dirt and dust. When I was a young and anxious wife, there was a home that I loved visiting. The lady of the house said to me that she thought being too house proud was to be small minded. I always recall that, when I get a bit obsessed about things :-)

  • Hello all and at least we are getting a reasonable end to the summer before autumn officially begins on the 23rd. Thanks Diane for starting us off..

    Annette - do hope you get some cooling off as those temps. out there have been really high. Enjoy your shopping, visiting dau. and yoga class.

    Brend - sounds like your son and his wife are having a good time even if Hamilton didn't finish the race.

    HeatherB - nice to hear you are having reasonable weather up there after all the rain and wind.

    Weather for the following week seems mixed again but we will have to wait and see what transpires.

    Hope to get back into routine of going to gym a couple of times a week as the cricket has now finished for the season.  Must get some exercise!!!

    Had our Harvest supper last night - arranged by one of the members who organised some entertainment in the form of two older persons, one playing the harmonica for the first half whilst eating. The second half was led by a guitar playing person who played a lot of the oldies and some country and western music - all very pleasant. Services were today where gifts of food were asked which could be sent to our local Food Bank.

    Really cheerful picture Diane - sets us up for the week.

  • Evening all:

    Heather: One morning I'll wake up full of energy and decide to tackle the house. I think. In the meantime, I'll remember that lady's words about clean houses.

    Lynette: Sounds like a nice evening at the Harvest supper.

    OG: Hope events and other happenings are falling into some kind of order at your house.

    Have a good Monday everyone, with special hugs to Margo and best thoughts for George.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A quiet day for us. Need to food shop before the rain arrives. It was the last match for the outdoor bowls season yesterday. We will play our fun night this Friday. No lighting except for candlelight to show the edges of the different greens. All followed by a fish and chip supper.

    Heather, I do like your old friend. I am trying to build up some enthusiasm to start my HW this morning. I think only the essentials, will be done though. :-))

    Lynette, I hope you get to the gym this week and back to your routine. 

    Thinking of George today.

  • I declare Autumn really and truly started - rain overnight has just stopped, but still thin high cloud obscuring the sun an the garden just looks like autumn now.  I found myself looking forward to winter this morning - ready to batten down the hatches and be very selective about going anywhere!

    Having a catching up day indoors - cleaning things like bathroom extractor fan and the oven - and tackling the ironing yet again.  Hoping to get call from niece today so we can work around a funeral date if possible.

    Special thoughts and prayers for GEORGE today.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!